

Preliminary Studies on the Trissolcus Japonicus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), a Parasitoid of Halyomorpha Picus Fabricius (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Eggs

【作者】 李中新

【导师】 刘玉升;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 膜翅目昆虫种类繁多,而且大多是有益昆虫,特别是黑卵蜂科昆虫对鳞翅目和半翅目农林害虫有较好的自然控制效果,是较为理想的生物防治资源,我国所成功繁殖利用的天敌也多为膜翅目寄生蜂。茶翅蝽沟卵蜂属于膜翅目、细腰亚目、细蜂总科、缘腹细蜂科(黑卵蜂科)、沟卵蜂属,分布于我国大部分省份和地区,是危害林果、花卉、苗木、蔬菜等植物的茶翅蝽卵的单性内寄生蜂。在国外,只有对茶翅蝽沟卵蜂分类研究的报道,对其生物学、行为学以及繁殖利用的报道相对较少。在国内,仅有对蝽卵寄生蜂形态特征及部分观察结果的描述,目前还没有发现对茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的系统研究报道。因此,本文从茶翅蝽饲养及田间寄生调查开始,对茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的形态特征、寄主选择行为进行了观察描述,并对其生殖系统、发育温度、发育历期和各时期的外部形态特征以及过寄生现象进行了初步研究。 茶翅蝽饲养及田间寄生调查结果表明:茶翅蝽在北京地区一年发生2代,且都是局部世代。3月中旬有部分越冬成虫出蛰活动,但对林果的危害较轻;4月下旬至5月初为出蛰高峰,对林果危害较重。若虫共分5龄,2龄后开始取食活动,不同世代发育历期不同。7~8月为第2代盛发期,9月中下旬陆续有成虫越冬,遗腹卵待下年出蛰后产出。茶翅蝽沟卵蜂对茶翅蝽具有卵期跟随现象,但数量少,对第1代卵的寄生率低,对第2代卵的寄生率可高达近80%。 茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的形态特征:雌蜂具有膝状触角,11节,第5节后呈黑色,其余各节为黄棕色。雄蜂棒状触角,12节,黄棕色,末端几节不同程度地变深褐色。该蜂的后头脊,中胸盾片上的盾纵沟以及后胸网纹、腹部1、2节基部纵脊是该蜂的显著特征。 茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的寄主选择行为分为栖境定位、寄主定位、寄主检查、产卵、标记和再检查等过程,每一阶段都与物理或化学信息相联系,整个过程在2min内即可完成。成虫和幼虫的竞争是保证子代存活和节约卵资源以及避免过寄生的重要手段。雌成虫在产卵前后都存在竞争行为,竞争的结果是:1头雌蜂往往占领整个卵块;雄蜂之间也存在交配竞争,近缘交配表现得特别明显;在有过寄存在时,幼虫的竞争会导致只羽化出1头寄生蜂。对茶翅蝽沟卵蜂雌成虫生殖系统解剖发现:该蜂有2个卵巢,共有卵40~60粒,少卵黄,羽化交配后就可以寄生,雌蜂的产卵可以加速卵的成熟。两卵巢的卵巢管数量不等,为无滋式。侧输卵管短,总输卵管长而粗且环绕有囊状腺体。有受精囊和受精囊腺、杜氏腺。受精囊管有特殊的“Ω”型结构。 温度对茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的发育和茶翅蝽卵的发育都有重要的影响。对于茶翅蝽沟卵蜂,在18~33℃之间都可以发育,最适的发育温度是24~30℃,在此温度内,有强烈雌性偏向和较高的羽化率;在18~21℃和33℃,虽然有成虫羽化,但发育时间相对延长且羽化率低;低于15℃和高于36℃都没有成虫羽化;在18~33℃内,都具有雄性先熟现象。对于茶翅蝽卵,在18~33℃也都可以发育,但24~30℃的温度范围内发育时间最短,其他温度下发育时间相对延长。<WP=9>茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的发育阶段和外部形态观察:在26±2℃的温度条件下,寄生卵7~10天后羽化。茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的胚胎发育时间较短而胚后发育时间较长,卵裂方式为完全纬裂,胚盘期明显。幼虫分为2龄。一龄幼虫为黑卵蜂型,有帮助取食卵浆和游动的临时器官,中肠发育较早,后肠和生殖系统尚未发育;二龄幼虫为膜翅目型,临时器官消失,呼吸系统形成,但生殖系统仍未发育。预蛹期可见足芽和翅芽,腹神经索,头部器官开始形成。蛹的复眼为红色,各个器官均已形成。 在膜翅目昆虫中,过寄生是一种普遍现象。过寄生的发生受许多因素的影响,本文对标记物、蜂卵比和寄生蜂种类对过寄生的影响和过寄生对发育历期、性比和寿命的影响做了初步研究,发现标记物是避免过寄生的重要因素;在有初寄生蜂的情况下,由于护卵现象的存在,可以在单位卵上寄生蜂数量不太多的时候避免过寄生的发生,但随着蜂量的增加在一定程度上过寄生次数也相应增加。无初寄生蜂时,过寄生迅速上升;标记物还可以被同种寄生蜂识别,异种寄生蜂的识别能力显著下降。 过寄生造成发育延迟、雌性比降低、寄生蜂的寿命缩短,这些都是繁殖利用中不利的因素,在应用中应该避免。

