

Prevention and Elimination Technology for Laoguanshi Landslide in Yunyang

【作者】 张宗堂

【导师】 罗强; 龙锦永;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先介绍了国内外对滑坡研究的现状和发展方向,以及我国滑坡防治的历程和最新发展动态;其次介绍滑坡的基本知识,滑坡与崩塌、错落等其他斜坡变形现象的区别,滑坡的发育过程,滑坡治理过程中滑带土抗剪强度指标的几种确定方法。最后本文着重从勘察设计角度介绍了重庆市云阳县老关石滑坡的治理。 重庆市云阳县老关石滑坡位于重庆市云阳县城新址,为三峡库区移民迁建区,滑坡东西长约820m,南北宽100~350m,滑体厚度2~30m不等,总体积约110万立方米。滑坡直接影响新城址的布局规划和三峡库区移民工程,威胁着滑坡区内已建成和正在建移民楼房的安全。 文章对重庆市云阳县老关石滑坡概况和特征做了全面介绍,对滑坡的成因做了详细的分析;并进行了滑坡稳定性检算。依据滑坡现状及稳定性分析评价,确定了排水、清方减载、支挡相结合的综合整治方案,并对整治方案进行了详细介绍。在支挡工程中做了普通抗滑桩与预应力锚索抗滑桩支挡方案的比较。 文中简单介绍了重庆市云阳县老关石滑坡的施工组织和管理,保证施工质量、施工安全的施工注意事项和进度安排等。

【Abstract】 First, current situation and development of landslide’s research in China and overseas are introduced in this paper. And the prevention and elimination of landslide in our country are also presented; Second, basic knowledge of landslide, such as the differences between landslide, devolution, strew at random and other phenomenon of jamb’s distortion; its overgrowth; several ways for determining the mode of snip intensity is also introduced. Last, the prevention and elimination about Laoguanshi landslide in Yunyang Chongqing are studied from survey and design point of view.Laoguanshi landslide in Yunyang Chongqing is situated in emigration region. The landslide region is 820 meters long from west to east, 100-350 meters wide from north to south, 2-30 meters in thickness, 110×104 cubic meters in total volume. The landslide affects the layout of the new city and emigration project of the Changjiang Gorges, and threatens the buildings in the landslide area.The landslide’s general situation and features were introduced in details. Its causes were analyzed particularly and its stability assessed. In terms of its stability and present situation, we took the complex measurements of drainage, and do away with soil, and sustain and compared common pile with prestressed concrete anchor pile in our sustain.Last, the construction management, quality control, safety measurements and the construction plan for the landslide were introduced briefly.

【关键词】 滑坡治理技术
【Key words】 LandslidePrevention and eliminationTechnology
  • 【分类号】P642.22
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】237