

Performance Measurement and Application of Multiple Molecular Drag Pump

【作者】 王雅婷

【导师】 龚建华; 储继国;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 流体机械及工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 多重牵引分子泵(简称牵引泵)是由我国首创、最近刚实现产业化的一种新颖分子泵,它具有结构简单,抽速高,能耗低,工作压强和排气流量大,能获得清洁真空等一系列优点,具有广阔的应用前景。 本文在深入分析牵引泵工作原理的基础上,对该泵的主要技术指标进行了测试,并对该泵在各种真空领域中的应用前景进行了分析。其中,着重分析了牵引泵在稀土永磁材料真空熔炼炉中的应用,并成功进行了工业试验,取得了抽气时间缩短50%,能耗降低97%,熔炼合金质量显著提高等优异成绩。 本课题的研究表明牵引泵不仅具有优良的高真空性能,而且,还具有十分诱人的中真空性能:最高入口压强达300Pa,20Pa时抽速已与罗茨泵相当,低于1Pa时,抽速比罗茨泵高出5倍以上,能耗仅为罗茨泵的5%。此外,牵引泵还能获得清洁的真空,在100Pa—0.1Pa返油最大的压强范围,能将前级泵与真空室完全隔开,从而,为获得清洁真空开创了一条新路。因此,牵引泵的问世为当代真空技术提供了一种崭新的中、高真空获得设备,有望为真空获得技术带来一场新的变革。

【Abstract】 A new kind of multiple molecular drag pump (MMDP), which has excellent performances in either high-vacuum, or mid-vacuum areas is invented recently. MMDP has a series of advantages: simple structure, large pumping speed, high working pressure and throughput, low power consumption and no hydrocarbon contamination, so it will has wide application in the future.In the paper, the principle and the structures of MMDP are discussed. The performances are tested, and its application in various fields, especially, in vacuum furnace is analyzed. One of MMDP has been used to replace an oil jet pump in a vacuum melting furnace. The experimental results are: Pumping time is reduced 50%. Energy consumption is only 3% of that of jet pump. Quality of melting alloys is improved notably.The research of this topic shows that not only MMDP has excellent performances in high-vacuum area, but also it has very attractive performances in mid-vacuum area: The maximum inlet pressure of MMDP is about 300 Pa. Pumping speed is nearly equal to that of root’ pump at 20 Pa, and is more than 5 times of that at pressure below 1 Pa. Energy consumption is only 5% of that of root’ pump. Furthermore, MMDP can separate vacuum chamber completely from fore-vacuum pumps at pressure region of 0.1-1 OOPa, which is the most serious region of hydrocarbon contamination, and create a new way to obtain clean vacuum. Hence, MMDP will bring to a revolution in the future vacuum technology.

  • 【分类号】TB752
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