

Responsive and Adaptive Changes of HSP70, Free Radicals Metabolism and Na~+-K~+-ATPase Activity to Aerobic Endurance Exercise in Myocardium of Rats

【作者】 林玲

【导师】 黄玉山; 郝选明;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 热休克蛋白(HSP)又称为应激蛋白,是生物体在不良环境因素作用下所产生的一组特殊的蛋白质,它能保护机体(或细胞)在应激时不受或少受伤害。运动能引起生物体细胞产生应激反应,诱导HSP生成,近年许多学者开始就运动与HSP的关系展开研究,以期为过度训练的预防、组织器官损伤保护等方面服务。运动过程中氧自由基的增高是导致运动性疲劳并影响恢复速率的重要因素之一。而Na~+-K~+-ATPase活性对细胞正常功能的维持具有重要意义。以往的研究主要观测了一次运动或长期训练前后HSP70、自由基代谢和Na~+-K~+-ATPase活性的情况,而在进行长期性的有氧耐力训练时,对于不同训练阶段机体这些指标所发生的应答性反应有何变化,以及在不同训练阶段所产生适应性变化的基本特征,国内外尚未有研究。掌握在有氧耐力训练过程中这些指标的应答性反应和适应性变化的基本特征对于科学地安排运动训练,既具有非常重要的理论意义,又具有十分重要的应用价值。 因此,本研究的主要目的包括:(1)观察大鼠心肌HSP70、自由基代谢和Na~+-K~+-ATPase活性对有氧耐力运动所发生的应答性变化特征,以及在四周恒定负荷有氧耐力训练过程中应答性特征所发生的变化。(2)观察大鼠心肌HSP70、自由基代谢和Na~+-K~+-ATPase活性对四周有氧耐力训练所发生适应性变化的时间过程与基本特征。 本研究以120只3月龄SD大鼠为研究对象,随机分为安静对照组和训练组。训练组在大鼠跑台上进行为期四周每次30min速度25m/min,1次/天,6次/周的恒定负荷耐力训练,在训练前和训练四周中的每周日,分别于恒定负荷运动前、运动后即刻和运动后3小时取大鼠心肌进行HSP70、MDA、总抗氧化能力和Na~+-K~+-ATPase活性的测试。 实验结果显示: (1) HSP70在有氧耐力运动后呈逐渐上升的趋势,但只在训练第一和第二周后, 中南帅他人学休育科学学院2003刷们。学位论文 林 玲 这种应答性上升有显著性,且只是运动后3b显著比运动前o<o.01贞运动后 即刻(<0刀5)高,而运动前和运动后即刻之间无显著差异。结果提示:*sP70 应答性变化大小主要取决于运动对机体所造成应激的程度,从应激开始到 HSP70大量合成之间需要一定的时问。()HSP70基础值(运动前值)在定量负荷训练过程中出现先升高后降低的适 应性变化,训练第二周末达到峰值,第四周末己回复正常。提示训练负荷产 生的运动应激对机体必须足够大,才能导致HSP70的积累。切 有氧耐力训练使总抗氧化能力在第一周训练结束后,基础值显著上升,运 动后即刻显著下降(P<0.05),且运动后3h比运动后即刻还低;在训练第二周, 运动后即刻**A出现显著升高o<0刀1),总抗氧化能力出现下降趋势;第 一次运动和第三、四周训练后,定量负荷运动未造成总抗氧化能力和MDA 含量的显著变化,显示自由基代谢对同一运动负荷的应答性变化会随着对运 动负荷的逐渐适应而减小,机体自由基代谢重新达到平衡,抗氧化系统提高 了对氧化应激的防御能力,具备了承受更大负荷运动应激的能力。(4 未经训练大鼠一次耐力运动后,心肌Na\K+-ATPase活性升高,且维持到运 动后3h①<o刀5);训练第二周末,心肌Na\K\Ahase活性运动后显著下降 (<队05);训练第一、三、四周进行有氧耐力运动,心肌Na\义-ATksc活 性未出现显著变化。提示:心肌Na”-K”-ATPase活性对有氧耐力运动的应答 性变化与运动对机体所造成的应激程度有关。(5 进行有氧耐力训练后,大鼠心肌 Na”-K+-ATPase活性基础值出现升高趋势, 显示:心肌细胞膜上Na“、K”泵的工作能力提高,心脏的保护机制有所增强。

