

【作者】 何敏

【导师】 刘宝成;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,欧美在无线通信技术领域就处于全球领先之列,但是近年来,在无线通信应用领域,亚洲却走在了前面。技术的发展创造了市场,巨大的市场需求又反过来推动着通信技术的发展,MMS(多媒体信息服务)技术和市场,就是在SMS单调的文字表述和EMS简单的黑白图文越来越不能满足人类信息交流和沟通、消费者越来越呼吁更为丰富和个性化的情感表述方式的背景下产生的,成为了2002年全球移动通信业界出现频率最高的词汇之一。在全球通信业萧条、3G遥遥无期的情况下,MMS的市场运作在日本和韩国的成功,吸引了通信设备制造商和电信运营商的高度关注。爱立信、诺基亚、阿尔卡特、摩托罗拉、西门子等著名的通信设备商积极的行动,向电信运营商介绍各自的MMS技术和解决方案;全球各大电信运营商纷纷开始推出MMS业务;2002年10月,中国第一大移动运营商中国移动也开始推出MMS业务,命名为“彩信”,而中国联通也在两个多月后也推出了MMS业务,命名为“彩e”。自2002年4月,全球第一个MMS商用服务在匈牙利的开通以来,如今已有150多家移动运营商相继推出了MMS业务。然而,不论对市场、运营商、制造商还是移动用户来,MMS都还是一个非常新的电信业务,本文的研究内容就是这些MMS牵动的通信产业链的各环节在这样的市场背景下的市场行为,以及为了提高市场份额和长期市场收益,他们应该采取的市场策略。从理论联系实际的角度出发,探讨这些战略对已经推出MMS的中国市场的借鉴也是本文的研究内容之一。根据研究目标的需要,文章内容在设计上主要包括四个部分:第一部分,主要是介绍论文的研究对象MMS。由于MMS不论在电信业界还是市场研究领域都是一个非常崭新的名词,因此本文专门开辟一章对此加以必要的介绍,有利于读者和作者本人对研究目标的特性有一般性的认识和了解。在对什么是MMS,MMS有些什么特点、技术和硬件要求的介绍中,出现了一些术语,如SMS、EMS、GPRS、GSM、WAP等,这些术语不仅与MMS密切相关,而且也是文章后面战略研究所必然涉及到的一些基础知识,因此本文对这些概念也做了简要的辨析。第二部分,主要是介绍MMS在全球的市场发展状况。这部分着重分析了欧洲、美国、日韩市场,原因在于欧美一直是世界通信技术的领导者,尽管在MMS的市场<WP=3>运作方面并没有太多成功经验,但是欧美市场对MMS的高度关注和投入,对其他市场MMS的运营商、制造商和消费者来讲无疑是一个良好的参照对象和竞争刺激,因此有必要分析他们的市场行为和发展状况,而日本和韩国在MMS的市场运作方面有比其它任何市场都要丰富的经验,更是需要研究,分析其致胜秘诀。第三部分,是本文的重要章节,着重讨论了MMS的市场发展战略。这部分的基本指导思想是产品生命周期理论和通信产业链理论。MMS虽然只传递信息,不具实物形式,但它也是一种特殊的产品。企业的各项市场营销活动都是围绕特定产品细分市场展开的,企业要最大限度地增强并保持自身的竞争实力,就必须遵循产品和市场发展变化的动态规律,选择不同的营销战略。通过对MMS这个新的电信产品的特性分析,我们得出结论,MMS现在尚处在产品的市场导入期。针对MMS的这一特点和第二部分对MMS市场发展状况的分析,我们认为产品创新、用户市场细分和价格是目前决定MMS市场发展的三大关键因素,因而本文对MMS的市场发展战略的探讨,就是围绕这三点展开的。此外,MMS业务的推广牵动了包括手机制造商、电信运营商、MMS内容提供商、移动用户(消费者)四个利益相关者的整个电信产业链,它们之间相互依赖又相互牵制。因此MMS的市场发展成功与否,关键也还在于产业链各环节的相互协作,这是本文的结论之一,也是对各个环节都适应的一条战略,即加强与上下游的战略合作。第四部分,是本文在MMS市场发展战略研究基础上对中国市场发展MMS的一些思考。在这部分,作者加入了对中国通信市场的宏观政策的研究,因为作者在研究过程中体会到,中国电信市场的逐渐开放和政府对通信技术发展的大力支持,将为MMS市场的发展提供了良好的宏观环境。在对MMS的市场发展战略的研究基础上,适当探讨了可供中国市场的借鉴之处,也具有一定的现实意义然而,由于MMS目前在全球的还处在动态和不稳定的发展之中,加上资料占有不足,本文的数据资料难免比MMS的最新市场情况有些滞后,论文的分析和结论也不可避免的受到制约。此外,作者对MMS技术知识的不足和市场研究能力水平以及时间等因素的限制,本文对MMS的市场分析和发展策略的研究还需大家的批评和指正

