

Studies on National Standards Making--Packing, Transportation and Storage for Cut Flowers

【作者】 张宝鑫

【导师】 张启翔;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国虽然已经制定了切花产品质量等级的标准,但目前尚无配套的包装、运输、储藏方面的国家标准,限制了我国花卉生产和流通标准化的进程。因此,急需尽快制定我国的切花产品包装、运输、储藏国家标准,以此完善我国花卉产品质量标准体系。 通过搜集整理国内、外有关花卉方面的国家标准和国际标准,本文系统分析了国、内外相关标准的采用状况;作者对我国几个花卉生产和销售中心城市——北京、济南、上海、广州、深圳、昆明的重点花卉企业和花卉市场进行了实地调查,调查内容涉及标准制定所需要规定的所有项目,总结了我国切花产品包装、运输、储藏的实际情况以及存在的问题;在此基础上,针对我国花卉包装、运输和贮藏的具体特点起草并制定出《主要切花产品包装、运输、储藏》国家标准,强调了标准的可操作性、现实性和前瞻性。并通过对该标准制定的研究,提出了我国花卉产品质量标准体系建设的思路和建议。

【Abstract】 National standards, trade standards and local standards on quality grading for cut flowers have been established in our country. However, other matching standards including those key ones for packing, storage and transportation of cut flower product have not been made, which restricted the course of standardization for cut flower’ s circulation and production .So it is necessary to make the standards for cut flowers of packing, transportation and storage as soon as possible, with which to accomplish the quantity guarantees system of cut flowers in our country. This paper systemically analysis the adoption of standards for cut flower at home and abroad by collecting all standards worldwide, and then investigated urban flower enterprises and markets with large selling concerning, those items in the standards to be made in the main region of flower production. This paper also sums up present situation and the problems existing. According to characteristics of cut flower on packing, storage and transportation in our country, national standards have been made for cut flowers on packing, storage and transportation on the base of the research work, which show operability, reality and perspectives. Meanwhile, this paper put forward suggestions and way of building quality system of cut flower.

【关键词】 切花包装运输储藏国家标准制订
【Key words】 cut flowerspackingtransportationstoragenational standards
  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】350