

The Study on New Medicine Fenthion Spot-on Killing Bovine Hypodermosis Larvae

【作者】 郭志林

【导师】 吴树清; 呼和巴特尔; 田瑞华;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 为根除我国牛皮蝇蛆病,试验了一种经皮肤给药透皮吸收的新药剂—点涂剂。本实验选择倍硫磷作为杀虫药物,应用了丙二醇、氮酮、乙酸乙酯和乙酰乙酸乙酯等几种高效安全的透皮促进剂与其合理配比,将5种配方在牛体上进行了透皮吸收实验。对10头牛在背部皮肤涂药后,通过4、8、12、16、24小时采血,用气相色谱仪测定血中药物浓度。依据药物的血药浓度的峰值及维持时间的长短,确立了10%倍硫磷点涂剂为较优配方。用2头牛对该配方进行了药物代谢情况研究,表明该组药物血药浓度在16小时达到峰值,约为10.813ng/ml,血药浓度维持在5ng/ml以上的时间超过24小时。用10%倍硫磷点涂剂对30头牛进行临床防治试验,表明该浓度的倍硫磷点涂剂对牛皮蝇第一、二期幼虫杀灭率为100%,可使牛皮蝇蛆的感染率由30%降至0,防治中无1例牛发生中毒。以3倍剂量对3头牛作毒性试验,未见中毒反应。在牛皮蝇防治中,该药剂与倍硫磷注射剂相比,杀虫率提高10%,使用中具有操作简便、安全范围大的优点,与倍硫磷浇泼剂相比,降低了成本、使用更简便。

【Abstract】 To eradicate bovine hypodermosis disease Fenthion spot-on as a new medicine absorbed percutaneously was tested and exploited. Fenthion as primary medicine and high efficient cutaneous penetration enhancers which include 1,2-propylene glycol, Azone, Ethyl acetate and Ethyl acetoacetate C.P. were rationally compounded to get 5 Fenthion spot-on. After Fenthion spot-on was daubed on the back of 10 cattle, blood samples were collected and handled on different time. Fenthion density of the blood samples were measured with Gas chromatograph and compared each other. The medicine density and continuous time of 10% Fenthion spot-on in the blood samples were higher other groups, so it was selected as the best medicine group. By the research of medicine metabolism to 10% Fenthion spot-on with 2 cattle it was indicated that the highest medicine density in the blood is 10.813ng/ml on 16 hour and continuous time in which its density in the blood exceed 5ng/ml is more than 24 hours. The clinical test achieved 100% efficacy to kill bovine hypodermosis larvae with 10%.fenthion spot-on. The infection ratio of bovine hypodermosis declined from 30% to 0. Moreover, there was no one poisoned cattle. There was no one poisoned cattle when 10% Fenthion spot-on was tested with 3 times dosage. The efficacy of 10% Fenthion spot-on exceed 10% than the of Fenthion injection. Compared with Fenthion pour-on 10% Fenthion spot-on have advantages of lower cost and more convenient use.

  • 【分类号】S859.79
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