

【作者】 袁山龙

【导师】 吴洁明;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是结合新一代证券网上集中交易系统这个项目完成的,目前国内各大券商都在瞄准网上集中交易这一迅速发展的业务领域,其业务系统正在开始从现有的以营业部为中心的分散系统向以总部为中心的集中系统过渡。 传统的营业部级分散系统存在着许多问题,比如移植性差,维护困难;不易扩充,升级成本高;处理能力弱,无法满足大量用户同时访问;安全性较差等等。集中之后的系统将极大地改进原有系统的不足,从而为用户提供更好的服务;但同时我们也将面临着集中化带来的很多棘手的问题,其中系统的性能将是我们面临的最大挑战。本文针对这一核心问题作了从理论到实践的大量研究和开发工作,并提出了一套全新的解决方案。 首先,本文深入研究了分布式多层应用体系架构,从C/S结构到B/S结构,从两层结构到三层或多层结构,并分别阐述了它们各自的优缺点。作为研究基础,它有效地指导了证券网上集中交易系统的设计和开发;接着,本文介绍了J2EE这一全新的体系架构、它所涉及到的关键技术以及中间件技术,并详细阐述了如何将它们应用到系统的设计和实现中,以获得较好的系统性能。一方面,从运行性能来说,即系统支持大并发量的用户访问,具有较快的响应速度,且系统具有良好的可伸缩性、可靠性和易用性;另一方面,从非运行性能来说,系统具有良好的可变更性、可移植性和可重用性,从而满足广大券商对网上集中交易系统性能的要求。 在本文的最后,是本文的总结和展望。

【Abstract】 This atricle is completed according to a project which is called the new generation securities on-line concentrated trade system.At present,all the securities corporations are focusing their mind on the on-line concentrated trade system .which is a burgeoning field,their business system are experiencing a transition from the current dispersive system which centers on the sales department to the system which centers on the headquarters.The traditional dispersive system which centers on the sales department has many problems,such as bad portability,difficult to maintenance;difficult to extend,high cost when updated;weak processing ability,unable to support the concurrent visit by many users;bad security and so on.The concentrated system will much improve on the shortcoming of the original system,provide better service for users;but at the same time we will face many sharp problems caused by the concentrating process,among these problems.the performance of the system will be the greatest challenge before us.This article completes a lot of research and develop work focusing on this core problem,puts forward a set of wholly new solution.Firstly.this article lucubrates the distributed multi-tier application architecture.from CIS architecture to B/S architecture.from two-tier architecture to three-tier or multi-tier architecture.describing their advantages and shortcomings respectively.As the research foundation.it effectively instructs the design and develop of the securites on-line concentrated trade system. In succession.this article discusses J2EE,which is a wholly new architecture, its related critical technique and the middleware technifque, at the same time it particularly discusses how to apply these techniques to the design and implementation of the system,aiming at making the system have a better performance.On one hand.for the run-time performance,it means the system supports a large quantity of concurrent visit by users.fast response speed, good scalability.good reliability and good usability.On the other hand.for the non run-timeperformance.the system has good modifiability.good portabilty and good usability.so as to meet with the demands of the on-line concentrated trade system performace put forward by securities corporations.At last,it is the conclusion and prospect.

【关键词】 软件体系架构J2EE中间件
【Key words】 Software architectureJ2EEMiddleware
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【下载频次】91