

The Simulation Analysis of Macpherson Suspension

【作者】 毛金明

【导师】 黄小平;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近十年来,汽车工业已经成为国民经济的支柱产业,发展十分迅速。各种先进技术,例如新材料、电子控制、网络等都应用到汽车上来。由于汽车设计复杂,往往需要多次重复制作,试车后,新产品的样车才能定型。因而投资大,周期长,耗费大量的时间和精力。但采用CAD技术,建立汽车模型,通过软件模拟汽车行驶状况,来进行汽车设计分析,具有相当的经济意义。 本文详细介绍了麦弗逊悬架的导向机构和阻尼控制器的计算机虚拟仿真设计过程。机械系统虚拟样机仿真设计是20世纪80年代随着计算机的发展而迅速发展起来的一门新兴学科,其核心是机械系统运动学和动力学仿真技术,同时还包括三维CAD建模技术、机电液控制技术、最优化技术等相关技术。 采用虚拟样机分析软件ADAMS分析悬架的导向机构。在ADAMS/View中建立麦弗逊悬架导向机构的三维CAD模型,再加上路面的激励,分析悬架参数在汽车行驶中的变化。根据汽车车轮在行驶中侧滑尽量小的要求,按照侧滑量最小,进行导向机构的优化求解。 其次,提出对汽车悬架阻尼控制器进行控制的MATLAB建模仿真。通过改变阻尼的大小,来达到汽车行驶的平顺性和舒适性。在MATLAB/Simulink中建立汽车的半主动悬架的受控模型,利用Fuzzy Logic Toolbox工具箱,采用Mamdani模糊逻辑控制推理方案,以减少汽车行驶车身垂直方向加速度,提出控制规则,通过对汽车行驶状况的仿真,得到悬架的动态阻尼值。 本文采用计算机虚拟仿真技术,可以指导产品设计,缩短开发周期,减少开发费用和成本,提高产品的系统性能,获得最优和创新的设计产品。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the auto-industry has become basically industry for Chinese national economy and undergone rapid progress. Many advanced technologies including new materials, electrical-controlling and network are applied to this area .Several rounds of trials are needed before a new product can be determined, due to its design complexity. Thus large amount of money and time had to be invested in new products. But using CAD, establishing the Auto model using special software to simulate the driving situation and aid Auto design, which have quite economic purpose.This paper exhaustively analyzes the computer virtual simulation design of the structure and damper controller about The Macpherson Suspension. The Mechanical System Virtual Simulation Technology is a cutting-edge field with the development of computer science. Its most important part is kinematics and dynamics of machinery. It also includes the 3-D CAD model technology, the mechanical-electrical-hydraulic controlling technology, the optimum designing, etc.This paper explains the suspension by Adams -a Virtual Prototyping Technology software, which analyzes the change of suspension parameter by building the 3-D macpherson suspension model and the road drive when driving, then optimizing analyzing according to the wheel slipping demand.Secondly, the damper-controller is simulated using Matlab software, for reducing vibration and interference according to change damp. The semi-active suspension control system is built in Matlab/Simulink , using Fuzzy Logical Toolbox (Mamdani method) and analyzed the car vertical acceleration.For using The Computer Virtual Simulation Technology , it can aid product design, reduce the R&D period and cost and get the best and the most novel products.

  • 【分类号】U463.3
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1450