

A Phonetic Study on the North Part of the Eastern Min Dialects

【作者】 钟逢帮

【导师】 唐韧;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 闽东方言是汉语的一支重要方言,分为北片和南片。研究其北片的音韵演变在中国音韵学史上具有重要的理论价值。闽东方言北片包括蕉城、福安、福鼎、霞浦、寿宁、柘荣以及周宁七个县(市)。本文试图通过对闽东方言北片7点的音韵进行历时和共时研究,揭示其一般的演变规律以及特殊的变异情况,剥离叠置于同一层面的各个历史层次,进而确定该小片在汉语音韵研究中重要的历史地位。全文论述闽东方言北片声韵调在该区的演变情况:声纽主要讨论中古全浊声母清化,逢塞音塞擦音是否送气与今声母的发音部位和发音方法有关,展现古无轻唇音、古无舌上音、娘日归泥、喻三归匣、喻四归定等上古音韵存遗,揭示端知组读[k]、心以母读[x]、禅母读[s]、匣母读[p~h]以及语流音变影响单字音等特殊音变现象;韵母方面论及通过与毗邻方言的比较来离析果、梗摄叠置层次的问题,反映侯尤韵混同、支脂之三韵可辨、咸山梗摄三四等有别、支微入鱼等情况,提出塞音韵尾消失与声调有关的看法;声调着重说明部分上声字今读阴平、阳平或阴去的变异情形,谈及平仄、文白异读、词频、词义对声调分化的制约作用以及调类归并的主要原因是调值的接近等问题。全文凭借描写、对比、计量等手段说明闽东方言北片音韵的嬗变过程以及该区所具有的闽吴方言的过渡特色。

【Abstract】 The Eastern Min Dialects including the north part and the south part are one offset of the Chinese Dialects. It is of great importance to study its evaluation in the Chinese historical dialectology. The north part of the Eastern Min Dialects refers to Jiaocheng, Fu’an, Xiapu, Shouning, Zherong and Zhouning. By using the methods of the synchrony and disharmony, this thesis attempts to do shed light on how the dialects evaluated and to analysis various historical stratifications, which existed on the same level, furthermore to determine their historic significance in the field on the Chinese phonology. This article focuses on how the initials, the finals and the tones of the north part of the Eastern Min Dialects evaluated. Firstly, the initials are discussed: whether the voiced consonants devoiced are aspirated or not, is related to the place and the manner of the modern finals. There were no labial sounds and up-tongue sounds. Ri( 日),Niang(娘) groups incorporated into Ni(泥),Yu(喻) group incorporated into Xia(匣) group. Duan(端) group uttered[k],Xin(心) uttered [x],Chan(禅) uttered [s].Xia(匣) uttered [s].Phonological mutation had influence on the sound of the individual character. Secondly, the finals are discussed as followed: organizational overlapping of Guo(果) and Geng(梗) groups are analysis. Xou(喉) and You(尤) rhyme categories did not differentiate. Zhi(脂),Zhi(支) and zhi(之) rhyme categories could be distinguished. Zhi(支) and Wei(微) transformed into Yu(鱼) group. That terminal sounds of the plosives disappeared is related to the tones. Lastly, as for the tones, some part of risings are uttered level and falling tones. Written and vernacular pronunciation, the sense and the frequency of the word had influence on the tones. Category of tone lumps together mainly because the tone pitch starts to be close. Depended on description, comparison and computation, this article tries to explain the evaluation and transition characteristics that the Min Dialects and the Wu Dialects coexisted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】H177
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】420