

On the Three Caos and Their Poetry

【作者】 袁继灵

【导师】 魏耕原;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 关于三曹的诗歌内容,前人已研究了很多。但大都是涉及的范围很广却深度不够。鉴于此,笔者在阅读了大量的文献之后,在前人有关论述的基础上,对三曹诗歌的广泛内容提取一个方面,来进行深入的比较研究。 第一部分:了解三曹所处的时代与他们的身世,为深入分析其诗歌提供社会依据。三曹所处的时代,是我国历史上一个分裂的历史时期,表现在以下几个方面:一是东汉末年尖锐的社会矛盾,使东汉统治阶级内部的斗争更加尖锐,也进一步激化了农民和地主阶级之间的矛盾。二是军阀割据,最终形成中国历史上的一个军阀混战的动乱时期。三是三国鼎立后社会的相对安定,使人民在短时期内免受颠沛流离之苦而专心从事生产劳动,从而促进了生产的发展。 三曹的身世:(一)志存高远的曹操。曹操出生于一个宦官之家,但其父是宦官的养子,故其社会名声并不高,为士族高门所鄙视轻蔑,因此要建功立业,以志表白。他讨伐董卓,迎汉天子刘协到许昌,自任辅弼大臣,形成“挟天子以令诸侯”的局面。官渡决战,在我国历史上创造了著名的以少胜多的战例。以后先后消灭了其它割据势力,统一了北中国。赤壁决战,曹军大败,从此形成曹、孙、刘三方鼎立局面。 (二)重文擅术的曹丕。曹丕“长于戎旅之间”。青年时期过的是游乐饮宴,骑射田猎,读经赋诗的生活。在争夺太子之位上,他“御之以术,矫情自饰”,博得其父的信任和喜欢,终于如愿以偿。曹丕有很高的文化素养,一生创作了许多作品,尤其在征夫思妇上有突出的表现。 (三)才命相违的曹植。曹植是建安时期最负盛名的作家。考其一生,可以曹操之死为界,分为前后两个时期。前期基本都是生活在邺城,过的自然是贵公子的生活,。太子之争失败后,曹丕展开了一系列对曹植的迫害,使曹植名为王侯,实则是个没有人生自由的囚犯。不难看出,曹植一生前后两个时期迥然不同的处境,为他的创作提供了极为丰富的素材,使之成为文学史上成就卓著的作家。 第二部分:论述三曹诗歌重要内容 曹操诗歌的重要内容:一是天下意识,二是忧患意识。曹诗的天下意识又包括二个方面,其一以平治天下为己任,其二以开创太平世界为终极目的。忧患意识乃人类精神开始直接对事物发生责任感的表现。曹诗的忧患意识向外表现为忧国,向内表现为忧自己年寿不永,无法完成统一大业。 曹丕诗歌的生命主题。魏晋时期,这是一个政治动乱.思想鲜活多彩的时代,一个张扬生命,重视人生、人性、人格的“人的自觉”的时代。在这期间,生命主题像交响乐般在诗坛久久回响。生命意识的充分觉醒和现实体验的深重痛苦互相交织构成了这一时期诗歌的时代主调,他虽然政治建树和英雄气概都远逊其父,但在生命觉醒和对现实人生的思考上,曹丕却比曹操来得更深途.更哲理.更富有时代感。 曹植诗歌的情感特征:曹植诗歌的情感模式由三大板块构成。一是哀而且怨。曹植诗歌着力表现一种“哀怨”之倩,因事而生哀,因哀而生怨,哀而且怨构成了曹植诗歌的主旋律。二是怨而不怒。也可以说,曹植是“怨而不怒”、“温柔敦厚”的诗歌典型代表。终其原因,是曹植不忍或者不敢将怨兄之意明明白白.淋漓尽致地写出。三是哀而不伤。“哀而不伤”是指诗人虽然有哀怨之情,却不为哀怨所吓倒,所屈服,而是在哀怨的同时,奋力向上,奋力超拨,充溢着坚忍不拨之力,超旷逍遥之气。 从对三曹内容分析,可以看出,曹操的诗反映的是社会重大问题,诗显得刚劲猛健、气韵沉雄;曹丕注重对游子思妇感情的描写与抒发,其诗婉约徘恻、妩媚柔情:曹植在政治上的地位和父兄相比要小得多,但人们比较看重他的文学成就.

【Abstract】 The three Caos (Cao as the surname of Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi) generally lived in the same historical separation period. Because of their different characters, different ideals and different talents and nature, their poetry reflects differently and respectively social contents in different levels. Here, I analyze them and their poetry in two parts.Part I. The three Caos’ era and their life experiences, and whose influence on their poetry.The period of the three Caos is one of separations in Chinese history, as is manifested in the following three points: First, there were many and sharp contradictions in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The strong and prosperous age, which is from Emperor Guang Wu to Emperor He, had been over. Since Emperor He, the regime by degrees had become corrupted and weak. The politics was extremely dark, and the relatives of emperor and eunuchs came to power by turns, for which their conflicts became sharper and sharper, and this led the inner conflicts in the Eastern Han’s ruling class into acuity. For this, many peasants went into exile, while others, though stayed home, felt burdens even much heavier than before, and this caused to intensify the contradictions between peasants and landowners, which resulted in the Great Huang Jin Uprising with Zhang Jiao as the leader. Second, the warlords set up separatist regimes by force of arms severally, which produced a trouble society, and later forming a warlords dogfight time. After Chibi Battle, the Cao troop experienced a severe defeat and had to retreat to the North. Since then, Wei, Shu and Wu posed a tripartite confrontation, and very soon, a relatively stable society was shaped. Thirdly, because of the relatively stable society after tripartite confrontation, the people turned to productivity for living better which accelerated the development of production.The above is the historical stage for the three Caos to do literary activities on which they produced many appealing and touching works, reflecting the real scene of that time, and leaving a relucent page in the Warring States Periods literature.Concerning their life experiences. In the first place, Cao Cao, born in 220 A.D., whose family came from a rich and influential official. But because his father was afosterling, the family’s fame was not in good condition and with a good fame, and this point enough urged Cao Cao to strive to succeed in career. In the first year of the reign of Jian An, he welcomed Liu Xie, a Son of Heaven of Han, to Xuchang, and he himself played the role of assisting minister, which shaped the historical phase of "ordering all leuds by holding the Son of Heaven". The action and success made him take good advantages of politics and made the others incomparable. In the year of 200 A.D., Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had a decisive battle in Guandu, Yuan Shao’s being defeated made the battle famous in history for fewer winning more. After this, Cao Cao went on to fight around, and then united northern China. But the immediately coming decisive battle in Chibi gave Cao a severe hit, forming a tripartite confrontation among Sun, Cao and Liu.Cao Pi, laying emphasis on talents, was born right in the period of society’s disordering. So he was, to some extent, brought up in the army. And because of his making free with authority and his behaving well before his imperatorial father, he gained the trust from his father and preference, then, in the year 217 A.D. he was given the position of Prince at the age of 31. He had very good cultural accomplishments, and was very adept at writing and had an outstanding eloquence. He had many good works, especially in the soldiers’ missing wives and families when they went out to the battle.Cao Zhi, whose talents didn’t match his fortune, was the most famous writer in Jian An age. His life experience can be divided into two periods with Cao Cao’s death as boundary. In his childhood and nonage, he mostly lived in Ye City, with some time as exceptions when his going out for battles with the army. Surely, t

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