

Study on the Principle and Application of Several Photonic Devices

【作者】 冯志芳

【导师】 江少林;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 凝聚态物理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 双通道之间能量的转移,对于波分复用器、集成光路等有着重要的意义,可以应用于光通信等领域。它要求某一频率的光通过某一耦合基元从一个通道耦合进入另一通道,而其他频率的光不受影响。本论文首次利用干涉相消的原理,设计了满足一定条件的复合型光子晶体能量转移模型和光子晶体光开关。我们首先对这两种结构进行了理论上的分析,找到了满足干涉相消的条件。按照这些条件,设计制作了相应的光子晶体模型,并用多重散射的方法对它们分别进行了模拟计算。理论计算的结果表明,只要满足这些条件就可以实现通道之间能量的转移或实现光的通断。我们用型号为HP8510C标量网络分析仪测得了各输出端的透过谱。测量结果与理论计算结果符合得很好。能量转移模型可以用于光通信的信息传输,用来制作滤波器、光开关等。这种结构的光开关时间响应极快,可以达到飞秒量级,可以用于要求时间响应极快的系统中。本论文还对光子晶体表面态进行了理论计算和实验验证,证明了表面态的存在。

【Abstract】 Energy transfer between continuous channels is very important to wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) and integral circuit. It can be used in some fields, such as optical communication. Channel dropping filters, which allow a signal from one channel to access another channel of WDM, and do not disturb signals in that channel, are useful elements for WDM. We design several combined photonic crystals models based on the destructive interference theory, which can transfer completely the energy of a signal from one channel to another, or can realize light switching. The multiply scattering method is used to simulate the propagation of waves in these structures. On the other hand, we also manufacture the samples and measure the transmittance of light with Hp8510C vector network analyzer. The result of experimental measurement is in good accordance with that of theoretical calculation. This indicates that both energy transfer and light switching could be realized. Our energy transfer model could be used to design photonic devices, such as channel dropping filters and light switches. The light switches have the characteristics of fast response and could be used in the system requiring fast response. Furthermore, we also demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that the surface state in photonic crystals exists indeed.

  • 【分类号】O439
  • 【下载频次】156