

Studies on Regulating Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen Management on Physiological Characteristics of Two Winter Wheat Cultivars with Different Spike Type

【作者】 冯伟

【导师】 郭天财; 赵会杰;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 2000~2002年连续两年在大田生产条件下以大穗型品种豫麦66和多穗型品种豫麦49为材料,研究了两种穗型冬小麦品种的群体生理特征及灌水和施氮的生理调节效应,探讨了冬小麦节水省肥栽培管理的技术途径。主要试验结果如下: 1.灌水次数和氮肥用量对小麦群体的同化面积发展有一定影响,且两种穗型品种表现出相同的趋势,即随灌水次数和氮肥用量的增加群体同化面积增加,单位面积穗数增多,并且生育后期叶片衰退缓慢,LAI较高。两种穗型品种间比较,大穗型品种豫麦66从孕穗期开始,群体一直较小,后期单位面积总茎数少,通风透光好,叶片衰老缓慢,可保持较高LAI。 2.灌水次数和氮肥用量对两种穗型品种植株体内营养状况有重要调节作用,叶片N、P、K含量均随氮肥用量增加而提高,代谢活力增强。灌水对N、P转运具有促进效果,在开花~成熟期,随灌水次数增加,叶片含N量下降,而叶片含P量在灌浆期以全生育期灌二水处理(W2)为最低,在成熟期表现为随灌水次数增加而降低。灌水对叶片含钾量的影响不太稳定,豫麦66在灌浆~成熟期以W2处理最高,而豫麦49在开花~成熟期则以W3处理最高。 3.两种穗型品种灌浆期植株体内碳氮代谢与籽粒灌浆速率存在一定差异,且均受水分和氮肥调节。随着灌水次数和氮肥用量的增加,NR活性提高,可溶性蛋白质含量增加,表明叶片氮代谢增强。限量灌水(W2)叶片WSC含量变化平稳,可稳定地向籽粒灌浆提供同化产物;适量施氮(N2)旗叶WSC含量较低,显示营养物质能够及时外运,有利于促进籽粒灌浆。增加灌水次数可使籽粒WSC在灌浆后期含量下降,促进其向淀粉转化。而增施氮肥有利于籽粒灌浆前、中期WSC含量提高,从而为此期粒重快速增 冯伟:水氮运筹对两种穗型冬小麦品种生理调节效应的研究 长提供充足的底物供应。淀粉积累速率与籽粒灌浆速率间呈显著正相关, 增加灌水次数和施氮量,两者均表现为前期慢,后期快,且积累高峰推迟 的特点。豫麦66在灌浆后期旗叶NR活性、可溶性蛋白质含量高于豫麦49, 表明其叶片衰老缓慢;在灌浆盛期旗叶和籽粒中WSC含量高,表明大穗型 品种源物质供应充足。 4.灌水和氮肥对两种穗型品种旗叶Chl、Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm、qP、qN、Q ps和 Pn均有不同程度的影响。增施氮肥提高叶绿素含量。增加灌水次 数对叶片具有明显的保绿防衰效果,尤其在灌浆后期表现更为明显。两品 不卜较,大穗型品种豫麦66灌浆后期的北、car、chla/b、chl/car均 较高,叶片衰老和叶绿素降解缓慢,光合效率提高。随施氮量增加,两种 穗型品种的 FV*O和 FV*V值逐渐升高,而灌水对 FV/FO的影响以 W。处理 最高,但vv仔 在各灌水处理间差异较小。增施氮肥能显著降低qx值, 而灌水对qN值的效应在灌浆前期表现不明显,但在后期则明显降低。灌 水次数和氮肥用量对 QP和 oPS 11值的影响相似,从整体趋势看,灌水对 qP和 ofpSll的促进效应大小表现为 W。)W。>W;;氮肥对 qP和 OpSll值的影 响效应以N;处理最高,继续增施氮肥反而降低。施用氮肥能明显提高光合 速率,而灌水对Pn的影响以W。处理在整个灌浆期间均具有明显的忧势。 两种穗型品种光合指标存在一定差异,大穗型品种豫麦66 的FV仆O、 Fv/Fm、qP和 dipsll均高于多穗型品种豫麦 49,而 pN则较低,在灌浆后 期豫麦66 Pn高于豫麦49,且下降缓慢。 5.灌水和氮肥对两种穗型品种产量及其构成因素具有明显的调节作 用,两品种产量高低表现为 W。W。W;和 N。>N。*;)w。。增加灌水次数和施 氮量对穗数及穗粒数均具有积极效应,以W;、WJN。、N.;处理较高。氮肥 对千粒重的效应豫麦66表现为以N。处理最高,继续增施氮肥反而降低, 而豫麦49呈现随施氮量增加而降低,而水分对千粒重的影响豫麦49呈正 2 河南农业大学硕士学位论文 相关,豫麦 66则相反。本试验以 W。N。、W几和 W抓三个处理的产量较高, 但从节水省肥降低生产成本考虑,W几处理为最佳处理组合。 综合本研究结果,两种穗型品种要实现高产高效,大穗型品种豫麦66 要求足墒下种,保证一播全苗,适当增加基本苗,在拔节期结合灌水并追 施氮肥,促大分素快速生长,提高分素成穗率,确保足够穗数,并在孕穗~ 灌浆期适时适量灌水,以充分发挥后期光合能力强、穗粒重高的忧势获得 高产;多穗型品种豫麦49则要求适当控制基本苗,前期合理促控减少无 效分蔡,加强中后期管理,拔节期灌水追施氮肥,加速两极分化?

