

【作者】 余丽萍

【导师】 任碧云;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文立足于银行体系的脆弱性和银行破产的负外部性等银行危机方面的既有理论,深入剖析问题银行产生的种种原因,并在详细分析美国银行监管当局对问题银行识别、处理方式方法的基础上,联系我国银行监管的实际,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法,总结出关于完善我国问题银行识别、处理机制的若干对策建议。全文内容共分为四个部分。 首先,前言部分是对全文内容的总括。文章一开始在介绍加强我国问题银行识别、处理机制的紧迫感和必要性之后,紧接着开门见山,阐明借鉴美国经验、完善我国问题银行处理机制的原因和现实意义。接下来,通过介绍国内外对这一课题的研究现状,提出文章关于完善现行银行监管工作、改进问题银行识别和处理方法的对策建议和思想创新。 其次,在第一章“问题银行产生的原因分析及中美两国对问题银行的界定”里,文章立足于国内外问题银行发生和发展的实际,创造性地将问题银行的成因归纳为内生性金融风险、外生性金融风险和监管的制度性缺陷等三个方面,使对问题银行产生原因的理解上升到理论的高度。同时,文章还对中美两国银行监管当局对问题银行的界定以及作者对这一问题的取舍作了大致的介绍,所有这些内容都为下文的展开作了很好的铺垫。 接下来,在第二章“美国银行监管当局对问题银行的识别和处理”和第三章“中国银行监管当局问题银行识别和处理机制的现状分析”两部分中,分别对美、中两国的银行监管组织框架、监管当局对问题银行的识别、早期援助、重组和市场退出等一系列制度安排作了系统的总结性介绍。应当指出的是,由于篇幅限制,文章不可能涉及到有关美国银行监管当局对问题银行识别、处理机制的全部内容,而只能是参照我国现状,有针对性地择其重点部分一一阐述,以达到“师夷长技”、“洋为中用”的撰文目的。除此之外,第三章还着重分析了我国商业银行监管工作开展的现状,指出现有问题银行识别方法和处理机制尚需加以改进的内容。 最后,第四章“完善我国问题银行识别、处理机制的对策探讨”是全文的重点和主要立论所在。通过前文的分析,文章在此归纳出美国问题银行识别、处理机制方面的五条宝贵经验启示,并提出了加强对问题银行预警和识别,以及完善相关处理机制的具体对策,文章在结尾对于构筑我国“问题银行导向型”的银行监管模式也作了适当且有益的探索。

【Abstract】 Based on the theory of banking crises, this article analyses different reasons of problem banks, and by combination of problem bank identification, rehabilitation, and resolution mechanism system of American banking supervisory authority, the article noted some useful suggestions to problem bank supervisory in China. There and two main characters of this article; first, it has up-to-date materials, all-round standpoints and profound contents; secondly, the policies are devised scientifically, practically and operatively.The whole body is composed of four chapters, among which the fourth chapter is the most important part. Contents of these chapters are as follows:Chapter1, DEFINATION OF PROBLEM BANK AND REASON ANALYSIS. In this chapter, the article describes different reasons of problem banks. Then, the basic concepts of problem bank, both by the United State of America and China banking supervisory authorities, are introduced in brief words. All of these contents make a good foundation for the following parts.Chapter2, HOW DOES AMERICA BANKING SUPERVISORY DEAL WITH PROBLEM BANKS? In this chapter, problem bank identification, rehabilitation, and resolution methods by the USA are illustrated in a detailed and scientific way. Chapter3, ANALYSIS OF CHINA BANKING SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY’S POLISY ON PROBLEM BANK. This part mainly discussed problem bank resolution practices in China.Chapter 4, this is the emphasis of the article. Based on former chapters, this section first discusses some of the most common red flags and identifiers of problems and the early warning systems and other monitoring tools that can identify them. Secondly, concrete policies are designed as follows: ■ Perfect the current problem bank identification and resolution system;■ Set up ’problem bank based ’ Model of banking supervisory; ■ Strengthen cooperation between all financial supervisory authorities and the PBC.

【关键词】 银行监管问题银行识别处理
【Key words】 Banking supervisoryProblem bankIdentificationResolution
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】179