

Research of the Wood-bamboo Composite Scrimber

【作者】 饶文彬

【导师】 朱一辛;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 木竹重组材是在重组木和重组竹的基础上提出来的一种新型材料。实验的结果和理论分析都表明,木竹重组材的生产具有可行性,并具有广阔的市场发展前景。木竹重组材兼有重组木和重组竹的双重优点,即既具有重组竹优良的物理力学性能,纵向强度高,尺寸稳定性好、不开裂、材质均匀,长度、密度可根据需要任意控制,又具有重组木更好的可加工性,可方便地对其进行开榫、打眼、钉钉等处理。另外,木竹重组材利用的是小径级的原木和枝桠材,我国的速生人工杨和竹材资源都很丰富,所以以杨木和竹材为基本原料的木竹重组材将有效地缓解我国木材资源紧张的问题,扩大速生人工杨和竹材的工业化利用途径。 同时论文也分析了木竹重组材的加工特点,竹材强度高,杨木材质松软,碾压出的木束不容易发生端裂,木束形态更好,胶合性能也更好等特点。在温度、压力、胶合条件(施胶量、胶粘剂种类)固定的条件下,采用正交设计和回归分析的方法,以混杂形态和混杂比为变量,分析了厚向弹性模量、弦向弹性模量、抗弯强度和冲击韧性与混杂比和混杂形态的关系。弦向弹性模量、厚向弹性模量、抗弯强度的性能值都随着竹材和杨木重量混杂比的增大而提高,冲击韧性与混杂比呈现出抛物线的关系。混杂形态对弦向弹性模量影响不大,混杂形态对厚向弹性模量,抗弯强度和冲击韧性都有影响。 木竹重组材是一种新型复合材料,应用复合材料理论,对简单模型的木竹重组材进行了力学分析,从而建立了厚向弹性模量、弦向弹性模量、抗弯强度和冲击韧性与混杂效应的力学模型,为进一步探索重组材的内在规律打下了一个良好的基础。

【Abstract】 The wood-bamboo composite scrimber are put forward as a newly materials on the basis of scriber and bamboo scriber. It can be showed from the result of the test and the theoretical analyses that the producing and utilizing of the wood-bamboo composite scrimber is feasible and have a expansive market foreground. The wood-bamboo composite scrimber contain the advantage of both scriber which is prior in toughness and machining such as smoothly tenon, making hole, nailing, holding tightly and of bamboo scriber which is pretty well in the performance of physics mechanics including high longitudinal strength .stable in dimension, uniform quality, easily controlling according to requirement in length and density. The wood-bamboo composite scrimber have small radius log and branchwood as raw material, so it can be regarded as a effective way of appeasing the problem of wood lack and enlarge the using path of poplar and bamboo.Analyzing these characteristics of the machining mechanism of the wood-bamboo composite scrimber, high strength of bamboo, loose and soft poplar, better of the poplar bundle rolled than bamboo’s and good gluing capability. On the condition of fixed temperature, pressure, adhesive condition (the volume of gluing, the type of gluing), by the way of orthogonal design and regress analyses, adjusting the ratio and the constitute of mixed poplar and bamboo, analyzing the relationship between several mechanics performance such as MOE in the chord direction, MOE in the thickness, MOR, strike tenacity and .mixed factor. The number of the tested result increase accordingly with the enlargement of the ratio of bamboo and poplar in weigh, there are nearly relationship of parabola between strike tenacity and the ratio of mixture. The consititute of mixture don’t affect the MOE in the chord direction and do the MOE in the thickness, MOR, toughness tenacity.The wood-bamboo composite scrimber is a newly composite material. Referring to the theory of composite material, the paper analyzed the processing mechanisms of simple model and worked out the model equation of the MOE in the tangential direction , the MOE in the thickness direction, MOR , strike tenacity Laying the foundation for the further research about the inner rule of the wood-bamboo composite scrimber

  • 【分类号】TS65
  • 【被引频次】20
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