

The Development of Glandular Trichomes and Crystal Idioblasts of Orient Tobacco and the Effect of Environment on Them

【作者】 周世民

【导师】 刘国顺;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 2001-2002年以云南和新疆大田试验和河南农业大学校内盆栽试验香料烟为材料,就香料烟腺毛和结晶细胞的发育方面作了一些研究,并分析了部分环境条件对腺毛密度和结晶细胞的影响。结果如下: 1 香料烟腺毛的种类及分布 香料烟腺毛主要包括长柄多细胞腺头腺毛、长柄单细胞腺头腺毛和短柄多细胞腺头腺毛三种。长柄分枝腺毛基本上很难观察到。随叶位升高,长柄、短柄腺毛密度及短柄腺毛比例均增加。长柄腺毛为叶片(尤其幼叶)上优势种类,且叶背面比例高于正面。 2 香料烟叶腺毛的形态发生 长柄腺毛和短柄腺毛最早产生于茎尖第一对叶原基高约100-200μm时,腺毛原初细胞大部分发育成长柄腺毛。长柄腺毛和短柄腺毛由原表皮细胞突起分化产生,经过不同的形态形成过程,逐渐形成。长柄腺毛柄较长,由2-5个柄细胞组成,腺头棒状,由1-8个分泌细胞构成。短柄腺毛柄较短,只有一个柄细胞,腺头球状,由8-16个分泌细胞组成。 3 香料烟叶片生长成熟过程中腺毛密度的变化规律 香料烟叶片腺毛密度随叶片的生长基本上呈逐渐下降趋势。腺毛密度在叶长1cm时最高,此时长柄腺毛密度远高于短柄腺毛密度,随后短柄腺毛产生速度稍大于长柄腺毛,其比例逐渐提高,至叶长约占定长1/2时,两种腺毛数目都达最高,但长柄腺毛仍占优势,以后腺毛数目逐渐下降。腺毛产生的关键时期在叶长约占定长1/2前,以后很少产生并逐渐脱落。香料烟叶成熟过程中腺毛密度的变化与叶片成熟度、叶位和腺毛类型有关。就腺毛总密度来看,香料烟叶从欠熟变为适熟过程中,上部叶与下部叶腺毛明显脱落,中部叶腺毛没有明显脱落;从适熟再到过熟,只有下部叶腺毛明显脱落。 香料烟腺毛和结晶细胞发育及其与环境关系研究4香料烟腺毛的分泌活动规律 香料烟两种类型腺毛(长柄腺毛和短柄腺毛)分泌活动明显不同。香料烟长柄腺毛分泌活动与叶片发育尤其是叶片的成熟密切相关,从欠熟叶开始腺毛腺头细胞分泌活动开始增强,至叶片适熟时大部分腺毛达到分泌高峰,腺头细胞着生大量胶状分泌物,叶片过熟时腺毛分泌活动减弱,腺毛分泌物逐渐干缩。但少数腺毛分泌活动滞后,当叶片适熟时只有少量分泌,在调制初期才大量分泌。短柄腺毛在叶片生长成熟直到调制陈化过程中腺头细胞不会分泌像长柄腺毛一样的胶状分泌物。5香料烟叶腺毛分泌物成分分析 经分析定性出香料烟叶15种表面化合物,这些化合物中属于腺毛分泌物及其降解物的有5种,含量比较高的是西柏三烯二醇。6环境对腺毛密度的影响 不同产区腺毛密度存在差异,云南香料烟长柄多细胞腺头腺毛密度、短柄腺毛密度及腺毛总密度均高于新疆,尤其是长柄多细胞腺毛密度明显较高。 栽培措施对香料烟腺毛密度有一定影响。肥料类型(化肥和有机肥)对长柄多细胞腺毛密度影响较大,对长柄单细胞腺毛密度影响不大,对短柄腺毛密度影响很小。肥料类型对上部叶和中部叶腺毛密度影响较大,对下部叶腺毛密度影响较小。施用有机肥能明显增加上部叶长柄多细胞腺毛密度及腺毛总密度,纯施化肥增加中部叶长柄多细胞腺毛密度。灌水次数主要影响香料烟上部叶腺毛密度,不灌水处理上部叶腺毛密度明显较高,灌水越多,上部叶腺毛密度越低。灌水次数对中部和下部叶腺毛密度影响不大。7香料烟结晶细胞的超微结构和晶体形态 2 香料烟腺毛和结晶细胞发育及其与环境关系研究 结晶细胞是一类特化的含晶细胞,细胞内充满晶体,质体等被挤到细胞边缘。由扫描电镜观察到结晶体形状似角锥状。叶片成熟过程中结晶细胞超微结构发生变化,欠熟叶结晶细胞胞基质、质体处于细胞边缘,质体逐渐退化,但仍保持质体形态,胞基质清晰可见;适熟叶结晶细胞己看不到质体,胞基质收缩;过熟叶结晶细胞胞基质干缩。8香料烟结晶细胞的发育和分布 结晶细胞最早产生于叶长 Icm左右,发生于从下表皮往上数第 3层细胞处。叶长2叶cm左右时结晶细胞含量迅速增加,之后随着叶长增加其含量逐渐下降,并处于栅栏组织和海绵组织之间,呈不连续的条带状。结晶细胞随着叶片的生长逐渐增大,叶片成熟时一些结晶细胞破裂,颗粒状结晶物散出。结晶细胞在香料烟烟株根茎叶中均有分布,以叶中较多,并随叶位的升高含量增加。9香料烟叶结晶细胞部分矿质元素相对含量 香料烟叶结晶细胞与普通细胞相比有较高的钙含量,因此推测细胞内结晶体可能是一种钙盐结晶。同时不排除结晶体可能含有尚未证实的有机物成分。11不同产区自然条件及栽培措施对香料烟结晶细胞含量的影响 初步试验结果表明新疆碱性土壤下生长的香料烟叶中结晶细胞的含量稍高于云南酸性土壤生长的香料烟。雨水较少年份结晶细胞含量较高。灌水对叶片结晶细胞含量影响较大,不灌水处理各部位叶片结晶细胞含量均较高,灌水越多,结晶细胞含量越低。