【Abstract】 US and Europe have always been in the lead of wireless telecommunication technologies. While in the latest years, in the application field, Asia is leading the market. The development of technology creates the market, but the huge market demands push the development telecommunication technologies. The technology and market of MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), comes under this background that SMS and EMS cannot meet human communication needs for more emotional and personalized icons, and fashion etc. The success of MMS in Japan and Korea attracts the eyes of operators and vendors all over the world. Ericsson, Nokia, Alcatel, Motorola and Siemens etc are busy with introducing their MMS solutions to operators; more and more operators join in rolling out their MMS business. In Oct. 2002, China Mobile rolled out its MMS business, and named it Cai Xin, its competitor, two months later, China Unicom, rolled out its named Cai E MMS business too. Since the first commercial MMS rolled out in April 2002, there have been nearly 150 operators operating MMS business. However, MMS is still a quite new telecom business, no matter to the market, operators, vendors, or users. So the research of this thesis is to find out what market behavior, and market development strategies that these marketers involved to promote the business. And as China is one of the markets with MMS business, so this thesis also does some study for Chinese marketers based on these strategies of MMS.According to the research purpose, the thesis structure consists of four parts:Part I, mainly introduce the research subject MMS, because MMS is still very new to the marketing field, hence some necessary introduce of it is useful for the readers and the author herself to have a basic knowledge about it before go further with the research. <WP=5>Part II, introduces the global market development of MMS. In this part, we focus on European, American, Japanese and Korean markets. Europe and America do not do very good in MMS market, but they are the leaders of MMS technology, so they still play a very important role in the global MMS market. Because Japan and Korea are definitely successful in operating MMS so far, so this part we choose the above four markets as samples to study the market development of MMS. Part III, is the most important chapter of the thesis, it discusses the market development strategies for operators, vendors etc. All the discuss start from the analysis of the life cycle of MMS. MMS is a message service, but it’s also a special product, telecom product. As we know, all the marketing activities of the enterprises are designed for some specific product’s segmented market. To keep and enhance its competitive strength, all the enterprises have to follow the market rules to make their marketing strategies.Based on the analysis of MMS, we make this conclusion that MMS is still in the launch period in market. And from the Part II, we know that product innovation, users market segment, and price of MMS are the key factors of MMS market development. In addition to it, if MMS can go to successful point, the collaboration of each section of the telecommunication industry chain, like operators, vendors, and content providers of MMS becomes very important. This is the long-term strategy for all the marketers.Part IV, in this part, we add some study of the macro policy of China telecommunication market, because the author feels that the opening up and China telecom market and the strong support from Chinese government provides the MMS development a very good macro environment. Beside, we also borrow some of the market strategies conclusion to the Chinese market at the end of this part, for the sake of its realistic meaning. However, MMS is still in dynamic development, and because of the lack of information, professional knowledge and research ability of author, the analysis and conclusion could not avoid the limitation of the latest info

【关键词】 MMSGPRS产业链运营商手机终端
【Key words】 MMSGPRSIndustry ChainOperatorVendor
  • 【分类号】F627
  • 【被引频次】1
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