

Challenges Will be Faced with and Strategies Should be Taken by Mathematics Teacher in Middle School

【作者】 安志强

【导师】 李三平;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国的课程改革已由实验阶段转向全面实施推广阶段。初中完全使用了新教材,高中的新教材已至高二。新的课程理念要求:数学教学要注重培养学生的数学能力;提高学生的数学素养;要重视知识的发生过程;增强学生的动手能力;进行研究性学习等。教学模式由传统的粉笔加黑板、课本加教案变为“教师——学生——电脑”的三元交流,教学过程变为“问题情境——数学探究——数学知识”的三步循环。这些新理念、新模式、新手段向数学教师提出了严峻的挑战。本文主要探讨中学数学教师面临的挑战及其应对策略。这项研究关系到数学课程改革的成败。因为教师是课程的实施者,如果教师不能采取正确的应对策略,微观上将影响教师的身心健康,宏观上将制约课程改革的顺利进行,法国新数运动正是因为教师没有做好准备才导致失败,前车之鉴不可忘记,这正是本文研究的目的。 本文分为七个部分。 第一部分是引言,提出了问题并介绍了研究现状:通过分析,我们发现对教师尤其中学数学教师研究的较少的结论。 第二部分阐述了研究方法,主要包括个案研究法、访谈法、问卷调查法、量化法等:(1)个案研究。对应对挑战获得成功者进行研究,同时也对相反的个案进行研究。(2)访谈法。对一般数学教师及其他教师进行访谈,总结他们的做法。(3)问卷调查法。首先学习教育科研方法和心理学中问卷调查方式,然后根据本文的课题编制调查问卷。(4)教育科研中的量化方法。对调查问卷反馈的结果进行量化分析,对结果的评价持谨慎态度,坚持做到客观,实事求是,并认真推敲和进行必要的讨论。 第三部分阐明了问卷的编制原则、过程和内容;包括十二条原则,十一方面的问题。 第四部分对问卷的结果进行了统计分析,制出统计表。 第五部分阐明了与该研究相关的心理学理论基础,并分析了当前中学数学教师所面临的挑战。 第六部分针对当前中学数学教师所面临的挑战提出了应对策略; 第七部分考察和列举了成功应对挑战的范例分析。 本文在问卷调查、访谈、和个案研究的基础上,对中学数学教师面临的挑战进行了分类。本文首先将挑战分为教学系统内的挑战和教学系统外的挑战两类,然后把挑战归结为心理学的应激,以应激理论为指导寻求应对策略。第三,根抛应激源的不同将应对策略进行了分类,并增加了一个维度,即个人的主观态度,从两个维度把应对策略分为四类:教学系统内的积极应对策略;教学系统内的消极应对策略;教学系统外的积极应对策略;教学系统外的消极应对策略。本义灭点探讨了教学系统内的积极应对策略。第四,把应对策略与心理防御机制和调节机制相联系,将应付理论、学习理论、教学理论进行了整合,提炼出各种应对策略。第五,对教育硕士的课例与一般教师的课例进行分析对比,从中寻找应对策略的实证依据。 通过研究,本文提出了如下应对策略: 1.干一行、爱一行,注重品质修养策略,其中包含六个分策略(即教帅自觉的学习与提高策略;完善基本的信念系统策略;情感投人策略;理解教与学的规律策略;增强教学能力的策略;培养良好的个性品质策略人这一策slK是其它策略的基础, 2.努力提高教学能力策略; 3.注重修身养性策略 4.积极锻炼身体,确保身体资源长盛不衰策略; 5)J0强合作,共同提高策略; 6拓宽信息渠道,争取先机抢占制高点策略。 总之,随着时代的发展,竞争会更加激烈,挑战会应运而生,应对策略也有待于充实和完善。通过文中案例对比不难看出,有效的应对策略是:积极投身课程改革,树立全新的课程理念,尽快掌握现代教育技术,变压力为动力,勇敢地迎接挑战,与时俱进,开拓创新,才能立于不败之地。

【Abstract】 Nowadays the course of curricular reform in our country is shifting to implementer stage and popularization stage from experiment stage completely. Junior middle school has used the new teaching material completely, and the new teaching material of senior middle school has arrived high two. The new course ideal is asking: the mathematics class will be laid stress on to cultivate student’s total ability of practice. Student’s total accomplishment is raised to attach importance to the course occurring of knowledge. The starting work ability of student is strengthened. The students will be learning under state of researching. The students will be learning how to build the model of mathematics etc. The tradition model of teaching - blackboard adds chalk and textbook ads teaching plan will be instead by new model-the exchanges between "students-teacher-computer" and the circle of "problem circumstance -mathematic experiment-mathematics knowledge". So the new idea, the new model, the new manner of teaching has become the stern challenge toward to the mathematics teacher in middle school.My thesis chiefly inquired into that how much challenges which will be countered by mathematics teacher in middle school and what strategies should be taken to cope these challenges. This research concerns the success or failure that the mathematics course is reformed. Because teacher is the executor of course reform, the countermeasure omits if teacher can not adopt correctly , the body and mind that the microcosmic will influence teacher is healthy , microscopically will restrict being in progress smoothly of course reformation , French newly counts sports is because teacher does not do the good preparation leads to is defeated , the warning taken from the overturned cart ahead cannot be forgotten , and this is being the purpose of this text research.This text is divided into seven parts:First part is the foreword, it has put forward the problem and has introduced the research present situation Reach fewer conclusion studied by way of analyzing to teacher particularly middle school mathematics teacher. Second part has been expounded the research method , major includes the casesresearch method and visits the what is said method and investigation paper method and quantifies method etc.(1) cases research.The correspondence gains success person and studies to challenge, and is also studied to the contrary cases at the same time.(2) Visit and talk method.Visit what is said to general mathematics teacher and other teachers , and sum up their way .(3) Paper investigation method.Volume an investigation method is asked in scientific research method and the psychology in the most before all others study education, then the subject establishment questionnaire according to this text.(4) The quantification method in the education scientific research.Exchanging to inquire about a result rolling up the feedback quantifies to analyses, and the manner is held carefully in the expounding evaluation to the result.Persist in accomplishing that the science is objective , and seeks truth from facts conscientiously weighs and the necessary discussion.Establishment principle, course and content asking the volume have been expounded to third part.The 4th part of my thesis is the statistical analysis on the result of investigations. The result of statisticians and analysis has been made the table.The 5th part expounded the psychology theory foundation that this researcli is mutually related, and analyses the frank challenge that middle school mathematics teacher is faced with.The 6th part put forward strategies that the teachers in middle school should take. The 7th part is analysis about the case in which the person has coped the challenges successfully.The innovation part of this text is: The challenge is divided into two kinds. One kind is the challenge outside the teaching system; another is the challenge inside the teaching system. Then I set up the corresponding between the challenges and stress of

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