【Abstract】 Introduction: Heat shock proteins (HSP) are also called stress proteins that undergo preferential synthesize following a variety of stressors and can protect economies or cells under stressed conditions. Exercise has been demonstrated as a physiological inducer of HSP. Recently many scientists start to research the relationships of exercise and HSP, who want to use these to prevent over-training and protect tissues after excessive exercise. It has great influence in training effect and body ability status that the changes of free radicals metabolism are induced by exercises. There are not sufficient researches about the regular changes of HSP70, free radicals metabolism and Na+-K+-ATPase activity in training course. So the aim of this study was to observe the responsive and adaptive changes of HSP70, free radicals metabolism and Na+-K+-ATPase activity in four weeks endurance training of fix quantity in myocardium of rats.Method: Three months old male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into rest control groups (CG) and training groups (TG). Rats of training groups ran for 30 min at speed of 25m/min a day, 6d/week. Before training and at the four seventh days of every training week., HSP70 content, MDA content and Na+-K+-ATPase activity in myocardium of rats were measured at pre-exercise, post-exercise immediately and 3h after exercise respectively. Results:(1) HSP70 content increased gradually after exercise, but significant change was only in WK1 and WK2 groups. In these groups, HSP70 content in 3h after exercise groups (3hE) was significant greater than in pre-exercise groups (PE) (P<0.05) and post-exercise immediately groups (AE) (P<0.01). No significant difference between PE and AE.(2) Pre-exercise HSP70 content was significant greater in WK1 group (P<0.05) than in CG, and greatest in WK2 group. It started to decrease in the third week (WK3 vs. WK2 P<0.05). No significant difference between WK4 group and CG.(3) Total antioxidant ability (T-AOC) in WK1 groups decreased immediately afterexercise (P<0.05) and continued to decrease till 3 hours after. MDA content increased after exercise immediately in WK2 groups (P<0.01), at the same time T-AOC decreased. MDA and T-AOC had no significant changes after exercise in WK3 and WK4 groups.(4) Pre-exercise MDA content had no significant changes in four weeks endurance training course. Pre-exercise T-AOC had significant increase after one week training (P<0.001), but decreased to normal level after two weeks training.(5) Na+-K+-ATPase activity raised till three hours after exercise in untrained rats. Post-exercise Na+-K+-ATPase activity decreased greatly in WK2 groups (AE vs. PE P<0.05). Na+-K+-ATPase activity had no significant changes after exercise in WK1, WK3 and WK4 groups.(6) After endurance training, Na+-K+-ATPase activity had an upward trend. Conclusion:(1) HSP70 content has an upward trend after exercise. Its change range mainly lie on stress degree that induced by exercise. It implicates the magnitude of HSP70 responsive change can reflect intensity of stimulative.(2) It makes a period of time from stress starting to HSP70 synthesizing greatly even the exercise stress had enough intensity.(3) The adaptive change of pre-exercise HSP70 content is climbing at first and start to go back after adapting the exercise training that implicates the training load must be enough great to induce HSP70 accumulating.(4) With adapting to training of fix quantity, free radical metabolism in myocardium will restore balance. But the antioxidant ability has increased and can endure greater intensity of exercise stress.(5) The responsive changes of Na+-K+-ATPase activity relate to the stress degree by exercise induced.(6) After endurance exercise, the ability of Na+, K+-pump in cardiac cell membrane has increased and the protective mechanism of heart has improved.

  • 【分类号】G804.2
  • 【被引频次】6
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