

Research of the Removal of Phaeocystis Globosa Red Tide by Several Chemical Algaecide

【作者】 洪爱华

【导师】 尹平河; 赵玲;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 分析化学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 棕囊藻赤潮已经成为我国有害有毒的严重赤潮之一,研究其治理问题是当务之急。在前期工作的基础上,我们进行了进一步的实验研究,以期找出更为理想的去除棕囊藻的方法。通过载体吸附碘后用于去除棕囊藻的研究是对现有的赤潮治理提出的一个新尝试。 本文研究了缓释除藻剂碘伏对棕囊藻的去除作用,发现碘伏有一定的除藻能力,在棕囊藻指数生长期前期加入碘伏,最低有效除藻浓度为30mg/L。为了降低碘伏的使用量以降低成本,也为了避免高浓度药剂对其他水生生物产生不利的影响以及避免藻类对单一除藻剂产生抗性,把碘伏分别与新洁而灭和异噻唑啉酮复配,发现复配除藻剂不仅大大降低了药剂的使用量,还提高了其除藻能力。在棕囊藻指数生长期前期加入复配除藻剂,最佳浓度配比分别是碘伏:新洁而灭为3.0mg/L:1.5mg/L;碘伏:异噻唑啉酮为1.0mg/L:0.15mg/L。 通过研究碘伏、新洁而灭和异噻唑啉酮对棕囊藻的生理效应和使用扫描电子显微镜观察棕囊藻的形态结构的破坏情况,探讨了这几种除藻剂的除藻机理。另外,为了更完善的评价除藻剂的性能,还研究了除藻剂对海洋原甲藻的去除作用,发现碘伏对其的灭杀能力更强,最低有效除藻浓度为5mg/L,说明同一药剂对不同赤潮藻有不同的作用。 论文还初步研究了水溶性甲壳素碘对棕囊藻的去除作用,发现其也有一定的除藻能力。

【Abstract】 The Phaeocystis globosa red tide is a kind of harmful and poisonous red tide in China, so it is urgent for us to find out an effective method to remove the Phaeocystis globosa red tide. It is a new way to use iodine witch is absorbed on some carrier to remove red tide.We used several organic algaecides to remove the Phaeocystis globosa red tide. The results showed that povidone-iodine can release iodine slowly to kill and control the P. globosa red tide. The minimum used levels are 30mg/L if we added the povidone-iodine algaecide at the prophase of logarithmic phase. The povidone-iodine was combined with bromogeramine or isothiozolone in order to reduce the cost and increase the efficiencies of removal. The ideal composite concentration is povidone-iodine: bromogeramine is 3.0mg/L:1.5mg/L, and povidone-iodine: isothiozolone is 1.0mg/L:0.15mg/L.We studied the removal mechanism of algaecides. The results show that the algaecides can react with the chlorophyl a , the protein and the SOD enzyme, and also can destroy the modality of the algae.Soluble chitin-iodine was also discussed. The results show that soluble chitin-iodine can remove the P. Globosa red tide.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】X55
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】520