【Abstract】 This paper studied on the development of glandular trichomes and crystal idioblasts of oriental tobacco and the effect of environment on them in Yunnan and Xinjiang in addition to pot experiment in Henan Agriculture University during 2001-2002. The results were as follows:The glandular trichomes of oriental tobacco was principally classified by multicell-headed long stalk trichomes,monocell-headed long stalk trichomes and multicell-headed short stalk trichomes .Branched trichomes was hardly observed. Density of short trichomes and long ones and their ratio raised with the increasing of stalk position.The long trichomes had absolute superiority on the leaves,especially on the yonger leaves. The percentage on the lower surface was higher than that on the upper surface.The morphology development of trichomes of two types was studied. Initial cell of the trichomes generally developed into long ones. The primary long trichomes and short ones both issumed from the first and second leaf primordium about 100-200um.The differentiation cells bulging from protoderm developed into long trichomes or short ones in different mode of morphology formation. The long trichomes had longer stalk composed of 2-5 cells and one rod-liking gland head composed of l-8secretory cells. The short trichomes had shorter stalk composed of only one cell and one ball-liking gland head composed of 8-16secretory cells.The trichome density was highest when the leaves was 1 centimetre and appeared to descend gradually during the growth of leaves. The number of trichomes came to maxium when the leaves length was half of mature leaves,then decreased. The density and number of the long trichomes prevailed over short ones during the growth of the leaves though the forming velocity of short trichomes exceeded that of long ones. The trichome density of the leaves of three maturity varied by the leaf position. The trichome density varied by maturity ,leaf position and trichome types during leaf maturing. When the immature leaves turned into proper mature, the total trichome density on the uppeer and lower leaves decreased with obvious variation while no variation on the middle leaves. When the leaves appeared over mature ,only the total trichome density on the lower leaves obviously decreased.The secretion activities of two trichomes was observed. The long trichomes wereclosely related with the stage of leaf development .especially the mature stage.The secretion of gland cells grandually strengthened in the ver-matured leaves.and came to climax when the leaves were proper mature,then weakened when the leaves appeared over mature. A minority of trichomes delayed and had a little of gummy exudate in the fine-matured leaves,consequently secreting much during curing of the leaves.The short trichomes were obviously different from the long ones.The exudate observed in the long trichomes was hardly observed in the short trichomes during the growth ,mature and aging of the leaves.The cuticular constituents about 15 were analyzed by GC/MS,5 compounds were belonged to secretory products of the glandular trichomes and their degradations.The content of cembratriendiol was higher.The trichome density varied in different regions.Compared with Xinjiang,there were higher densities of multicell-headed long stalk trichomes,multicell-headed short stalk trichomes and total trichomes in Yunnan,and multicell-headed long stalk trichomes were especially significant.The effect of different-typed fertilizers on trichome density varied by trichome category and leaf position. The multicell-headed long stalk trichomes were obviously influenced,The monocell-headed long stalk trichomes were affected any the less,however, the short trichomes were hardly influenced.The trichome density in the upper and middle leaves were more influenced than that in the lower leaves.The application of organic fertilizers enhanced the denity of multicell-headed long stalk trichomes and total trichomes of the upper leaves while chemical fertilizers increased the denity of multicell-heade

  • 【分类号】S572
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