

Induction of Virus-Free Seedlings and Their Photosynthetic Charcteristics in Sugarcane

【作者】 黄诚梅

【导师】 李杨瑞; 叶燕萍;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以果蔗主栽品种Badila、糖蔗主栽品种桂糖11号、新台糖16号、新台糖22号、新台糖25号为材料,分别以这五个甘蔗品种的茎尖组织和幼嫩心叶作为外植体,通过直接诱导丛生芽和诱导愈伤组织分化绿苗等两种培养方法。其中果蔗Badila与桂糖11号分别感染花叶病毒与宿根矮化病,其外植体材料分别经过热处理和化学处理。试验分别从诱导、分化、增殖、生根、移栽等方面,探讨了甘蔗组织培养过程中的适宜培养基与激素配比、酚污染等问题。同时还分析了甘蔗脱毒组培苗叶片叶绿素含量、光合作用参数(Pn、Gs、Tr)及叶绿素荧光参数(Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、Yield)的变化,比较以上几种脱毒方法的效果,旨在为甘蔗品种改良提供一些理论依据。主要试验结果如下: (1)在茎尖培养中,糖蔗品种的诱导率比果蔗Badila的低,其酚污染程度比果蔗Badila严重,成活率以果蔗Badila稍高。茎尖培养基以BA2.0+NAA0.1组合的MS培养基酚污染最轻,丛芽诱导数最高。另外在夏天取材接种的茎尖培养效果最好。 (2)在茎尖诱导培养中,将甘蔗茎尖组织预先在无菌水中浸泡30min,在培养基中直接加入活性炭及抗氧化剂如聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP),以及根据外植体材料的褐变情况及时转移到新鲜的培养基中等方法,能够减轻甘蔗茎尖组织酚害,提高诱导率。 (3)在心叶愈伤组织诱导培养中,诱导率以新台糖16号最高;以果蔗Badila愈伤组织质量最佳,而新台糖16号最差。在愈伤组织分化成苗培养中,分化率与成苗率以新台糖16号最差;另外糖蔗品种比果蔗容易分化出白化苗,变异苗也容易发生。 广西大学硕士学位论文N)在增殖培养中,茎尖丛芽苗以果蔗 Bad增殖倍数最高。另外在改 良MS培养基中加入适当浓度的多效哩可以提高丛芽苗素质。而愈组 苗在增殖培养基中培养可以达到壮苗的目的。门)在生根培养中,以 1乃 改良 MS作为基本培养基,激素配比以 NA^1.0-5.omg/L+旧AO.5~2.omg/L,力入 0.05%活性炭,有利于甘蔗 茎尖苗和愈组苗的生根。旧)在假植及移栽中,各个甘蔗品种的茎尖苗和愈组苗都容易成活,成活 率都很高,其中果蔗 Bad、桂糖 11号、新台糖 22号的茎尖苗成活 率达到 100为 果蔗 Bad if a、桂糖 11号的愈组苗成活率也达到 100儿(7)经过脱毒后的果蔗 Bad if a在g十绿素含量、Pn、Gs、Tr。Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo 及Yied$参数值均高于未脱毒的。各处理的脱毒苗以愈组苗的gX 素含量比茎尖苗的高,而热处理与化学处理的差异不大;Pn、Gs、Tr 值以热处理的愈组苗最高:FV八V、FV八八 Y i e d值也以热处理的愈 组苗最高。(8)经过脱毒后的桂糖 11号茎尖苗叶绿素含量比愈组苗的高;而各处理 的Pn、Gs、Tr值均有一定的差异,Pn值以化学处理高于热处理,Gs 与卜 值以热处理高于化学处理;各处理的 Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、Y i eld值 以茎尖苗高于愈组苗。

【Abstract】 With Sugarcane varieties Badila, GT11, T16, T22 and T25 as the plant materials, two methods of tissue culture i.e apical culture and callus culture were studied in this experiment. The variety Badila was infected by sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), and GT11 was infected by sugarcane ratoon stunting disease (RSD). The explants were separately treated with heat and chemical. The culture process including induction, differentiation, propagation, developing roots and planting were investigated. The available media, phytohormone and phenol pollution were studied. The chlorophyll content, photosynthetic parameters (Pn, Gs, Tr) and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo, Yield) of virus-free seedlings, which were obtained through tissue culture, were observed. The effects of these methods on eliminating disease were compared. The main results were as follows:(1) In the apical meristem culture, the induction rate of milling cane varieties were lower than chewing cane variety (Badila); and the phenol pollution was more serious in the milling varieties. The growth rate of the chewing cane plants was higher than milling cane varieties. In all of experimental media, the phenol pollution was the lowest in the MS medium with BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L, and the induction rate was the highest. The best result was obtained when the apical meristem in summer was used.(2) In the apical meristem culture, the explants were pretreated with sterile water for 30 min, and active carbon (AC) and PVP were directly added into the media, and the explants were transferred onto fresh media. This could minimize the phenol pollution and increased the induction rate.(3) In the callus culture, the induction rate of T16 was the highest of all; the quality ofchewing cane (Badila) callus tissue was the best, and that of T16 was the worst of all in callus differentiation culture and the milling cane varieties differentiated more seedlings with chlorosis and variant seedlings than chewing cane (Badila).(4) In the propagation culture, the seedlings of chewing cane (Badila) propagated most rapidly in the apical meristem culture. The quality of sugarcane plantlets was improved when PP333 was added into the medium.(5) The 1/2 improved MS medium with NAA1.0-5.0mg/L+IBA0.5-2.0mg/L and 0.05% AC was of benefit to developing roots.(6) After planting, all sugarcane seedlings from tissue culture survived easily. The survival rates of the seedlings from apical meristem culture reached 100% for Badila, GT11 and T22. The survival rates of the seedlings from callus culture also reached 100% for Badila and GT11.(7) Chlorophyll content and some parameters of Pn, Gs, Tr, Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo and Yield of virus-free seedlings of chewing cane (Badila) were higher than those of infected ones. The chlorophyll content of the seedlings from callus culture was higher than those of the seedlings from apical culture, while there was no difference between heat treatment and chemical treatment. The Pn, Gs, Tr, Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo and Yield of the seedlings from heat treatment and callus culture were the highest of all.(8) The Chlorophyll content of virus-free seedlings of GT11 from apical meristem culture was higher than that of the seedlings from callus culture. There were differences in Pn, Gs, Tr for all treatments. Pn of the seedlings with chemical treatment was higher than heat treatment, while Gs and Tr in the seedlings with heat treatment were higher than those with chemical treatment. Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo and Yield in the seedlings from apical meristem culture were higher than those of the seedlings from callus culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】S566.1
  • 【下载频次】252