

The Study on Improving the Development of Students’ Subjectivity in the Biological Activity Teaching

【作者】 陈典

【导师】 张迎春; 郭进;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 人类进入二十一世纪,人的主体性研究成为世界关注的焦点,我国教育工作者也明确提出了教育要着眼于主体性培养的目标。但由于传统教学观和应试教育的影响,我国的教育教学过程中存在着严重忽视学生主体性的弊端。学生的主体性发展是以活动为中介的,自由、自觉的活动是主体性发展的决定因素。活动教学以建构教育性、创造性、实践性、操作性的主体活动为主要形式,为学生主体性发展提供广阔的空间。文章对生物活动教学能促进学生主体性发展的课题进行了理论探讨和实验研究。本课题研究的目的是通过生物活动教学促进学生主体性发展,从根本上改变传统陈旧的教学观念,革新生物教学形式,为新一轮课程改革走上健康之路作一点推动作用。 研究从哲学、心理学、生物学、科学学等学科,多角度的阐述了活动教学对促进主体性发展的重要作用。在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,结合生物学科特点、学生认知特点及活动教学的既定目标,对生物活动教学进行系统地分类并制定了相应的操作程序。生物活动教学分为三类: 1、体验型活动教学,其基本操作程序为:创设体验情境→学生自主体验→讨论交流←评价; 2、探究型活动教学,其基本操作程序为:创设问题情境→制定探究方案→实施探究操作→讨论交流→评价; 3、问题解决型活动教学,其基本操作程序为:创设实际生活问题情境→收集查阅资料→制定解决方案→执行方案→总结评价。 本研究以岳阳师范2001级302班作为实验班,实施活动教学,301班作为对照班,实施传统教学。实验内容为人教社出版,中师《生物学》教材第一册第二章“被子植物的形态和生理”。在实验研究中主要采用问卷收集资料、集体施测的方法,统计结果采用SPSS5.0软件进行分析。实验结果如下: 1、活动教学提高了学生学习生物的兴趣水平。实验后实验班学生学习生物兴趣水平高的人数比例由实验前的24.5%上升到51.0%,而学习兴趣水平低的人数比例到由实验前的34.7%下降到6.1%。 2、活动教学提高了学生学习成绩。实验前实验班与对照班学习成绩无明显差异(p>0.05),通过一学期的活动教学实验,实验班的学习成绩明显优于对照班,存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。 3、活动教学促进了学生主体性素质水平的发展。实验后实验班学生学习生物学自主性水平高的人数比例由实验前的28.6%上升到44.9%,能动性水平高的人数比例由实验前的20.4%上升到40.8%,创造性水平高的人数比例由实验前的14.3%上升到30.6%。 4、活动教学能减少同学关系困扰,提高学生的交际能力。实验后实验班学生在同学关系上,困扰严重的人数比例由实验前的18.4%下降到4.1儿 而有一定困扰的人数比例由实验前的 sl.0%下降到 38.8%。 通过对实验结果的分析可以看出:1、活动教学有助于学生主体性水平的发展和提高。2、活动教学能大大提高教学质量,促进学生知识水平与能力的发展。3、活动教学有助于学生人格的整合与完善。从而表明生物活动教学对学生主体性发展有正向的促进作用,在实际教学中有较强的可行性。 本研究认为,为了更好地在生物学中实施活动教学,促进学生主体性发展,广大生物教育工作者应重视以下问题:1、树立全新的生物教学观,实现由知识向能力,由教师的主导性向学生的主体性,由学校向社会的转变。2、更新教材,加强实验教学的力度。3、建立以促进学生主体性发展为目标的多元评价体系。4、全面提高生物教师的活动教学能力水平。 文章总结归纳了研究的创新之处: 1、首次对生物活动教学的形式进行了分类并制定了相应的操作程序,活动 教学可以分为体验型活动教学、探究型活动教学和问题解决型活动教学三类。 2、进行了生物活动教学促进学生主体性发展的实验研究,结果表明:生物活动教学对学生主体性发展有正向的促进作用。 最后,文章还指出了研究中存在的不足,希望与广大同行进行更深一步的探讨研究。

【Abstract】 The study of the subjectivity has been put more and more emphasis in the world with the coming of the 21st century. Educators in our country have definitely put forward the objective of subjectivity development that education should be based on. The development of students’ subjectivity take activity as a medium, and free and self-conscious activity as its decisive factors. In the form of subjective activity which is based on constructive education, creativity, practice and operation, activity teaching provide broader space for the students’ subjectivity development. This article tries to carry out theoretical discussion and experimental study of improving students’ subjectivity development through biological activity teaching. The article pointed out the problem existing in the present biology teaching, which come to the purpose of this article is to improve the students’ subjectivity development through biological activity teaching.From the perspective of philosophy, psychology, biology and science, the study discusses the important roles of how activity teaching improves the subjectivity development respectively.On the basis of consulting lots of references and the consideration of the characteristics of biology, the study gives a systematical classification to activity teaching, it can be as follows:1. Experiencing activity teaching: creating the experiencing situation→ students’ autonomous experience→ discussing and communicating→ evaluating.2. Exploring activity teaching: creating the problem situation→making exploring plan→ implementing exploration→ evaluating.3. Problem solving activity teaching: creating the real life problem situation→ collecting and consulting→ making solving plan→ implementing plan→ summarizing and evaluating.The study is implemented in the experimental class and the traditional teaching is carried out in the contrastive class. The experimental content is "Morphology and Physiology of Angiospermae" , which is in the textbook of biology for the secondary normal school, published by people’s education press. According to the questionnairedata, the results are analyzed by SPSS 5.0 software.The results as follows:1. Activity teaching improves students’ interest. 2. Activity teaching improves students’ achievement. 3. Activity teaching improves students’ subjectivity development. 4. Activity teaching improves students’ ability of social intercourse.In terms of the study result, it can be seen that various biological activity teaching has a positive effect on the students’ subjectivity development. As a result, the study has the feasibility in practice.In order to implement biological activity teaching and improve the students’ subjectivity development, the biological teacher should focus on the following problems: 1 .establishing the new biological teaching concepts. 2. Renewing the textbook and strengthening the experimental teaching.3.Establishing the multi-dimension evaluation system. 4. Improving the activity teaching ability of the biological teachers.Finally, the article summarizes the creative views of study, and points out the disadvantage. Hope to have further discussion with other associates.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】303