

【作者】 胡媛

【导师】 杜奇华;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是个农业古国,农业生产历史悠久。随着国家工业化进程的加快,农业小部门化趋势成为必然,但农业与国民经济互相推动、共同发展的关系则日趋紧密,农业在国民经济中的基础地位始终不可替代。加入WTO后,我国农业发展遇到了前所未有的历史机遇,特别是特色农业和具有竞争优势的大宗农产品将会有广阔的发展空间,但是,在短期内也会遇到一定的冲击和挑战,而且应该说挑战是现实的,机遇是潜在的;挑战比机遇来得直接,挑战比机遇来得快。农业生产是生物性生产,丰欠在很大程度上受自然灾害和病虫害的影响。农产品进出口的突出特点就是获得利益的往往只有少数人,但导致的生物安全方面的风险则必需由整个地区乃至全社会来承担。因此世界各国普遍采用实施卫生与植物卫生措施的方式来保护本国农业生产和生态安全。为了减少卫生与植物检疫条例的壁垒对农产品贸易所产生的消极影响,减少政府在制定卫生与植物卫生措施时的任意性,关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判制定了《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》(Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures),简称SPS协定。SPS协定自实施以来,作为国际贸易争端的焦点问题,越来越受到重视。我国加入WTO后,SPS协定作为农产品贸易领域的一项重要协定,必将对我国农产品贸易产生深远影响。为了更好地履行成员义务、享受成员权利,我们就必须对SPS协定的内容进行深入研究。本文即通过阐述WTO/SPS协定对我国农业生产和农产品进出口的影响,以及对我国实施SPS协定在体制和立法、标准等方面存在问题的分析,探讨和研究在WTO/SPS框架下扩大我国农产品出口,保护国内农业生产安全、生态环境和人民身体健康的可行措施。 第一章:介绍我国农业发展概况。综合介绍了我国发展农业的资源条件,我国农业发展历程,我国农业产业结构,农业在国民经济中的地位以及我国主要农产品的进出口情况,说明农业在国民经济中的基础地位始终不可替代。农业兴、百业兴,农业衰、百业衰,促进农业发展,提高农民收入,是直接影响我国经济发展和社会稳定的重要而又迫切的课题。<WP=4>第二章:介绍了在农产品市场开放方面我国政府向世贸组织所做的承诺,以粮食、家禽、棉花、玉米、油料作物、园艺产品和畜产品等大宗主要农产品为例,说明了开放国内农产品市场对国内生产会造成的影响。然后从改变补贴方式,加大对农业的投入;促进农地使用权流转,逐步扩大经营规模;加大调整农业生产结构的力度;加快农业区域布局调整,建设优势农产品产业带,主动出击国际市场;狠抓农业科研;深化农产品流通体制改革,健全市场体系,规范交易秩序 ;实行专业化、标准化生产,尽快树立一批名特优农产品品牌等方面,探讨了抓住入世机遇,加快农业现代化步伐的措施。最后,引出严格按照WTO/TBT、SPS协定要求,加强和完善农业和动植物检疫领域的立法工作,建立健全风险评估、风险预警和快速反应机制,加强标准化工作,充分利用WTO/TBT、SPS协定保护我国农产品市场,打破国外技术性贸易壁垒,扩大农产品出口的主题。第三章:介绍WTO/SPS协定主要内容。主要介绍了世界各国为保护本国农业生产和生态安全而实施动植物卫生检疫措施的必要性,以及为减少卫生及植物检疫条例的壁垒对农产品贸易所产生的消极影响而制定的SPS协定出台的背景,SPS协定14条3个附件的主要内容。重点说明了科学依据、国际标准、等效原则、风险分析、区域化原则、透明度原则、SPS措施委员会等7项最主要的原则和术语,深入分析了每一项原则的特点、利弊及与贸易的关系。第四章:介绍世界各国实施SPS协定的概况。首先介绍了与实施SPS协定密切相关的国际兽疫局(Office Internationaldes Epizooties,简称OIE)、国际植物保护公约组织(The International Plant Protection Convention,简称IPPC)、亚太植物保护委员会(APPPC)等国际组织,然后根据各国动植物检疫的严格程度、自然环境及执行情况,大致将世界动植物检疫分为五种类型,最后介绍了各国根据其不同的自然环境、资源状况、经济实力和动植物检疫要求的特点实施SPS协定的态度和行动,并以新西兰为例,说明检疫发达国家关于SPS协定的立法和实施情况。第五章:SPS协定对我国农产品贸易的影响及对策。首先阐述了在关税水平不断下调的形势下,卫生和动植物检疫措施作为一种非关税措施对贸易的影响越来越大,普遍来讲表现为贸易禁止效应、贸易限制效应和贸易扭转效应。具体到我国,<WP=5>加入WTO,在体制和法规方面也出现了许多与SPS协议冲突的问题,主要体现为立法中程序性规则不足,科学依据和透明度原则体现不充分,标准水平不高、种类不健全等。针对现状,提出相应的应对措施:首先是理顺管理体制,设立统一的SPS协议协调机构,专司SPS协议有关事务;其次是充实有关标准体系,并在立法中体现;最重要也最直接的一点,是从促进农产品出口和把好进口关两方面说明了充分发挥出入境检验检疫职能,扩大我国农产品出口,保护国内农业生产安全和人民身体健康的措施和意义。

