

Solutions to the Human Resource Development and the Employment Problem of Xinjiang

【作者】 阿丽燕

【导师】 何伦志;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆地区的开发是西部大开发战略的重要组成部分。新疆拥有丰富的矿产自然资源和可观的人文旅游资源。新疆经济发展的前途是无可限量的。历史证明,一个地区要得到持续稳定健康的发展,光有自然资源是不行的。在知识经济的今天,只有拥有丰富,高素质的人力资源的地区才能在发展中取得长足的进步。对于人力资源的问题,笔者认为,要从人力资源的开发和就业问题的解决两方面来研究。本文从新疆本地区的人口现状与人口问题入手,通过对各种数据的分析比较,主要提出了对新疆现存人力资源开发及就业问题的一些解决对策。 正文共分五个部分。第一部分利用具体数据阐述了新疆人口现状与存在的人口问题。新疆地区的人口特征主要体现在人口增长率高于全国平均水平,城镇人口比重较低以及少数民族人口比重大。新疆是少数民族聚集地区,不仅少数民族数量多,而且分布不均匀,呈现大杂居,小聚居的特点。这就提醒我们在制定人力资源开发策略和就业政策的时候,不能照搬照抄内地省市或者沿海地区的经验,要根据新疆的实际情况,制定有效的政策,才能收到明显的成效。新疆现今比较突出的人口问题主要表现在人口增长率在短期内在难以有明显的下降。 第二部分以数据为说明材料,具体分析了新疆目前就业形势及就业压力的来源。从就业形势来看,目前新疆就业岗位供需矛盾突出,有四大劳动力群体的就业问题急待解决,特别是国有企业下岗失业人员再就业难度大。在再就业问题解决过程中,第三产业和个体、私营企业成为主要就业空间,非国有经济单位吸收了大部分下岗失业人员。但由于新疆非国有经济和第三产业发展相对不发达,吸纳能力有限。 从就业面临问题来看,在解决就业问题的同时要保持经济发展的速度。①随着经济结构的调整,经济增长方式的转变和国有企业的改革力度加大,以前的国有企业的隐性失业、就业不充分问题就以下岗人员增加体现出来。②现行体制和政策环境与就业形势多样化发展趋势不相适应。③城乡就业的冲突和竞争问题。 第三部分首先从理论方面阐述了新疆人力资源开发的思路。人力资源即劳动力资源,通过对人力资源的开发使其成为人力资本,成为推进社会经济发展的根本动力。其次,描述了新疆人力资源的不断发展情况。最后,新疆人力资源的情况不容过分乐观:①人口文化素质偏低。②现有人才数量质量矛盾比较突出。③人才资源的分布结构不合理。④人才竞争处于不利地位。⑤劳动者心理素质还没有完成由传统向现代转变。 第四部分主要讨论了人口、就业与人力资源开发战略。讨论的方面包括:新疆实施西部大开发要明确“以人为本”的开发战略。经济发展是新疆开发的动力和直接目标,要使新疆经济保持持续稳定增长,就要把开发重点从自然资源转向人力资源,即从“物本”开发转向“人本”开发。 第五部分是本文的重点章节,内容是新疆地区的人口、就业与人力资源开发对策。对于新疆地区的应该采取的人口发展对策包括:①采取切实可行的政策控制人口增长。②逐步实施全国统一的计划生育政策。③把提高人口素质放到优先地位。至于就业问题的解诀,应该从以下几个方面下工夫:①积极创造良好的就业环境,充分拓展新的就业空间。②营造健康、规范的社会氛围,树立正确的就业观。③解决后顾之忧:加快建立健全覆盖全社会的社会保障体系。④采取积极措施。确保各项再就业扶持政策落实到位。 最后讨论的是新疆地区人力资本发展政策。在新疆发展人力资本的对策,我认为这几点可行性较高:①采取切实有效的政策大力发展教育和投资。②新疆地区的人才培养与引进对策:大力引进各种人才,要制定优惠政策,吸引区外人才;长期引进和短期服务相结合;硬引进和软引进相结合;大力发展人才资源评估体系;建立“以人为本”的多种激励机制,消除高级人才收入不到位的问题:建立以竟聘上岗为主导的竟争机制;发展高等教育,立足培养当地人才;树立新的人才观与用人观;建立企业家选拔、激励和淘汰机制:③大力发展卫生事业,提高居民健康素质。

【Abstract】 The development of Xinjiang is an important part of the development strategy of west China. Xinjiang has plenty of mineral materials and considerable humanity tourist resources. The economy development future of Xinjiang is too unimaginable. History proves that if the economy of a certain area that expected to be developed continually, it cannot only depend on the natural resources. Nowadays, the knowledge economy is booming. Only area that has plenty and qualified human resources can achieve great progresses in development. The main idea of this article is about solutions to the development of Xinjiang human resources and employment problems.The article is divided into five parts. The first part applies concrete data to describe the current situation and the existing population problems. The population characters are main showed in three ways: the increasing rate of population is higher than the average level of the nation’s; lower proportion of urban citizens and the largest proportion of many minorities. These characters mean that we cannot use the same policy as other provinces in developing human resources in Xinjiang. We can make remarkable progresses only through basing our policies on the real situations of Xinjiang.The second part is some data for analysis. The data is about the current situation of employment and the origins of employment pressure. We can know that the supply and demand of occupations do not equal. The unemployment of four kinds of people is noticeable, especially the ones who used to work in state-owned enterprises. These people are facing a lot of difficulties in find new jobs. In the course of solving the problem of reemployment, the tertiary industry and private enterprises has become a main channel to absorb the unemployment people.While solving the problem of unemployment, we must keep the currentdeveloping speed of economy. Accompany with the adjusting of economy structure, the changing in ways of economy increase and the revolution in state-owned enterprises, the problem of hiding unemployment has become clearer. The growth of economy not definitely depends on the cost of rising unemployment rate. The ideal target is to make both of the rates increased. The third part presented the thoughts about development of human resources. Human resources, which we called labor resource as well, will become human capital after development. The human resource in Xinjiang is increasing continually. There is more qualified labor in this area now than before. But we cannot be satisfied with the current condition. The educational level is still lower compared with other provinces.The forth and the fifth sections are the most important part in my article. The forth part is mainly about strategy that we can take in solving the problem of employment and human resource development. To achieve the target of economy growth, we should shift the develop emphasis from natural resources to human resources. Human capital can make a lot of contribution in economy growth. The core of human capital is intelligence capital. The importance of intelligence should be realized now.The fifth part is about the policy that we can take in solving the problems such as population growth, employment and the development of human resource. The policy of how to develop the human capital in Xinjiang has been emphasized at the end of the article. What we should do includes: enlarge the investment in education. The developing of training and education is a key point of development the human capital; make some compelling policies to attract the well-educated labor outside Xinjiang; pay more attention to the development of medical welfare, improve the healthy condition of people.

【关键词】 就业人力资源人力资本
【Key words】 employmenthuman resourcehuman capital
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F249.27
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】523