

Research of Logistic Development for Qinhuangdao Terminal

【作者】 张维健

【导师】 杨赞; 黄建华;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 沿海城市是世界各国和地区经济和政治的重要地带,在沿海城市中,最为直接地与世界物流体系发生关系的是港口。随着现代物流业的发展,港口在现代贸易和运输体系中的战略地位正在逐步加强并日益发挥着重要的作用。在物流经济的发展前提下,现代化的港口,既是货物海陆联运的枢纽,又是国际货物运输链和世界经济贸易发展越来越重要的组成部分。随着国际多式联运与全球综合物流服务的发展,现代港口特别是集装箱港口作为全球综合运输网络的节点,其功能将更加广泛,将向全方位的增值服务方向发展,开展现代综合物流服务迫在眉睫,这一任务理所应当给秦皇岛港提出了重要的发展课题。 本文正是在这一大背景下完成的。文章首先分析了秦皇岛及其周边地区的物流需求;第3章分析了港口开展物流服务的优势、潜力和存在的问题,以及秦皇岛港开展物流服务的具体的优劣势;第4章对秦皇岛港的各项物流需求用科学的方法进行了预测,并得出结论——秦皇岛港的物流服务相对于其物流需求是落后的;第5章介绍了物流服务所需要的软硬件设施以及国外先进港口发展物流的经验。最后基于秦皇岛港的实际条件,提出了其发展战略,为其未来的发展方向提出构想,为决策部门提供信息资料。

【Abstract】 Cities near the sea have become the most important zone in the world economic cycle. Within these cities-by-sea, it is the post that is most directly related to the world logistics system. With the development of modern trade and transportation-system is becoming stronger day by day and is putting on more active function. Asked by the development of logistic economy, modern ports are net only the hubs of sea-land transportation, but also the distribution center of international goods storage and distribution. They are also the congregating places of the development of trade and manufacture. Therefore, ports have become the more and more important parts in international goods transportation chains and the world economic development.With the development of international intermodal and the global integrate logistic service, modern ports especially container ports will exert much wider function and will develop to omnidirectional flow and increment service become the gathering of goods flow, capital flow, technique flow, information flow and person flow. As an important port of north-east, Qinhuangdao’s logistic is still in the primary stage and severely blocks the development of regional economy, therefore the operation of modern integrate logistic service is urgent.This study is completed under this background. In the article, it analyzes the logistic requirement of Qinhuangdao. In the 3rd chapter, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of ports’ logistic service operation, the advantage and unsettled problems of Qinhuangdao port’s logistic service operation. In chapter 4, I forecasts every logistic needs of Qinhuangdao port with scientific methods and conclude that the logistic service of port is logged with the requirement. In chapter 5, it introduces the soft and hard wares that logistic need. At last, I put forward the develop tactic of Qinhuangdao port, and provides information and data for administer department.

  • 【分类号】F552
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】313