

The Research of Internet-based Remote Monitoring System of Marine Engine Room

【作者】 邹玉兵

【导师】 赵永生;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先分析了国内外船舶机舱监控系统的发展与现状。然后,对基于Internt的分布式网络控制系统及其相关技术、船岸通信技术进行了详细深入的探讨。最后,以现场总线技术、Internet技术和海上卫星通信技术等为基础,将船载测控网络与岸基数据网络融为一体,设计开发出一套基于Internet的船舶机舱远程监测系统。该系统由船载机舱监控系统、船岸通讯子系统和岸基机舱远程监测系统组成。 系统以CAN现场总线和船舶以太网为基础,构建船载系统的通讯网络,在MCGS 5.10 WWW网络版组态软件和Visual Basic 6.0的软件开发平台下,设计开发了船载机舱监控系统,实现了船载机舱系统的管控一体化。 利用Visual C++6.0设计开发了基于Inmarsat-C E-mail业务的船载通讯子系统和基于Internet E-mail服务的岸基通讯子系统,实现了船岸系统的数据共享。 借助Visual Basic 6.0、Visual Inter Dev 6.0等软件开发工具,以Microsoft SQL Server 2000为岸基监测系统的网络数据库平台,利用ASP、ADO和ActiveX等Internet技术,设计开发了岸基机舱远程监测系统。该系统使远程专家和船舶设备厂商可以通过Internet对船舶设备的运行工况进行分析,提出维护指导意见,以及实现机务人员的异地办公。同时,本系统为远程故障诊断与专家系统的开发提供了数据和网络平台,为船岸管控一体化的实现奠定了坚实的基础。 理论与实践证明,构建基于Internet的船舶机舱远程监测系统,紧跟现代船舶技术发展步伐,进行船载监控系统同岸基管理系统的互连与数据共享的研究,符合船岸管控一体化的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 The thesis designed the internet-based Remote Monitoring System of Marine Engine Room.Firstly, the thesis analyse the development and present situation of the monitoring system of marine engine room. Furthermore the author study the technology of the internet-based distributed monitoring and control net system and the ship-shore satellite communication in-depth. Finally, based on the technology of the Fieldbus. internet and ship-shore satellite communication, the author devised and developed the internet-based Remote Monitoring System of Marine Engine Room. The system is composed of the nautical control system of engine room , onshore remote monitoring system of engine room and ship-shore communication system.On the basis of Can bus and Ethernet of ships. The author constructed a communication network for ship. By the tools of MCGS (Monitor Control Generated System) and Visual Basic, the writer developed a monitoring and control system of engine room, which combined the control system with management system in engine room.By the application of Inmarsat-C E-mail and Internet E-mail, and Visual C++. the writer developed the subsystems of nautical communication and onshore communication, which realized ship-shore information sharing.Onshore remote monitoring system of engine room is developed by Visual Basic and Visual InterDev. and the database of this system is constructed by Microsoft SQL Server 2000. By the application of ASR ADO and ActiveX technology, the remote experts and equipment manufacturer could instruct the action of crew onboard through the internet. At the same time, this system provides data and network flat for remote fault diagnosis and expert system, and it is also the foundation of shore-board control/management integration.Proved by theory and application, the construction of Internet-based Remote Monitoring System of Marine Engine Room is a advanced technology, which interlink the monitoring system onboard and the management system onshore. This is also the trend of shore-board integration.

  • 【分类号】U664.8
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】351