【Abstract】 The population physiological characteristics of both small spike-type cultivar (yumai 49) and large spike-type cultivar (yumai 66) were studied under field conditions, and the regulating effects of nitrogen and irrigation management were investigated as well. The main results are as follows:1. Irrigation frequency and nitrogen rate had a direct effect on the development of assimilating organ area and the same trend in the changes of population was observed in both cultivars. With the increasing of irrigation frequency and nitrogen rate , the LAI increased during wheat development because of slower senescence. Meanwhile, ears per unit area increased. There were differences between two cultivars in population development. Although yumai 66 had fewer culms per unit area after booting stage, it could maintain higher LAI during grain filling because of better light condition in canopy and slower senescing of leaves.2. Irrigation frequency and nitrogen rate regulated N, P and K content in two winter wheat cultivars. N, P and K content in leaves increased when nitrogen rate raised. Water and nitrogen had different regulating effects. Water stimulated transportation of N and P. N content in leaves enhanced with increasing of irrigation frequency from anthesis to mature, but P content in leaves of W2 was lowest at filling stage and declined with increasing of irrigation frequency at maturity. Effect of water on K content in leaves was not stable, as for yumai 66, K content of W2 was highest from filling to harvest, as to yumai 49 , that of Ws was highest from anthesis to harvest.3. There was distinct difference between two cultivars in C-N metabolic characteristics and grain development during grain filling stage and both cultivars were affected by water and nitrogen. Nitrate reductase (NR) activity and soluble protein content in flag leaf increased when irrigation frequency and nitrogen rateenhanced, which showed that N metabolic activity was strengthened. Changes of the WSC content of limited water supply (W2) was stable in flag leaf, which suggested that W2 had stronger source supplying ablility persistently. The WSC content of limited nitrogen supply (N2) was lower in flag leaf. It revealed that N2 maintained stronger flow activity and rapid translocation of assimilating matter, which stimulated grain to fill. The WSC content in grain declined when irrigation frequency increased in the late grain-filling stages, which promoted WSC to become starch. During the initial and mid grain-filling stage, the treatment of suitably higher nitrogen raised the WSC content in grain, which indicated that supplying ability of assimilate was enhanced , and therefore kernel-weight could increase rapidly. There was significant positive correlation between grain filling rate and starch accumulating, both were lower in the initial grain-filling stage and higher in the late grain-filling stage when irrigation frequency and nitrogen rate increased. NR activity and soluble protein content in flag leaf of yumai 66 were higher than that of yumai 49, which showed that its leaves senesced slowely. During the grain-filling peak, the WSC content in leaves and grain was higher, which showed that the massive -spike cultivar had stronger source supplying ability.4. Irrigation and nitrogen management affected ch1, Fv/Fo, Fv/Fm, qP, qN, psIIand Pn of flag leaf in two wheat varieties with different spike types to some content. Chlorophyll contents increased when more nitrogen was applied. Chi contents of N3 treatment was little higher than that of N2 treatment, but Ch1 contents might be decreased by too much nitrogen. Irrigation can let leaf senesce slowely and enhanced Chi contents especially in the late growth period. ChK car, chla/chlb, chl/car of flag leaf in Yumai 66 were higher than in Yumai 49 in the late filling stage, which could alleviate the degradation of chl, stimulate increasing of photosynthesis. PSII activity (Fv/Fo) and the maximal quantum efficiency o

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