

Experimental Study about Effects on Interleukin of Rats after Eternally Aerobic Exercise

【作者】 张蕾

【导师】 邓树勋; 郝选明;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着分子及细胞生物学的理论与技术的发展及应用,对运动与免疫的研究也越来越深入。由于近年白介素的发现,人们有关运动对免疫系统的作用的认识也取得了突破性的进展,某些方面已达到了分子水平。本实验主要研恒定负荷有氧运动条件下肌体白细胞介素的应答性和适应性的变化特征。 本实验以SD大鼠为研究对象,将动物分为安静对照组、运动前即刻即刻组,运动后即刻即刻组和运动后3小时即刻组。又根据运动时间的不同分为零周起点组、1周运动组、2周运动组、3周运动组、4周运动组等19个组。探讨恒定负荷有氧耐力训练对大鼠血清白细胞介素一(IL-1)、白细胞介素二(IL-2)、白细胞介素六(IL-6)活性的影响,试图为运动对免疫的影响提供实验依据。实验结果如下: 1.一次急性运动后即刻,与安静对照组相比,运动后即刻血清IL—1水平明显升高(P<0.01),经过3小时的休息后,血清IL—1的水平虽然明显下降(P<0.05),但仍高于运动前安静时的水平(P<0.05),整个曲线呈现明显的先上升后下降的变化趋势,而定量负荷有氧耐力运动四周,除WK3-3H外其他四周各组都呈现出:“升—升—降”的趋势,三、四周各组的上升更为明显,表明适量的有氧运动可以有效的激活肌体的免疫系统,增强了免疫细胞对细胞间传递物质IL-1的分泌,并且随着时间的延续IL-1水平持续升高,推测IL-1的升高可能与肌体的免疫力增强呈一定相关性。 2.一次急性运动后即刻,与安静对照组相比,血清IL-2水平有下降趋势,经过3小时的休息后,血清IL-2水平虽然有回升趋势,但是依然没有恢复到运动前安静时的水平,整个变化趋势呈“V”形,同时变化不明显,不具有统计学上的意义(P>0.05),而零周和第一周与此十分相似,只是变化幅度更大,三周和四周的变化不太明显,基本上成一条直线型。表明肌体IL-2水平相对比较稳定,一华南师范大学体育科学学院硕士学位论文 张蕾 一2一次有氧运动对之影响不大,有氧耐力运动可以提高肌体的免疫能力是一个长期的积累效应,并且与适宜的刺激强度有关。 3.一次急性运动后即刻,血清IL七水平明显升高,经过3小时的休息后,血清见一6的水平有持续升高趋势,但都不具有统计学上的显著性差异(P>0刀5),整个变化趋势呈直线上升型。WK与 WKO的白细胞介导素六(IL-6)有着相似的变化趋势一WK的变化幅度更大一些,第二周各组 n-6水平显著下降,而第三周、第四周大鼠白细胞介导素六(IL七)水平的变化并不是太明显,与 WKO-R相比没有显著性差异,估计是因为己经适应了有氧运动的结果。表明:肌体IL-6水平对有氧运动有应答性升高并且有超量恢复的趋势,但是有氧耐力运动对肌体免疫力的调节是否与血清IL七水平相关,还需要进行长期的观察和测定。 4.安静生长对照组四周的血浆白细胞介素水平的变化趋势,IL-l的变化如下:第一周和第二周大鼠 IL-l水平与零周比无显著性差异(P>0刀5),第三周和第四周的大鼠IL-l水平除了WK4R没有显著性差异外,其他各组与起点组相比,都具有高度显著性差异(P<0刀1)而1*-2与1*-6的第四周水平与起始水平无显著性差异(P>0对引。推测是一方面是因为随着时间的延长,大鼠的年龄的增长,大鼠的免疫力的增强与IL-l的水平的升高呈正相关。另一方面是经过两周的运动方式和生活环境的适应,恒定负荷的有氧耐力运动对大鼠造成的刺激已不那么强烈,年龄的增长对IL-2和IL-6水平影响不大。 因此,我们认为:①恒定负荷有氧运动可以提高血浆IL-1的活性从而可以达到免疫调节作用。②在对一次恒定负荷有氧运动的应答过程中可发现IL-l水平呈先升后降、IL-2水平呈先降后升而IL七水平呈持续上升变化趋势。③在对四周恒定负荷有氧运动的适应过程中可发现IL-l水平持续上升、IL-2水平呈先升后降至起始水平,而L-6水平则在第一周升高而第二周显著下降,后逐渐上升至起始水平。因IL-6是肌肉损伤指标之一,提示第h周可能有短暂的疲劳积累和肌肉损伤,运动训练周期应遵循着“升一降一升”的训练模式,有助于疲劳的消除,而不是恒定负荷贯穿始终。④运动时间越长、运动水平越高,n-l和 IL-2运动前后对比变化幅度越小,而安静时的水平比同组不运动组鼠要高(IL-1)或不变*L2人 提示ILl IL2变化幅度可否作为评价运动员运动能力的指标。⑤肌体的免疫系统对恒定负荷有氧运动的适应性变化大致可分为激活、补偿、去补偿、复归4个阶段。

