

Research of Digital Modulation Technologies in HFC Broadband Access Network

【作者】 吴玺

【导师】 丁筱春;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 电路与系统, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 光纤/同轴电缆混合(HFC)网具有高入户率、高带宽、建网成本低并且可以综合传输视频、话音和数据双向业务等诸多优势,是国内外宽带接入网研究和应用的热点。 本文对HFC网的系统结构、网络拓扑、频谱分配方案和业务信号的调制方式等进行了详细的阐述和分析,并且全面地比较了HFC和ADSL的优缺点,总结出HFC具有较高的性价比,是我国宽带接入网的优选方案。 本文深入研究了HFC系统中采用的高性能、高速多进制的数字调制解调技术——MPSK和MQAM的实现原理,并探讨了它们的功率利用率和频带利用率两个重要指标。 本文重点研究了MPSK和MQAM的BER性能。尝试采用基于信号空间的分析方法,给出了AWGN信道中MPSK和MQAM的BER的计算方法以及由这种方法得到的BER性能曲线,然后将信号空间分析法得到的结果与通信系统仿真的结果进行比较,证明其与仿真结果较好地吻合。最后在分析MPSK和MQAM的BER性能后,总结出不同调制方式的优缺点,这对我国有线电视网络的研究以及HFC网络中数字调制方案的确立和参数选择具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 HFC (Hybrid of Fiber and Coax) network is a competitive means to support wide varieties of video, voice and data services.The thesis describes and analyzes the system framework, frequency assignment and signal modulation schemes of HFC. Recently HFC and ADSL are aggressive among broadband access technologies. After comparing their own feature, this paper points out a good future of HFC.HFC network uses high performance, high rate and multi-level digital modulation schemes. The emphasis of the thesis lies in the research of the advanced digital modulation-MPSK and MQAM.In the thesis, an approach that is based on signal-space concepts is used to efficiently evaluate the BER performance of MPSK and MQAM over an additive white Gaussian noise channel. In particular, accurate BER approximations are obtained and shown to be in good agreement with system simulation results. It may be useful to research and development of digital modulation technologies in HFC of our country.

  • 【分类号】TN915.62
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】133