【Abstract】 Hymenopterous insects involve numerous species, and many of them are advantageous to plants. Scelionidae parasitoids specialy parasitize in or on Lepidopterous or Heteropterous pests and are better biological control agents. Some hymenopteraous parasitoids were utilized successfully in China. Trissolcus japonicus Ashmead is attributed to Hymenoptera, Apocrita, Proctotrupoidea, Scelionidae, Trissolcus. It extensively spreads in many districts of our country and is solitary endoparasitoid that specificly parasitize in or on forest or orchard pests. In other countries, some reports on T. japonicus only are discovered in taxonomy, but not in biology, ethology and reproduction utilization. In China, the description on pentatomid egg parasitoids has been discovered in morphology and other observations, however no study on T. japonicus has been discovered to date. Therefore, the studies in the paper started from parasitic investigation in field and then described the morphological charactistics, parasitic behaviors, reproductive system, developmental temperatures, developmental periods, and superparasitism as well.In host rearing and field investigation, the bug occurs two generations in Beijing in a year and both are partial generations. Overwintering adults partially foraged in March but slightly damaged to plants. They intensively damaged to plants from the end of April to the middle of May. The nymph has five instars. Two instars nymph starts to forage. Different instars have different developmental periods. The second generation hosts peaked from July to August and adults overwintered in the middle of September and remained eggs in the body to lay them next spring. T. japonicus followed host eggs , but a few of parasitoids had been lower in parasitization .The parasitization rate in the second generation host eggs had been up to 80%.Female parasitoid has knee-formed antennae, 11 segments, terminal 5 segments black, the other brownish yellow. Male Antenna is club, 12 segments, well brownish yellow. Thorax very strongly convex dorsally; mesoscutum with distinct notauli and with roughened micro-sculptures becoming weaker toward scutellum; metathorax has dorsellum with reticulate carina; abdominal carinate and excavated basally, first and second tergum combine.Host selection involves habitat location, host location, host palpation, oviposition, marking host, recovery palpation. They associate with physical and chemical kairomones, and ovipositize in an egg within 2min. Female competition resulted in one parasitizing; male competition resulted in one mating; larval competition resulted in one hatching.Reproductive system:Ovaries have 40~60 eggs. Hatched and mated parasitoids parasitized in hosts immediately. Ovarioles are panoisttic. Receptaculum seminis and<WP=63>Dufour’s gland associated with median oviduct. No poison gland had been discovered.The most suitable temperatures are between 24 and 33℃ and both sexes developed successfully from egg to adult emergence at constant temperatures ranging from 18 to 33℃.Males developed faster than females did. The low and high constant temperatures used in this study reduced to some extent the percentage of successful emergence of adult parasitoids. This paper also studied on the embryonic development of T.japonicus eggs, and drew the pattern of specific cleavage. The first instar larvae have temporary accessory organs, meaty setae. The second instar larva, hymenopteriform, no foot, transparent, saccate. The prepupae, pupae, developmental periods in each duration had been studied, too. The marker, parasitoid-egg ratio and parasitic species play a major part in superparasitism . With the increase of parasitoids on the determined egg mass, the number of superparasitism significantly increased ,as did no marker on the egg shell. Conspecific parasitoids have the abilities to discriminate the marker, heteroparasitoids do not. On the other hand, superparasitism resulted in extending developmental time , shortening adult longevity and decreasing female sex r

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