

【作者】 林晓云

【导师】 王绍平;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 纺织工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 羊毛纤维和山羊绒纤维传统的鉴别方法是光学纤维镜法和纤维镜投影仪法。近几年又出现了新型的检测方法:电子显微镜法。虽然电子显微镜法比光学纤维镜法前进了一大步,但是还没有达到人工智能的程度。它只能测得一些比较容易测的数据,如纤维直径、鳞片高度等,不能对图像进行处理,因此不能测得需对图像进行处理之后才能测得的指标,如面积和周长等;更不能实现对纤维自动识别,对于形态结构很接近的细羊毛和山羊绒的鉴别有时也无能为力。随着计算机在各种领域的深入应用,纤维识别必将借助计算机来完成。本课题就是借助计算机进行纤维识别的一次探索。目的是克服电子显微镜测试法的不足,首先对图像进行图像处理,再对数据进行统计处理,然后对羊毛和山羊绒纤维进行自动识别。 数字图像处理,即用计算机对图像进行处理。在自然的形态下,图像并不能直接由计算机分析,因为计算机只能处理数字,而不是图片,所以一幅图像在用计算机进行处理前必须先转化为数字形式。图像转化的过程称为数字化。被数字化的点称为像素。该像素有两个度量值,一是该点的坐标,一是该点灰度。使用VB编程工具很容易得到该点的坐标,利用两点间距离公式就可以计算羊毛和山羊绒纤维的直径,还可以计算它们的鳞片高度。 图像的颜色是由三种基本颜色,即红(R)、绿(G)、蓝(B)有机组合而成的,称为三基色。灰度图像也是彩色位图的一种,即红、绿、蓝的灰度值相等。纤维图像就是灰度图。要想得到鳞片的面积和周长,首先要对鳞片进行边缘检测。但是由于本课题的鳞片边缘灰度与背景相差不大,用传统的边缘检测方法检测不出来,所以使用Photoshop人为提取法,提取出边缘后内部填充黑色,使物体与背景有较强的对比作用,选取适当的阈值进行图像分割,使所有灰度值大于或等于某阈值的像素都被判属于物体。所有灰度值小于该阈值的像素被排除在物体之外。图像分割后的图像称为二值图像。所谓二值图像就是将原来的灰度图像转换成只有黑和白两种颜色的图像。由于鳞片形状是不规则的,面积的计算采用递归搜索法。实质是计算黑色像素的个数,换算成um~2。抽出图像区域边沿称为区域边界抽出,其实质是保证边沿的像素宽度为一个像素,计算黑色像素的个数,换算成um数,即为鳞片周长。 提取出的纤维的特征值需要存储,应建立两个数据库存放数据,并在需要时显示该数据库。 对两个数据库里的数据根据数理统计的知识分别进行统计计算,在95%的置信度下计算纤维直径、鳞片高度、鳞片面积和鳞片周长的置信区间,再根据未知纤维的这四个指标是否落入各自的置信区间内判别该纤维属于羊毛纤维还是山羊绒纤维。

【Abstract】 The traditional way of distinguishing wool and cashmere is using Light microscope . Using scanning electron Microscope is a new distinguishing way recently. Though Scanning electron Microscope advances than Light microscope, it doesn’t achieve fully automatic. It can’t process image, so it can’t get scale’s area and scale’s circumstances which are two important data. And it can’t distinguish automatically. This paper is to remedy the defect of the Scanning electron Microscope. The distinguishing of fiber will be finished by computer. At first it process image, then it process data, at last it will finish distinguish automatically.Digital image processing, i.e. image processing with computer, as a usual, the image can’t be analyzed by computer immediately because computer only can processes digital but not image. So an image must be converted digital before it be recognized. We can get the locations of two points with VB, and we can calculate the length between the two points. Now we can get the fiber’s diameter and the scale’s height.The color of image is composed by red green and blue. They are called three basic colors. When the scale of red green and blue is the same, it is called the grayscale image. If we want area and circumstance, at first we must test the edge of fiber scale. Now we have many way to get it, but the fiber scale in this paper is not enough obvious to distinguishit, we get the edge man made in Photoshop. Then we fill black in it so as to convert a image which only have two colors: black and white. The area can be calculated by counting dot of black. We can get edge when we only keep edge as black in the same way.We must save the data of fiber, so we establish two database. It must appear when need.Process the data, Analyze the unknown fiber with the fiber in the database, we can know it belong to.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】5
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