【Abstract】 China is an ancient agricultural country with a long history of crop production. With the accelerated industrialization, the value of the agriculture is dwindling as a department. However, the relationship of mutual promotion and development between agriculture and national economy becomes closer and closer. There is no substitute for the basic status of agriculture in the national economy. With the entry into WTO, the development of China’s agriculture experiences an unprecedented opportunity, especially there will be a broad developing space of the characteristic agriculture and the competitive staple agricultural products. On the other hand, it will encounter impact and challenge. It should be said that the challenge is realistic and the opportunity is potential. The challenge is more direct and faster than the opportunity.Agricultural production is a kind of biological production and is mainly influenced by natural disaster, plant diseases and insect pests. The outstanding feature of the import and export of agricultural products is that only a few people can get profits but the risk of violating ecological safety must be untaken by the whole district or the whole society. Therefore, every country in the world generally applies the sanitary and phytosanitary measures to protect the agricultural production and ecological safety. In order to reduce the negative influence on the trade of agricultural products by the barriers of sanitary and phytosanitary rules and the casualness of stipulating sanitary and phytosanitary measures, the Uruguay Round of the trade negotiations of GATT formulates the 《Agreement on the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures》( abbreviated to SPS Agreement). With its application, SPS Agreement, as the focus of international trade dispute, has been attached more and more importance. With the entry into WTO, SPS Agreement, as an im0portant agreement in the field of agriculture products trade, will certainly nave profound influence on the agricultural products trade. In order to fulfill member’s obligations and enjoy member’s rights, we must carry out thorough research into the contents of SPS Agreement. This thesis studies and researches the feasible measures of expanding the export of our country’s agricultural products and protecting the safety of national agricultural production, the ecological environment and people’s health by elaborating WTO/SPS Agreement’s influences on our country’s agricultural production and the import and export of agricultural products and analyzing<WP=7>the existing problems of the system, legislation and standard during the application of the SPS Agreement.Chapter One: introducing the outline of our country’s agricultural development. It comprehensively introduces the natural resource, the course of the development and the industrial structure of our country’s agriculture, the status of agriculture in the national economy and the conditions of import and export of the main agriculture products and explains that there is no substitute for the basic status of agriculture in the national economy. Agriculture flourishes, all the other industries flourish. Agriculture declines, all the other industries decline. It is an important and urgent task to promote the development of agriculture and raise the income of the farmers, which will have a direct influence on the economic development and stableness of the society of our country.Chapter Two: introducing the promises made by our government to the WTO on the opening of the agricultural products market and explaining the influence on the domestic production by opening the domestic agricultural products market with the examples of grains, poultries, cotton, corn, oil-bearing crops, horticulture products and animal products. It discusses the measures of catching the opportunity of entering into WTO and promoting the modernization of agriculture from the aspects of changing the type of subsidization and putting more into agriculture; promoting the transfer of the usufruct of the field and enlarging the busines

【关键词】 WTOSPS农产品进出口贸易
  • 【分类号】F752.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】636