

Law Supervision on Insurance Investment

【作者】 伍帼瑾

【导师】 田晓云; 张士元;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 经济法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国已成为WTO成员国,保险市场竞争加剧。保险公司的直接承保利润将逐步下降,新的利润来源主要是保险资金的投资回报。保险公司必须也只能通过扩大保险投资渠道,灵活规避保险投资风险并获取较高的投资收益来弥补承保亏损。因此,从法学角度研究保险投资制度的完善,即法律应当如何为保险投资监管提供制度上的保障,是十分有意义的。 本文首先简单介绍了保险投资的资金组成及特点、基本原则。从保险投资监管的理论基础出发,从市场与政府角度对保险投资监管作了概述。接着阐述了保险投资监管法律制度的性质、价值、目标和原则等一般理论;分析了保险发达国家和地区的保险投资监管法律制度,在此基础上剖析了我国保险投资法律监管现状和存在的问题。最后提出了完善我国保险投资法律监管的构想,详细论述了保险投资证券化的必要性、基本思路、方式、工具选择及内部控制和外部监管,同时结合《保险法》的有关修改提出了自己的看法。

【Abstract】 As a member of the World Trade Organization, Chinese insurance market faces a new challenge. Due to the stepping down of the direct profits in accept insurance, the insurance company has to gain more returns from the insurance investment. Loss of the insurance only can be compensated by enlarging investment channels and gaining higher margin and less risk. So it is significant to research on the improvement of insurance investment system.This thesis firstly introduces the composing, character and basic principle of insurance investment and summarizes the insurance investment supervision in both market and government ways. Secondly . it also introduces the character, value, object and principle of the law system of insurance investment supervision, analyzes that of the insurance developed countries and regions. Based on the above mentioned study, the thesis indicates the problem which exists in our insurance investment laws and gives some advices to develop our laws.

  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】198