

Research on Technology Transformation of Sewage Works of Amber Village in Hefei

【作者】 许震

【导师】 王国明;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 市政工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 合肥市琥珀山庄污水处理厂是琥珀山庄住宅小区的配套工程,主要处理小区的生活污水,日处理能力4000t,采用活性污泥法(单沟氧化沟工艺)。该污水处理厂自94年正式投产运行以来,随着山庄入住人口的不断增加和餐饮业的迅速发展,污水中有机物和油脂浓度明显高于原设计值。冬季,因油脂降解不彻底,产生多糖类物质聚集在氧化沟内,所以易发生污泥膨胀现象,导致处理出水不能稳定达标;夏季,因洗涤剂大量使用,氧化沟表面时有大量泡沫产生,给生产操作带来困难,并且影响转刷的曝气充氧能力,氧化沟出水水质明显下降。 鉴于以上问题,经过分析研究,提出在氧化沟前增加涡凹气浮反应池或者水解酸化反应池,对原有氧化沟工艺进行改造。通过对两套方案的可行性分析和技术经济分析,选择其中一个处理效果可靠、基建费用低而且运行费用又较省的处理方法,作为最终的选择方案。

【Abstract】 Sewage Works of Amber Village in Hefei, which is applied to treating municipal sewage, is an auxiliary project of Amber Village. The treatment technology of Sewage Works whose treating capacity is 4000 tons per day is activated sludge process. Sewage Works of Amber Village was put into production in 1994. With the population increasing continuously and the catering trade developing swiftly, the concentration of the organic matter and the oil and fat is evidently higher than the design value. In the winter the polysaccharide substance that results from the effect that the oil and fat is degraded completely is assembled together in the oxidation ditch, so the phenomenon of sludge expansion takes place often, which brings about that the water quality cannot reach the standard constantly. In the summer the foams on the surface of the oxidation ditch, which are caused by the use of the detergent, not only leads to the difficulty of the production and operation but also influence the aerating capacity of the revolving scrubs. Consequently the quality of effluent from the sewage works declines obviously.According to the problems above, two schemes are proposed in the paper, that is a cavitation-pocket flotation tank or a hydrolysis(acidification) tank is constructed before the oxidation ditch, in order to improve the treatment effect. On the basis of analyses on the feasibility and technical economy, a scheme, which has the virtues that its treatment effect is in condition and its investment and operating cost is less, will be adopted.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【下载频次】183