

Technology Study on the Congealation Sorbent Treatment of Waste Water of Heavy Oil Exploration

【作者】 贾会仲

【导师】 张芝涛;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 环境科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 稠油污水的超标排放,造成水体的恶化,仅辽河油田每年就有2000万吨的稠油污水需要达标治理,严重危害着辽东湾的湿地生态环境,直接影响着辽河流域的污染治理和渤海碧海工程的实施。本文作为辽河石油勘探局污染防治“九五”规划和科技攻关计划的研究项目,进行了絮凝吸附法处理稠油污水的实验研究,筛选出适合稠油污水处理的F—L固体絮凝剂,并研制了配套的污水处理设备,为治理稠油污水的环境污染,实现污水回收再用提供了有效的方法。 本文总结了适用于稠油污水处理的絮凝剂筛选和配套工艺的设计和设备的研制,主要成果为:(1)筛选出了适用于稠油的污水处理的高效絮凝剂F—L固体絮凝剂,并通过对比实验验证了该絮凝剂的处理效果;(2)研制开发了适用于F—L固体絮凝剂使用的集絮凝、助凝、污泥沉降于一体的絮凝沉降装置;(3)完善并优化了稠油污水处理工艺流程。 实验结果表明,本文的科研成果是国内治理目前稠油污水最有效的方法,处理后的稠油污水各项污染物浓度为:COD下降到100mg/L以下;石油类下降到5mg/L以下;悬浮物下降到10mg/L以下;总硬度下降到10mg/L以下;总Fe下降到0.01mg/L;硫化物下降到1mg/L以下;Cu、Pb、Cd未检出。主要污染物指标均低于国家和地方的排放标准。同时也达到了稠油热采湿蒸汽发器用生水水质标准,实现稠油污水回收再用。 絮凝吸附法处理稠油污水的试验成功,解决了辽河油田稠油生产过程污水治理的难题,每年将为企业创造经济效益4715.6万元,减少淡水资源消耗1000万吨。也将为辽河流域的污染治理和渤海碧海工程做出重要贡献。

【Abstract】 The heavy oil sewage discharging cause the water body pollution. Only in Liaohe Oilfield, there is 20 million tons sewage to be treated, which directly affects the wet land ecological environment, Liaohe Valley pollution prevention and the execution of the Blue Sea Acitivity in Bohai Sea. The research is the pollution prevention project of Liaohe Petroleum Exploration Bureau during the "Ninth -Five-Year Plan" period. In the research, the experiment of flocculation absorption are made, and the F-L solid flocculent is screened which suits for heavy oil sewage treatment, and associated sewage treatment equipment is developed to realize the sewage recycling and reused.The paper summarizes the screening of flocculent and the associated technology and equipment. The main achievement includes: 1) the high effective F-L solid flocculent is screened, which suits for heavy oil sewage processing. 2) The flocculation and sedimentation facilities which suit for F-L solid flocculation with the function of flocculation, facilitating flocculation, mud sedimentation.The experiment results show the scientific achievement is the most effective method to treat the sewage in China currently. After treatment, the concentration of the pollutants is: COD lowered to lOOmg/L, hydrocarbon lowered to 5mg/L, suspending material is lower than 10 mg/L, the salinity of lOmg/L, total F is lower than 0.01 mg/L, and sulfate is lower than 1 mg/L and without Cu, Pb and Cd tested. The main pollutants indexes are all lower than the national and regional discharge index. Meanwhile, the treated water is up to the standard for the heavy oil thermal recovery steam generator, so the sewage is recycled.The experimental success of the flocculation absorption method solve the problems of sewage treatment in Liaohe Oilfield, which create the economic benefit for the enterprises of 47.156 million Yuan annually, and decrease the fresh water consumption of 10 million t, and it will contribute the pollution control in Liaohe Valley and the Blue Sea Activity in the Bohai sea.

  • 【分类号】X741
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】443