

Comparative Studies on the Gushi Chicks and Partly External Breeds in the Captive Caged or Free Range Rearing Conditions

【作者】 焦玉萍

【导师】 康相涛;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在相同条件下按常规饲养管理规程将固始鸡纯系(G2)、父母代、商品代、罗曼蛋公鸡和艾维茵肉鸡饲养至4周龄,随机挑选健康的固始鸡纯系、父母代、商品代(公母各半),罗曼蛋公鸡各300只,随机平均分成两组,一组笼养,另一组放养,同时挑选150只艾维茵鸡用于放养,每组鸡都随机地均分为三个重复,每个重复50只鸡,饲养至18周龄。在5-18周龄每2周测定一次放养的三种固始鸡的体型性状;18周末测定各组鸡的屠体性状;4周龄和18周龄末测定各组鸡的胃蛋白酶、小肠中总蛋白水解酶、胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶和盲肠中纤维素酶活性;肠道各段(十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠)长度,并利用光学和电子显微镜观察4周末固始鸡纯系和艾维茵肉鸡腺胃、小肠和大肠各段的组织形态结构。试验结果表明: (1)放养条件下固始鸡的共同特征是:4~18周龄体重增长缓慢,18周龄末骨骼仍具有较高的生长速度,与舍饲条件下鸡的生长情况相比,固始鸡体重增长高峰期和骨骼发育时间均向后延缓或推迟。文中还对各参数进行了相关分析,并给出放养情况下,固始鸡纯系、父母代和商品代鸡体重与胫长及体重、胫长、体斜长、胸骨长、骨盆宽对日龄的拟合回归曲线。 (2)饲养方式和品种对屠体性状有不同程度的影响。屠宰率、全净膛率放养各组都高于相应笼养组,半净膛率放养组均低于相应笼养组,但差异均不显著(p>0.05);腿肌率放养组固始鸡纯系高于笼养组,差异不显著(p>0.05),放养组的固始鸡父母代和罗曼蛋公鸡显著高于对应笼养组(p<0.05),固始鸡商品代放养组低于笼养组,差异不显著(p>0.05);胸肌率放养组固始鸡纯系、父母代、罗曼蛋公鸡均显著高于对应笼养组(p<0.05),固始鸡商品代放养组高于笼养组,但差异不显著(p>0.05);腹脂率放养组固始鸡纯系、罗曼蛋公鸡高于笼养组,差异均不显著(p>0.05),但商品代固始河南农业大学硕士学位论文 摘要鸡放养组显著高于笼养组h州.05),固始鸡父母代放养鸡低于笼养鸡,差异不显著k川.05人放养各组的活重均显著低于相应笼养组…N.05人品种对屠宰率。全净膛率、半净膛率没有显著影响,放养组和笼养组中不同品种鸡之间屠宰率、全净膛率、半冲膛率差异均不显著b川.05人 而品种对活重、腿肌率、胸肌率、腹脂率具有显著影响,放养组和笼养组中不同品种鸡之间差异显著k.05人 门)消化道各段(十H指肠、空回肠、盲肠、直肠)的相对生长速度与体重的相对生长速度同步,放养和笼养对其影响不大。 u)消化酶的测定结果表明:4周龄时,各组鸡的消化酶活性无显著差异k川.05人18周龄时,放养组三种固始鸡的盲肠纤维素酶活性显著高于笼养组kN.05人 放养组罗曼蛋公鸡的盲肠纤维素酶活性与笼养组差异不显著h>0.05\ 放养组三种固始鸡和罗曼蛋公鸡的胃蛋白酶、小肠中总蛋白水解酶、胰蛋白酶活性与笼养组差异不显著h川.05人 而u-淀粉酶、脂肪酶活性显著低于笼养组k①.05人 放养的艾维茵肉鸡上述几种酶活性均处于较低水平。 u)光学和电子显微镜的观察结果表明:两种鸡肠段的横截面和纵切面的组织形态结构在光学显微镜下无太大的差异。在电子显微镜下腺胃无明显差异,而十二指肠、空回肠、盲肠和直肠肠就膜的表面均有不同程度的差异。

【Abstract】 In this experiment,pure lines, parents, commercial breeds of Gushi chicks, Ross roosters and Avin broiler chicks are raised to 4 weeks old under the same condition,then 300 of each group except avin were selected and divided 2 groups equally,one group was captive caged ,the other group was free-range reared from 5 weeks to 18 weeks . each group was distributed into 3 repetition,and each repetition includes 50 chicks.bodily form of 3 generation of gushi chicks were measured every two weeks, slaugher qualities were measured in the end of 18 weeks.The activity of pepsin ,trypsin, total proteinase,a-amylase ,lipase and cellulase in the stomachal , small intestinal and caecum contents ,the length of duodenum jejunum-ileum,caeca and rectum were measured respectly on the end of 4 weeks and 18 weeks.furthermore we observe gland paunch tissue morphology structure of small instinal ,caeca and rectum of gushi pure lines and avin broiler chicks utilizing optical and electronic microscope .On the basis of gushi weight and partly bodily form parameter ,we analyzed growth and development of 3 generations of gushi in the periods of 4-18weeks under the free range rearing condition , The results showed that 3 generations of gushi have the same characteristic : weight growth increased slowly in the periods of 4-18 weeks,in the end of 18 weeks ,skeleton yet have higher growing speed.comparing to growth state of chicks under the other breed conditions,the peak of weight growth and skeleton development were postponed or deleyed .the article have relative analysis to parameters and give regress curve of weight to shrank lengh and body weight, shrank lengh, body lengh, chest breath lengh, pelvis width to day-age.The slaugher experiment showed:raising method and breed have different effect on different slaugher qualities . carcass yield rate, brawn bressing percentage of FRR are higher than that of CCR, half- brawn bressing percentage of FRR is lower than that of CCR,the difference was not signifficant (p>0.05). hindquater muscle percentage of , in the FRR is higher than that in the CCR ,but the difference was not significant (p>0.05). parents and roosters in the FRR are higher than that in the CCR significantly (p<0.05), commercial breeds in the FRR is lower than that in the CRR,the difference was not significant (p>0.05).breast muscle percentage of parents, pure lines and rooster in FRR are all signifficantly than that in CRR . commercial breeds in the FRR is higher than that in the CRR, the difference was not signifficant (p>0.05). pure lines, Ross roosters in the FRR are higher than that in the CRR .the difference was not signifficant (p>0.05). commercial breeds in the FRR is higher than that in the CRR signifficantly (p<0.05). parents in the FRR is lower than that in the CRR, the difference was not signifficant (p>0.05). live weight of frr is lower than that of CRR significantly (p<0.05).breed have little effect on carcass yield rate, brawn bressing percentage, half- brawn bressing percentage.different breeds have littler difference in the FRR or CRR (p>0.05).while breed have significant effect on live weight, hindquater muscle percentage, breast muscle percentage, percentage of abdom inal fat.the diffrence is significant among different group in the FRRor CRR.Relative growth speed result of digestive tract show: Relative growth speed of length of duodenum ,jejunum-ileum,caeca and rectum have the same speed of Relative growth speed of weight.frr or err have little effect on it.The results showed that there were no significent difference among each group in the 4 weeks old (p>0.05). in the 18 weeks old ,the activity of 3 breeds Gushi chicks in the (FRR) were far more higher than these of their in the captive caged rearing (CCR) (p<0.05). there were no significent differentce for pepsin,trypsin and total proteinase between 2 conditions among each group (p>0.05), while the a-amylase and lipase activity in free range rearing (FRR) were lower significently than these in the captive caged rearing (CCR) (p<0.05). the above digest

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