

Research of the Security Strategy and Application Technology of Securities Trading in the Condition of E-Commerce

【作者】 李文献

【导师】 杨善林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的迅猛发展,电子商务也日新月异,其在各领域的应用也得以拓展和延伸,而电子商务与证券业的有机结合,便产生了网上证券交易。电子商务环境下的证券交易以一种崭新的模式呈现在人们面前,使得人们进行证券交易的时空缩短、国界消失。网上证券交易独有的诸多优势,使得其必将逐步取代传统的证券交易,成为全球金融证券业未来发展的必然趋势。 然而,任何事情都有两面性,网上证券交易在给股民和券商带来高效、便捷的同时,也存在着自身作为网络经济的一些弱点——安全问题,安全问题成为阻碍网上证券交易发展的一大瓶颈。当然,这并不意味着网上证券交易的发展就会停滞不前,或者被取消,而是需要研究并为之提供一套行之有效的安全措施来保障网上证券交易更加快速、更加健康的发展。这就需要从技术、管理和法律制度等方面下功夫。 本文首先讨论了网上证券交易的概念、现状及各种风险,然后主要从网上证券交易的运行系统安全,系统数据传输安全和交易运作安全等方面出发,分别提出了相应的安全保障策略,并在系统数据安全部分重点研究了基于数字签名的网上证券交易安全解决方案。但再好的技术都不是万能的,只有与先进的管理和规范的制度相结合,才能充分发挥它自身的作用。因此作者在着重研究技术保障措施的同时,还从管理上和制度上提出了一些见解,以最大限度地消除人为因素造成的安全隐患,保证电子商务环境下证券交易的健康发展。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Internet, electronic commerce changes quickly, its application in each field is also extended. And organic combination of Electronic commerce and securities trade brings into online securitiew trading. Securities trading in the condition of electronic commerce presents itself as a fire-new mode of securities trading, which makes time and space shorten,national boundaries disappear. Lots of particular advantage of online securities trading will make it be sure to take the place of traditional securities trading and become the necessary trend of the development of global finance and securities trade in the future.However, everything has two faces. Though online securities trading brings efficiency and convenience, at the same time, it causes some safety problem which is produced in the network economy. And such safety problem become a choke point of the development of online securities trading. Certainly, such situation does not mean the development of online securities trading will be suspended, or cancelled, but request a set of effective security solution to be provided to ensure online securities trading will be developed more rapidly and more healthily. And thus it is necessary for us to study at the technology, management and law system, etc.Firstly, this thesis discusses the concept, actuality and all kinds of risk of the online securities trading, and then bring forward corresponding security plan applying to run system security, data transmission security and operation security respectively. And in the research of data transmission security, author puts emphasis on designing a security plan: security solution of online securities trading based on digital signature. But despite the technology is advanced, it is not omnipotent, technology can exert its action sufficiently only if it combines with advanced management and normative system. So at the time of studying technology security solution with emphasis, author puts forward some views about management and law system to eliminate furthest the hidden trouble of security result from the employee of the stock corporation, and ensure the securities trading in the condition of electronic commerce developed healthily.

  • 【分类号】F830.91
  • 【下载频次】228