

【作者】 王贵明

【导师】 马润津; 胡玉祥;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 动力蓄电池是电动车的薄弱环节,也是目前电动车产业化的主要障碍。蓄电池管理系统(BMS)技术电动车的关键技术之一。由于不同种类的蓄电池的性能存在很大差异,而同一类型的蓄电池的不同个体也存在相当大的个体差异,这些差异对蓄电池组的性能和电动车的整体性能都有重大影响。 本论文介绍用实验建模方法研究电动车动力蓄电池的放电性能,它是北京市科委下达的科技项目“基于现场总线的实用型电动车能量管理系统”(合同编号:9550421000)的基础研究部分。论文首先论述了试验信号的采集和处理,介绍了静态和动态实验数据采集系统构成。由于使用了国外新近推出的基于现场总线技术的蓄电池智能化专用芯片,使得蓄电池的在线检测系统的结构简单,而性价比高。 论文的重点在动力蓄电池放电性能的实验建模研究,它分为静态模型和动态模型两部分。前者包含电压—安时模型和充放电电量平衡模型的研究;后者是基于系统辨识的实验建模方法,研究动力蓄电池模型和放电条件(放电强度、间歇程度和环境温度)对数学模型诸参数的影响。本论文通过上百次的放电试验测试,通过实验建模方法对比研究了四种电动车动力蓄电池(铅酸蓄电池、胶体铅酸蓄电池、镍氢蓄电池和锂离子蓄电池)的性能,并得出了一些有意义的结果。 论文最后扼要介绍了蓄电池实验建模研究在BMS设计和剩余电量估计SOC(State Of Charge)等方面的应用。

【Abstract】 As the feeble section of electric vehicle, power battery was the main obstacle of the industrialization of electric vehicle. Designing a sound battery management system was one of the key technologies of electric vehicles. It was known that the performance difference among different kinds of batteries and considerable individual difference among the same kind of battery had great influence on the performance of battery team and the whole capability of electric vehicle.Firstly, how to study the performance of battery discharging by experiment modeling was introduced. Experiment modeling was the fundamental research of the project appointed by Beijing science and technology committee (the project name is practical energy management system based on field bus for electric vehicles, contract No. 9550421000). Secondly, how to collect and deal with experiment signal was discussed. The configurations of system including static data collecting system and dynamic data collecting system were discussed next. By using the newly issued chip abroad applied in monitoring battery, the system had a simple configuration and sound ratio between performance and price.The study of experiment modeling about the discharging performance of power battery was emphasized. Experiment modeling was divided into static experiment modeling and dynamic experiment modeling. The static experiment model including voltage & ampere-time model and the model of the equilibrium of battery capacity when the battery was charged and discharged was discussed in detail. The latter was focused on how the discharging conditions including discharging intensity, intermission time and environmental temperature influenced the parameters of themath model. Through the method of experiment modeling, the performances of the four kinds of power batteries (Valve regulated lead-acid battery, Colloid Lead-Acid battery, MH-Ni battery and Lithium-ion battery) were compared. With hundreds of discharging tests, some significant results were gained.In addition, the application of experimental modeling of battery in designing BMS and estimating SOC was demonstrated briefly.

  • 【分类号】U266.2
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1309