

Study on Legal Problems of Delivery Goods without Original Bill of Lading

【作者】 杨明

【导师】 韩立新;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究的对象是航运实践中的无正本提单交货问题。本文给无单放货行为做出了定义,并认为对无单放货行为性质的争论源自于对提单权利属性的争论。文章通过分析关于提单权利属性的各种学说,认为提单在不同的领域内具有不同的功能,不能一概而论。在海上货物运输领域,提单所体现的是一种债的法律关系;在国际贸易领域内,提单是占有权凭证和货物所有权的初步证据;在信用证结算领域,提单是权利质押的客体。在此基础上,根据民法的基本理论,分析了不同的行为主体实施的无单放货行为的性质,认为承运人实施的无单放货行为对提单持有人构成了违约,并有可能对其构成侵权,因此往往形成违约责任和侵权责任的竞合;而承运人的代理人或其他人因为与提单持有人之间没有提单形成的权利义务关系,因此他的无单放货行为只能构成侵权行为。由此提出了应当根据不同情况分别定性的观点,并且针对这些情况分别提出了处理的意见。笔者对司法实践中承运人就无单放货行为提出的抗辩和提单中关于免除承运人无单放货责任的条款作了分析,并在最后论述了记名提单的特殊问题,认为法律可以不必强行规定在签发记名提单的情况下仍然要求承运人凭正本提单交货。无单放货是航运实践中的普遍现象。对于无单放货案件的处理在实践中争议很大,笔者希望本文的写作能对解决实践中的争议问题提出有益的建议。

【Abstract】 The subject of this dissertation is the question of Delivery Goods without Original Bill of Lading in shipping practice. It defines Delivery Cargo without Original Bill of Lading and deems that the argument on the characteristic of it comes from that on the characteristic of the bill of lading. Through analyzing theories of the characteristic of bill of lading, this dissertation states out that it has different functions in different realms. In the realm of carriage of goods by sea, it represents the contractual relationship. In the realm of international trade, it is a document of right of possession and a prima facie evidence of ownership of the cargo, and the object of pledge in the realm of balance of Letter of Credit. On the basis of this point of view and theories of civil law, it points out that delivery cargo by carrier without bill of lading is the breach of contract and may be the tort, however, while by agents of the carrier, it must be tort because of the non-contractual relationship between the holder of bill of lading and him. Furthermore, this article gives out the solution to them. This paper also explains the defence of the carrier in the judicial practice and the effect of exemption clause in bill of lading. At the end of this dissertation, the question of the straight bill of lading is specially discussed.

  • 【分类号】D996.19
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】257