

Basic Theory and Performance Appraisal of Supply Chain Management

【作者】 曾现洋

【导师】 徐广印;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 供应链是当代企业界的最新组织形式之一,它能把多个相关企业或企业集团原本独立的资源进行有效的整合,使之发挥出“1+1>2”的整体效益。因此,当今许多企业或企业集团纷纷结成供应链的形式,开创了新世界的新景观。但是,正是由于供应链是由多个企业或企业集团按一定形式组合而成,其管理的复杂程度要远远高于单一的企业管理。原来一般企业管理的原则、方法已经不能应付供应链管理的需要。在基础理论、组织结构、绩效评价、生产控制、库存采购等方面都需要进一步完善和发展。 本文首先详细介绍了供应链、供应链管理的基本涵义;分析了供应链与物流特别是第三方物流之间的关系;总结了我国大多数企业管理的现状及亟待解决的问题;对供应链管理的国内外研究进展和企业管理理论的动态进行了理论综述。 其次,本文在详细比较分析原有的供应链管理理论的基础上,系统性建立了新的供应链管理模型,其中包括供应链物流管理模型、供应链资金流管理模型、供应链信息流管理模型和供应链综合管理模型,并对各个模型的不同特点进行了阐述。 再次,本文运用西方经济学的基本理论,在一般市场竞争理论模型的研究基础上,基于供应链条件下特殊的企业或企业集团,探索性建立了相应的市场竞争理论模型,主要包括完全竞争模型、垄断竞争模型、寡头竞争模型和垄断模型。阐明了不同市场类型中供应链商品的产量及价格的确定。 在对供应链管理模型和市场竞争理论研究的基础上,重点分析了Kaplan和Norton提出的平衡记分法供应链绩效评价技术,建立了供应链绩效评价体系,包括供应链绩效评价原则、供应链绩效评价的问题、 评价目标及各指标。从财务角度、客户角度、流程角度、发展角度和外 部角度等五个方面,全面建立了供应链绩效评价指标体系,并运用层次 分析法(AHP)确定了各项指标的权重。根据评价的需要,每个方面又 分成6叫6不同的指标,从而形成供应链绩效评价指标体系。结合实际, 对同行业的两条供应链进行了实际论证和对照分析,总结了两条供应链 不同方面的差异,并提出了相应的建设性改进意见。

【Abstract】 Supply chain, one of the modern enterprise organizations, can integrate effectively independent resources in interrelated enterprises or agglomeration and produce effect of "one plus one is large than two". So, many enterprises or agglomerations today combined to supply chain and started a new look in the new world. However, the management of supply chain is far more complex than that of single enterprise in that the supply chain is made up of different enterprises of agglomeration. And so the general principles and methods of business management can’t cope with the modern supply chain management. The basic theory, organization structure, performance appraisal, production control and stock purchase should be further improved.This dissertation firstly explained in detail the basic meaning of supply chain and supply chain management, the relation between supply chain and logistics especially the third party logistics (3PL), the status quo and problems to be solved of business management in China. And then introduce the supply chain management’s research progress in domestic and abroad and the trends of enterprise management theory.Secondly, basing on thorough studying the precedent supply chain management models , this dissertation brings forward some new supply chain management modelsincluding logistics management model of supply chain, financing flow model of supply chain and supply chain integrate management model, and point out their characters respectively.Thirdly, according to basic theory of western economics and the general market competition theory models, I build exploringly the market competition theory model including the complete competition model, the monopoly competition model, the oligarch competition model and the monopoly model. Then I illustrate the method deciding the price and output of supply chain commodity.Based on the study of supply chain management model and market competition theory, I analyzed especially the BSC (balance scorecard) put forward by Kaplan and Norton which is an important method of supply chain performance appraisal, and setup the supply chain performance appraisal system, including appraisal principle, problem, goal, and appraisal indexes. I build the supply chain performance appraisal indexes system in terms of five aspects including financing, client, procedure, development and exterior, and decide the weight of indexes by AHP. Each aspect is divided into 6~16 different indexes in the need of appraisal, and then forms the whole supply chain performance appraisal indexes system. Finally, I make a practical demonstration and comparison analyses, summarize the difference of different aspect of two supply chains and give some constructive suggestions.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】661