
基于WEB SERVICES的电子政务模型的研究与应用

Research and Application of E-Government Model Based on WEB SERVICES

【作者】 高明霞

【导师】 董英斌;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 电子政务系统把政府对公众的服务移植到了Internet上,将实现政府管理性职能向服务性职能的转变,是当前衡量一个国家信息化的最重要条件。尽管在各级部门的大力推广下,政府部门的信息化建设取得了很好的效果,然而整个电子政务的发展却存在一些急需解决的问题,如:没有统一规划,各个异构系统相对孤立,没有扩展性等等。另一方面分布式技术的发展产生了可以构建松散耦合分布式系统的Web Services技术,整个Web Services技术系列被称为是“Web Services stack",包括服务调用协议SOAP、服务描述协议WSDL和服务发现/集成协议UDDI等。Web Services技术使用基于XML的SOAP协议实现应用与服务之间的通信,用WSDL文件对服务进行标准的描述。结合上述两方面问题,本文利用分布式系统的新技术Web Services,提出了基于Web Services的电子政务模型(WS—EG)并给出两个具体实例,对其中涉及的技术问题如:政府UDDI(G-UDDI)模型,现有代码到Web Services过渡,基于Web Services的数据库访问等给出了详细的解决方法。最后本文对WS—EG模型的节点实例——公安消防部队管理信息系统的几个重要模块:信息录入,批量修改,人员调动,建制管理,数据同步等的设计和实现做了详细的阐述,并对其中涉及的Web Services群及其在整个WS—EG中的作用做了说明。

【Abstract】 E-Government system can transplant government service to the Internet, and change directorial function of government into service function .It is a very important criterion of evaluating a country’s standard of informatization. Although our governmental standard of informatization, popularized by lots of departments of government, has made quiet great progress, there are also many questions that need settling urgently, for example, information construction without whole programming, existent system with over many isolated subsystems, existent system without expansibility, etc. On the other hand, development of distributed technology creates Web Services technology that can be used to construct loosely coupled distributed system. A series interrelated Web Services technology can be named as "Web Services stack", including SOAP for transferring services, WSDL for services description and UDDI for services discovery integration and so on. Web Services implement communication between applications and services by XML-based SOAP, and descript services by XML-based WSDL files. After putting forward an E-Government model based on Web Services (WS-EG) and showing two examples based on the model, this paper deals with many technology questions such as framework of E-UDDI model, how to transfer existing codes into Web Services, Web Services-based database access and so on, and expatiates the design process of Fire Management Information System (FMIS), especially some important subsystems such as inputting information subsystem, batch amending subsystem, people translating subsystem, organizational system management subsystem, data synchronization subsystem etc. Lastly, the paper analyzes the action of Web Services Collections in FMIS and WS-EG..

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】1
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