

An Analysis of Growing of National Tourism Enterprise Group Based on the Theory of Corporation’s Competence

【作者】 杨万福

【导师】 宋保平;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业的迅猛发展给我国的旅游企业带来了前所未有的机会,但是在加入WTO后的开放的市场经济条件下,这些“小、散、弱、差”的旅游企业很难与抢滩我国旅游市场的国际大企业竞争。因此,通过旅游企业集团化来实现旅游产业的战略性重组以增强旅游企业的国际竞争力非常重要。 本文从企业能力论的角度对我国旅游企业集团化的问题进行分析,企图回答我国旅游企业集团应如何构建和一些经营管理问题。 旅游企业集团化是通过某些方法和措施使我国“小、散、弱、差”的旅游企业成为具有较强竞争力的旅游企业集团。在企业能力论者看来,企业是资源和能力的集合体,因此,旅游企业集团化就是对若干个旅游企业的资源和能力进行有效的整合,以获得新的资源和能力,或者是原来的资源和能力得以增强。所以,在旅游企业集团化过程中进行有效的能力管理是必须的。 有效的能力管理主要包括以下三个方面:一是能力的保护。在识别出企业能力特别是核心能力的情况下,要通过加强宣传、交流来消除成员企业员工的心理压力和各种疑虑;要建立过渡结构来管理可能出现的管理冲突;要避免行政力量的干扰对企业能力的破坏。二是通过经营资产共享、职能技能的转移和一般管理能力的转移来促进优势能力的转移;在保护核心能力的同时要促进其在集团内部的扩散。三是要认真识别战略产业要素,加大对其的投资;并利用集团化的契机推动集团组织向学习型组织发展,实现集团内部的知识积累、共享和创新,促进集团核心能力的发展。 但是,我国目前旅游企业集团化的情况却是这样的:旅游企业多元化的国有投资主体使得旅游企业仍为各政府部门所属,企业不是真正的市场主体,不具有业务联合与集团化的强烈愿望;各部门之间利益的冲突给旅游企业集团的构建设置了许多障碍;政府通过行政力量强行组建的旅游集团往往具有强烈的地域封闭性,跨区域的集团难以形成;在政府仍然未脱离直接投资活动的情况下,企业没有完全的自主经营权,企业的官僚主义作风不能根除。所以,目前这种通过政府行政命令强行把政府各部门所属的旅游企业组合起来的方法是极不利于企业能力的保护、转移、扩散和发展的,无法使旅游集团获得持续的竞争优势,是不可取的。 笔者经过认真的分析认为:在通往旅游企业集团化的道路上,各级政府不应蓄目地通过汀政力量来组建各种形人的旅游集团。我们日汕的胃要任务足将旅游企业从政府各部门剥离出去,并进行股份制的改造,使旅游企业成为独立的法人实体和自主的市场竞争的主体,使他们能自主地通过市场机制来配置资源。同时,政府要不断亢善相关的政策法规,为旅游企业营造一个公平的市场环境。即蜇先实现旅游企业市场化,再通过市场的力量来实现旅游企业的集团化。 在本文的最后,笔者分折指出:我国的旅游集团目的应采用事业部的组织结构,选择专业化向相关多角化发展的战略路径,逐步实施跨区域的扩张,并全力建品牌、创名牌;同时,要奶1强集团内的知识管理,促进集团内部的知识的积累和创新,培育集团的物O能力。

【Abstract】 With the tourism industry’s fast developing, national tourism corporations face unprecedented opportunities. But their competitiveness is very weak. They can’t beat the large overseas tourism companies that are trying to get large share at Chinese tourism market after China’s entry into World Trade Organization (WTO). So, it is very important to reform national tourism industry strategically by structuring national tourism enterprise group.The article analyzes the question of national tourism group’s growing in view of the theory of corporation’s competence and hopes to answer the questions of how to construct national tourism group and how to run it.In this article, ’national tourism enterprise group growing’ means that we take some means and measures to change national tourism companies that are small, disperse, weak and bad into large tourism enterprise groups with strong competitiveness.In the view of the theory of corporation’s competence, corporation is an aggregation of resource and competence. Hence, in the process of national tourism enterprise group growing, resources and competences in different companies are integrated effectively. Like this, the group can obtain new resource or competence, or make their original resource and competence stronger. And then, the group has more competitive edge at market. So, valid competence management is necessary.The valid competence management primarily includes hereinafter three aspects: Firstly, we must protect the original corporation’s competence, after identifying out the corporation’s competence especially the core competence of corporation. Secondly, it is through sharing assets, transferring function technology and management competence that transferring of advantageous competence is promoted. Finally, we must identify strategic industry factors and invest in them. At the same time, the organization of the group should develop into a studying organization step by step that is helpful for developing the core competence of the group.But for the moment, the national tourism enterprise group’s growing situation is like this: The all kinds of government owned subjects of investment lead to tourism corporations still affiliated with government departments. Tourism corporations have no intense desire for business uniting for not real market corpus. The clash for benefit between different government departments places many obstacles in the process of the tourism enterprise group’s growing. The tourism group constructed by the government is often closed to other places. The bureaucratic way in tourism group is ineradicable because the government don’t disengage from direct investment and tourism corporations are not fully independent. So, the writer think, it isn’t feasible that the government unites the tourism corporations affiliated with its branch into tourism enterprise groups that wouldn’t obtain persistent competitive edge by administrative order. The way is very disadvantage in competence management.After analyzing in earnest, penman indicates that all levels of government shouldn’t construct multiform tourism enterprise group through the medium of administrationstrength blindly. On the road to tourism enterprise group, the first thing is separating tourism corporations from the government branches and reforming them into companies (limited company or stock company) that are independent corporative entity and can deploy resource allodium through the market. At the same time, the government need promulgate perfectly correlative policy code and construct one impartial market for tourism companies.In the last part of the article, the writer points out: National tourism enterprise groups should now adopt the department’s buildup construction, choice the stratagem path of from specialization to related diversification, gradually expand their business into different regions and with all strength create brands and make them famous. At the same time, they must strengthen interior knowledge management, and promote the knowledge’s backlog and

【关键词】 旅游企业集团企业能力
【Key words】 tourismenterprise groupcorporation’s competence
  • 【分类号】F592.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】737