【Abstract】 Due to the development and application of theory and technology in the field of molecule and cell biology, the research of exercise and immunology is going deeper. The discovery of interleukin in recent years has led to a groundbreaking progress in people’s understanding of the functions of immune system. In some areas people have been able to understand its working on the level of molecule. This study tries to observe the responsive and recovery characteristics of immune function of IL induced by eternally aerobic exercise.This research object is SD rats, which have been divided into four groups : 1. Control (WK-R) 2. rats killed before exercise (WK-B) 3. rats killed immediately after exercise (WK-A) 4. rats killed 3 hours after exercise (WK-3h).The rats were randomly divided into 19 groups in all according to the length of time used for exercise: 1. zero week (WKO) 2. one week (WK1) 3. two weeks (WK2) 4. three weeks (WK3) 5. four weeks (WK4). We observe the experimental study about effects on interleukin (IL-1^ IL-2> IL-6)of rats after eternally aerobic exercise and try to provide experimental evidence for the effect of exercise on the immune system . The results are as follows:1. The activity of serum IL-1 of WKO-A is significantly higher than that of WKO-R(P<0.01) and after 3 hours’ rest, the activity of serum IL-1 of WKO-3h is significantly lower than that of WKO-A(P<0.05),but it is still significantly higher than that of WKO-R(P< 0.01) .The curves show a tendency of rising at first and going down later. During the four weeks of eternally aerobic exercise, all groups except WK3-3H show a tendency of rise-rise-dropping ". The rising of WK3 and WK4 is more obvious. It shows that adequate aerobic exercise can effectively activate immune system, increase IL-1 secretion which is the medium between immune cells and prolong the rise in the IL-1 level. It suggests certain relevance between the strengthening of the immune system and the rise of serum IL-1 level.2. The activity of serum IL-2 of WKO-A is lower than that of WKO-R, and after 3 hours’ rest the activity of serum IL-2 about WKO-3h is higher than that of WKO-A. However, it is still lower than that of WKO-R. The curves show a tendency of lowering down at first and rising later with no significant change (P>0.05). The result of WKO and WK1 are very similar to the above-mentioned tendency, but they have experienced greater change. The changes occurred in WK3 and WK4 are not noticeable, and can be illustrated by a straight line. It shows that serum IL-2 is comparatively stable and has not been affected by the aerobic exercise. The improvement of immune system motivated by aerobic exercise is the result of a long-term accumulation, and it is also related to the proper stimulating intensity.3. The activity of serum IL-6 of WKO-A is significantly higher than that of WKO-R, the activity of serum IL-6 of WKO-3h is still higher than that of WKO-A and WKO-R, but with no significant change(P>0.05). The curves show a tendencyof sharp rising. WKO and WK1 are similar in the changes of their IL-6, but the change of WK1 is greater. IL-6 level shows a noticeable decline in WK2. It shows no obvious changes in WK3 and WK4, which might be the result of the rats’ accommodation to the aerobic exercise. The result shows that IL-6 responds to aerobic exercise with a rise and manifests a tendency of continuing rise after 3 hours. Nonetheless, whether the influence of aerobic exercise on the immunity of body is linked with the serum IL-6 level or not needs long-term observation and tests.4. In the tendency of change in the serum interleukin (WK-R) during the four weeks, the changes in IL-1 are as follows: There is no significant change among WK1 and WK2 .WKO (P>0.05). The activity of serum IL-1 of WK3-all and WK4-all is significantly higher than that of WKO-R except WK4-R and WK4- (P<0.01) .But there is no significant change in IL-2 and IL-6 ever since the first week(P>0.05). We believe that on the one hand , as time goes by, the age of rats has in

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