

Study of the Development of Medium-sized and Small Enterprises in China

【作者】 刘淑华

【导师】 李子猷;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪70年代以来,中小企业对各国国民经济的发展做出了重要贡献,可以说,中小企业是市场繁荣的根基,一国经济兴盛的支柱。我国中小企业也在经济发展的各方面发挥了重要作用。然而由于种种原因,在面临国内及国际大企业的竞争时,我国中小企业往往处于劣势,甚至成为大企业之间竞争的牺牲品。进入新世纪以后,面对国外企业与产品的大量进入,我国中小企业仅靠政府的扶持,显然还不足以参与国际市场的竞争,必须从内外两个方面入手,才能真正使中小企业得到健康发展,在国民经济发展中发挥重要作用。 本文主要内容包括以下四个部分: 一、中小企业的界定及我国中小企业的现状。在中小企业的界定部分,主要评析了世界各国对中小企业的常用界定方法:定量分析和定性分析。指出我国中小企业现行界定方法的不足之处,并对我国中小企业界定方法提出了修正和补充意见。在我国中小企业现状分析中主要论及了两个问题:我国中小企业在经济发展中的重要作用及其特征。 二、中小企业长期存在和持续发展原因的理论研究。本文认为:交易费用学说从中间产品交易费用和劳动力交易费用的对比出发,说明了企业规模扩大或缩小的原因,但这仅仅是一种可能性的分析,并没有阐明当今中小企业迅速发展的具体原因。信息经济学从信息费用降低的角度进一步论证了中小企业在信息经济社会中占据重要地位的根本原因,更符合当今社会信息发达的现状。“生存技术”则在研究方法上提供了新的启示:如果某种规模的企业在市场竞争中生存下来,就意味着它是有效率的;如果某种规模的企业数目增长最快,也就说明这种规模是最佳规模;如果中小企业在某些行业中得到蓬勃发展,中小企业的规模在这些行业中即为最佳规模。 三、我国中小企业发展的外部环境问题及对策。本文认为,影响我国中小企业发展的外部环境问题主要包括三个方面:政府宏观管理问题、融资问题以及社会服务体系的不完善。解决这些问题的对策主要有:加强中小企业立法、建立全口径的中小企业管理机构、规范竞争秩序;鼓励银行开展透支或贷款承诺业务、为中小企业提供适当的资本性融资渠道、放松利率管制与提供信贷担保、整合和培育中小金融机构、建立非正规金融渠道;地方财政可以结合产业政策与当地发展状况,探索对中小企业在统一税收制度上实施减免政策及其他优惠政策,以促进当地中小企业的发展;提供创业支持;提供管理咨询与管理培训、技术咨询与技术培训、以及信息服务等。 四、我国中小企业发展的自身问题及对策。本文认为,影响我国中小企业发展的企业自身问题主要是:产权制度问题、企业经营发展战略问题、人力资源管理问题以及中小企业的组织形式问题。解抉这些问题的对策主要有:明晰中小企业终极所有权、明确界定企业无形资产、积极推进中小企业产权的多元化和开放化;构建共同愿景、重视对企业发展战略的研究与规划、建立科学规范的诀策体制与决策程序、努力创造专业化的经营特色、培养和发展企业的核心竟争能力,慎重地进行资本扩张;营造良好的工作氛围、确立从员工到管理者的平等地位、注重民主化诀策机制的构建:并提出流动性组织、战略联盟和虚拟企业等多种组织创新形式。 对于中小企业发展问题的研究,现有文献多侧重于其中某一两个方面,缺乏全面的分析。本文的主要特点和优点在于对问题研究的全面性和系统性。从中小企业的界定、中小企业存在和发展的经济学理论研究入手,重点研究我国中小企业发展过程中所遇到的外部环境问题和内部机制问题,并力图找到更为适用的解抉办法,最终为政府制定中小企业政策提供依据和建议。本文中,作者的独到见解主要在于:对我国中小企业界定方法提出了修正和补充意见:对中小企业的信贷担保方式提出了若干新建议。

【Abstract】 Since the 1970’s the medium-sized and small enterprises in each country have made great contributions to the development of the national economy. It can be said that these enterprises are the foundation of market prosperity and the backbone of economy flourishing in each country. So have ours. Up to the present, the medium-sized and small enterprises in China have been playing an important role in every aspect of our economic development. However, due to such or that kind of reason and confronted with the competition of big companies both at home and abroad, they are always thrown into inferiority or even become the sacrifice of those completions. What’s more, after the entry into the new century, foreign businesses and products have been flooding into Chinese market. It gets more and more obvious that the medium-sized and small enterprises in China are not able to match them in the international market in such kind of situation if they lay their hope on the help from the government alone. Only by reforming from both internal and external can we make the medium-sized and small enterprises develop healthily and play an important role in the development of our national economy.This paper mainly includes four parts:1. Identity and current situation of the medium-sized and small enterprises in China. As for the identity, the analysis is mainly put on the usual identity methods-quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis-of these enterprises in each country all over the world, pointing out the shortcomings of the current ones and providing the suggestions for modification. While the analysis of the current situation mainly involves two aspects, that’s the important role the medium-sized and small enterprises play in our economic development and its features.2. Theoretical research of reasons for the long-standing existence andsustained development of our medium-sized and small enterprises. By comparing the transaction cost of intermediate products with that of the labor force, transaction costs theory explains why the business scale enlarges and shrinks. But it only provides a possible analysis but not the specific causes of the rapid development of these enterprises. Judging from the decrease of the information cost, information economic, however, offers a further proof of the root causes why these medium-sized and small enterprises can earn a key place in our information economy society, which is considered to be more harmonious with the current situation of our advanced information technology in modern society. "Survival technology" then presents new inspiration of our research methods. The survival of a company of certain scale in the market competition means it is effective. Furthermore, the fastest increase of companies of certain scale proves it to be the best one. The vigorous development of the medium-sized and small enterprises in each walk all over the world, however, proves it to be the best scale.3. External environment problem and its countermeasures of the medium-sized and small enterprises in China. This paper views that three aspects should be taken into consideration while analyzing the external environment problems that influence the development of the medium-sized and small enterprises. That’s to say, macro-economic management, monetary policies, and imperfect social service system. The countermeasures include strengthening the legislation of these enterprises, establishing full-aperture management institution, normalizing competition order, encouraging overdraft and loan-promise business in banking, offering proper capital financial channel, loosening rate-control and providing credit guarantee, integrating and developing medium-sized and small banking institution, setting up irregular banking channels, supplying pioneering work support, providing management and technology consultation, management and technology training and information service. In addition, consulting the industrial policies and local development, the local finance may release t

  • 【分类号】F276.43
  • 【被引频次】3
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