

Study on Legislative Problems of One-Person Company

【作者】 林丽

【导师】 韦志中;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 一人公司由于股东的唯一性与传统公司法理论相冲突,长期被排除在公司法调整范围之外,但是它因满足了投资者追求利益独享与风险分担的愿望而倍受青睐。随着经济的发展和立法技术的完善,承认一人公司已逐渐成为世界公司法发展的趋势。我国立法上只承认了国有独资公司及外商独资公司,使规范一人公司的制度不能相应地系统规定,有关一人公司的立法和实践存在诸多缺陷,本文认为我国应该全面建立一人公司制度,正是围绕这一论点,本文对一人公司展开了研究。 本文分为三部分,第一部分是一人公司理论与立法概要,主要介绍一人公司的概念、特征、类别及各国的立法例;第二部分全面论述我国应建立一人公司制度,首先论述全面建立一人公司的实践依据,接着论述全面建立一人公司的理论依据,提出了团体性不是法人的本质特征,社团法人是以人为基础的法人,有限责任的基础不是所有权与经营权的分离,允许一人投资者享有有限责任并非对公司债权人极为不利的观点。最后进一步分析我国应全面建立一人公司制度的必要性;第三部分是完善一人公司制度的立法构想。

【Abstract】 One-person company has been excluded from corporate law for a long time since single shareholder conflicts with traditional corporate theory. But it satisfies investors’desire to enjoy profits alone and share risks so most investors are in favor of it. With economic development and perfection of legislative technique, one-person company has gradually become a trend of corporate legislation. In China, only solely state-owned company and foreign one-person company are authorized, which results in no systematic provisions for one-person company and many defects in Chinese legislation and practice about one-person company. My paper favors China should admit one-person company completely and based on this idea my paper studies one-person company.My paper is divided into three parts, firstly, introduces one-person company in general, including its conception, characteristics, dividends and relevant terms in other countries; Secondly, illustrates China should establish one-person company system, discusses rationality to admit one-person company from practical and theoretical sides, points out group is not the essence of legal person, mass organization as legal person is a legal person based on person, limited liability of shareholders does not depend on detachedness of ownership and management, admitting one investor to enjoy limited liability will not damage creditors’profits that much, at last, analyzes why our country should admit one-person company completely; points out some ideas on how to improve legislation on one-person company in the third part.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】176