

Thought Patterns Regarding Financial Innovations by State-owned Commercial Banks at Present Stage

【作者】 冯健芬

【导师】 王富初;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国民经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着入世后后外资银行的介入,国有商业银行的地位将面临前所未有的挑战和压力。外资银行凭借其规模、信用、管理、技术以及完备的商业银行服务功能,与国内银行展开对优质客户的争夺;银行间成本竞争等问题的出现,使金融创新成为国有商业银行惟一现实的选择。 从狭义的角度看我国的金融创新尚处于抑制状态,原因在于创新的指导思想、环境、主体和智力储备等方面存在的差异。目前我国的金融创新由政府主导,但今后的目标是由市场来推动。当前的内外环境有利于我国金融创新的发展,无论是从对创新的认识、管制的逆效应、后发优势、分业经营、队伍的建设,还是从全球经济格局的演变、现代电子信息技术的发展、金融全球化、中国入世等方面看我国已经具备了大力推行金融创新的条件。 本文结合对西方金融创新的研究和国有商业银行的现实,阐述了国有商业银行金融创新的战略意义,分析了国有商业银行目前尚未解开的“死结”,提出了经营理念、组织机构、人力资源管理、经营业务等金融创新的现实选择。在我国商业银行金融创新的进程上,文章建议分阶段进行,观念创新是前提条件,模仿是有效途径,产权制度创新是成败的关键,混业经营是长远目标,同时必须辅以配套的监管创新。

【Abstract】 With China’ s entry into WTO and the intervention of foreign banks, China’ s financial market will grow into an all-direction , multi-level , wide domain open market . State-owned commercial banks will face the unprecedented challenge and the large competitive pressure of human resources . Financial innovation has become the only practical choice by state-owned commercial banks .China’ s financial innovation should be pushed by the market in the future . The present whole environment is beneficial for the development of China’ s financial innovation .By studying western commercial banks’ practice and state-owned commercial banks’ reality , this paper illustrates the strategic significance of state-owned commercial banks’ financial innovation , analyzes the problem unsolved by now of the state-owned commercial banks , gives the practical choices in operation concept , institution distribution , human resources management and business operation regarding financial innovation . The paper proposes that the process be divided into several phases : concept innovation is the basic condition ; imitation is the effective way ; property system innovation is the key point , mixed operation is the long-term target and relevant supervision innovation and risk proof measures are also important and necessary .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】404