

A Study on TCSL Teacher’s Classroom Language

【作者】 王祖嫘

【导师】 杨惠元;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言文化大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 语言是教师的职业工具,教师的语言能力是其从事教育工作的首要条件。对外汉语教师的语言有着比其他学科教师语言更为重要的作用。本文以对外汉语课堂教学语言为研究对象,目的是探索对外汉语教学语言的特点与规律,丰富对外汉语教学理论,并给教学提供有意义的参考和借鉴。 本文收集了113288字的教师课堂教学语言的语料,利用计算机技术生成了一个小型的课堂教学语言语料库,并对语料库的词库和句子库进行了重点研究。 在词库的研究中,我们列出了50个课堂教学语言中最常用的高频词,并把这些高频词与中小学语文教学语言的高频词进行了对比。同时还考察了50个高频词在各词类中的分布情况。研究表明,对外汉语课堂教学语言的词汇十分有限,少量的简单词汇构成一些固定化的课堂用语,在课堂上大量地重复。课堂教学语言的话题十分有限,课文中的一些名词和专名在课堂上被大量地重复。课堂教学语言中的一些词类很有特点,某些常用词在课堂教学语言中的意义和作用不同于它们在一般口语中的意义和作用。在句子库的研究中主要考查了教学语言的句长。研究表明,教学语言的分句长度一般在15字以内,而大部分句子都集中在7字以内,最多的是3字以内的句子。教师在课堂上有尽量缩短句子长度的倾向。另外,本文还重点考查了问句,对外汉语课堂上大量使用问句,且类型比较丰富。研究表明,3字问句在课堂上的使用最多。课堂上使用最多的是特指问句,其次是是非问句,还有一种特殊问句——留空句也有大量的使用。不同的问句类型在课堂上有不同的功能。 最后,我们总结出了对外汉语课堂教学语言的六个特点:结构的特殊性、受限性、启发性、设定性、表达方式的特殊性和双重性,并且提出了这些特点对教学的启示。

【Abstract】 Language is the professional tool of a teacher, and teacher’s language ability is a prerequisite of this profession. The language of a teacher of Teaching Chinese as Second Language (TCSL) plays a more important role than that of teachers in other subjects. This paper mainly deals with TCSL teacher’s language in classroom, exploring its characteristics and rules so as to make some contributions to TCSL theories, and tries to offer some instructions to teaching activities. The paper first points out the importance of studying TCSL teacher’s classroom language. In second chapter some relative studies are introduced.The third chapter goes on to explain the research design and method regarding this paper. We adopt the method of analyzing linguistic materials, and set up an altogether 113288-character stratified data base according to the order of character, word, sentence and paragraph. The research emphasis is put on word bank and sentence bank.The fourth chapter discusses the research result of the data analysis. We list 50 most frequently used words in TCSL classroom teaching language, and compare them with that in primary school teaching language. The parts of speech of the 50 words are also mentioned. The research implies that the vocabulary teacher uses in classroom is rather limited. Some routine classroom phrases and sentences consisting of a few simple words are repeatedly used. Also due to the restriction of classroom activity topic, some nouns are repeated frequently. And some words have different meanings and effects in classroom than in everyday use.In the research of sentence bank, we mainly look into the sentence length of the teaching language. The result shows that almost all sentences are within 15 characters, while most are within 7, and sentences within 3 characters make up the greatest part. It may be a proof that teacher tends to shorten his words in classroom teaching. Besides, we also make an investigation into questions. It shows that 3-character question is most frequently used. As to the question type, "特指-question" is most frequently used, followed by "是非- question". A special question, "’ 留空-question", is also used a lot. Different types of questions have different uses in classroom.The fifth chapter further discusses the six characteristics of TCSL teacher’s classroom language.The last chapter is a sum up of the research result, states that the paper is only a preliminary study of TCSL teacher’s classroom language, and finally points out the future research direction.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】23
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