

An Explorative Study of the Research-based Learning Mode for the Classroom Teaching of Biology in Secondary School

【作者】 马明

【导师】 张迎春;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 研究性学习强调的是积极鼓励学生的主动探索精神,是一种具有创造性学习特征的学习活动,是一种符合现代教育特征和素质教育要求的方式。教学实践也表明了这种学习方式已成为培养具有创造性思维和创新能力人才的比较理想方式。以研究性学习为基本理念,科学地设计课堂教学,不但可以有效地提高教学质量,而且还可以培养学习者的创造性思维和创新能力,充分开发学习者的潜能,使学习者成为具有终身学习能力的现代人才。 目前,班级授课制依然是学生学习的主要组织形式,课堂依然是常规学习的主要空间。因此,如何在课堂教学中开展研究性学习,以从根本上改变学生的学习方式,更好地培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,这是一个现实而又具体的问题。本研究正是对研究性学习课堂教学的实践途径等方面进行了有益的探索。 本研究以宁夏固原第一中学2003届的高二两个普通班为研究对象,施以不同的学习方式。其中(10)班为实验班,实施研究性学习课堂教学方式;(2)班为对照班,实施接受学习教学方式。内容以人民教育出版社2001年5月出版的高级中学《生物》(试验修订版)第八章“生物与环境”和第九章“生态环境的保护”为实验内容,共计12课时。实验采用前后测数据分析验证预期结果。主要包括知识技能对照前后测;科学探究思维能力前后测;学习态度量表的调查等。 按照研究性学习的理论,通过实施研究性学习提高课堂教学质量的研究,实验结果主要有以下几方面: (1)提高了学习者的学习能力和知识建构能力。 通过采用同样试题对实验班和对照班进行前后测说明,开展研究性学习对改进学习者的学习策略有促进作用,提高了学习成绩(见表1和表2)。 在全自治区生物会考中,实验班的优秀率达到了37.04%,而对照班为31.48%,其结果也表明了实施研究性学习对学生学习产生的积极而富有成效的影响。 (2)提高了学习者的科学意识和科学探究能力。在实验前后对实验班和对照班进行了科学探究的实验设计测试,实验设计共分三个步骤:进行假设、确定实验方案、预测实验结果。发现实验班在经过一段研究性学习训练后,他们的科学探究能力有了显著提高。前测X~2检验的结果是:df=(4-1)(2-1)=3,取a=0.05,查表得X~2=7.82,计算值X~2=1.24<7.82,则P>0.05,实验班测试和对照班无显著差异;而后测X~2检验的结果是:df=(4-1)(2-1)=3,取a=0.05,查表得X~2=7.82,计算值X~2=10.1>7.82,则P<0.05,实验班测试和对照班差异显著。这说明,只要教师科学引导,合理启迪,有目的地安排一些有益于培养学生独立思考、有利于激发创造性思维的探究性活动,学生的科学探究能力会得到进一步的发展。 表1实验班与对照班知识技能前测成绩 项目 实验班 对照班 人数(N)56 58 平均分(X)65.57 66.41 方差(S’)ill.19 68.46 检验值(Z)Z一一0.55<1.96 显著性(P)P>0.05 差异不显著 表2实验班与对照班知识技能后测成绩 项目 实验班 对照班 人数(N)56 58 平均分(X)75.66 70.62 方差(S’)82.41 63.36 检验值(Z)Z=3.14>2.58 显著性(P)P<0.of 差异极显著 (3)在一定程度上改善了学习者的学习方式和方法。在教学实验结柬后对实验班和对照班进行了学习态度调查,结果显示,实验班在学习方式和方法均有转变,学习态度也发生了变化。(表3) 表3实验班和对照班学习方式方法调查统计分析表 实验班 对照班 选项 内容—— 选择人数 选择率 选择人数 选择率 有关生态学的内容,你 A 自己做过深入研究 1018%4 7% B 独立思考过 30 54%22 38% C 照老师讲的做 14 25%20 34% D 未采取任何特别方法0000 E 其他24%1221% 小计 56 58 一五且一 7 统计结果说明实验班的学生对教师的过度依赖性降低,实现了从被动接受到主动探索的学习方式转变。 (4)在研究性课堂学习的实施过程中,实验班学生课后提问的人数(平均每天有5人次)和频率均明显高于对照班(偶尔有),说明学生在研究性学习过程中对学习生物学具有了越来越浓厚的兴趣,而这种学习兴趣,己成为促进他们进一步探索和认知的动力来源。 研究

【Abstract】 The research-based learning, a modern learning mode, has become a very important part in China the basic education nowadays. Research-based learning mode, which emphasizes that students should be encouraged to be active in research regularly and they should obtain knowledge and develop thinking through problem-solving process. Meanwhile, learners will be fostered to have some abilities, such as creative thinking ability and the ability of innovation. Furthermore, classroom teaching is an important way in the basic education, and the cooperative learning, which is very important for students to listen, communicate and cooperate with each other, plays a part in their active biology study. For this reason, how to implement the research-based learning in classroom teaching is a focal point in this paper. In this research, my purpose is to fundamentally change the learning mode of the students.This paper holds that research-based learning classroom teaching can not only foster the students’ study ability, knowledge construction, and enhance their scientific spirit and explorative ability, but also develop their learning methods, all of which would promote the quality of the students as a whole. The essence of each student’ s perfect development can be promoted by the conversion of the study, and the basic characters of integrity, practice, creativity, and independence require the teachers to make a corresponding change in the attitude, the style and the content of their teaching.This study considers that it is possible and important to implement the research-based learning in the classroom teaching. This is because that this way would contribute to the stimulation of the students’ motivation, to the realization of the students’ subjectivity, and to changing their learning styles, to the development of their creative ability and thinking.The research-based learning mode for the classroom teaching is a new way to achieve competence-emphasized education.This paper points out that there are some factors that would have the influence on the implementing of the research-based learning in classroom teaching in the following: (1) The scientific design of instruction is very important to implement research-based learning. (2) The realization of the subjectivity of the students in the teaching process is very significant, in order to realize high efficiency of classroom teaching. (3) Close attention to the whole process of the students’ inquires. (4) It is very significant to design should be paid more the scientific, simple and practical evaluation system in order to guide the students who can be stimulated step by step.This paper presents the experimental process, and gives the results analysis and discussion. The conclusion is that we should undertake the research-based learning mode at the same time of focusing on effective receptive learning. Research-based learning is not only good for training students’ creative ability, nurturing their practical ability, fostering their collaborative ability, but also useful for training their scientific attitude and social responsibility.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
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