

【作者】 崔金凌

【导师】 蒋屏;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今客户经济时代,客户成为公司关注及运作的焦点,客户关系管理成为人们研究的热点问题,目前客户关系管理已在全球范围的银行及电信等行业得到广泛应用。在我国房地产业作为国民经济重要组成部分,每年对GDP增长的贡献率达到1.9-2.5个百分点之高,但客户关系管理在房地产业中的应用才刚刚起步。目前只有一些经济实力雄厚规模庞大的发展商开始启用,而作为房地产业重要组成部分的房地产经纪业还尚未应用。随着房地产商品市场的激烈竞争,房地产经纪行业经历了从卖方到买方市场的转变已进入到白热化的竞争阶段。如何在激烈的竞争中生存与发展成为每个经纪企业不断探索的问题。客户是房地产经纪业生存的基础,房地产经纪企业之间的竞争就是对于客户的争夺,客户关系管理能力成为房地产经纪行业企业的核心竞争力。本论文采用案例分析和比较的研究方法从以下几个方面对房地产经纪企业的客户关系管理进行了重点研究。本研究对处于竞争白热化的房地产经纪业的企业有一定的现实指导意义和参考价值。本文在第一章和第二章首先对房地产及房地产市场的基本状况进行介绍,然后对经纪及房地产经纪的概念和基本特征加以描述。房地产经纪企业之间的竞争,首先从营销开始。在第三章本文首先对房地产经纪营销的基本理论加以探讨。房地产经纪企业属于服务性行业,服务营销是房地产经纪营销的基础理论;同时,客户经济时代,要求企业采取关系营销的营销方式,房地产经纪营销同样应采用关系营销的理论。客户满意战略、服务营销组合战略及关系营销的三级关系营销战略是房地产经纪企业成功营销,赢得客户,取得客户满意,获取客户忠诚度的最佳战略。房地产经纪营销中的客户满意和客户关怀理念正是客户关系管理的管理理论基础。客户关系管理(CRM)这一概念产生于二十世纪九十年代,当人们开始意识到,维持一个现有顾客的成本仅仅不过是寻找一个新顾客成本的1/5时,人们开始研究客户关系管理。第三章后半部分本文对客户关系管理的基本概念、核心思想及目标、实施方法、应用及应用意义加以研究。关于客户关系管理,有多种不同的定义,但无论从何种角度来定义,客户关系管理都是以客户为中心,从管理理念和技术两个方面实现对客户资源的整合。客户关系管理的核心思想是将客户看作企业的一项资产, 从客户生命周期理论的角度来看待客户, 充分挖掘客户的潜在价值。客户关系管理系统利用现代的信息技术手段,通过对客户进行系统化的研究, 改进对客户的服务水平, 其最终目的是提高客户的满意度和忠诚度, 实现现有客户的重复购买,同时,不断争取新的客户和商机, 实现企业利润最大化和股东财富最大化。提高效率、拓展市场、保留客户是客户关系管理的主要目标。客户关系管理的实施也叫客户资源管理(Customer Asset Management)或客户交互管理(Customer Interaction Management)。客户关系管理是在全企业范围内实施的策略,通过围绕目标客户调整业务流程及重组企业结构,以满足客户需求,<WP=5>在提高客户满意度和忠诚度的同时,实现股东财富最大化。先进的包括Internet和电子商务、多媒体技术、数据仓库和数据挖掘、专家系统和人工智能、呼叫中心等信息技术的应用为提高客户理解度,增加客户联系渠道、完成客户互动以及对客户渠道和企业后台的整合提供了技术上保证。 客户关系管理主要通过技术辅助式销售(Technology-enabled Selling, TES)、客户服务和支持(Customer Service and Support, CSS)和技术辅助式营销(Technology-enabled Marketing, TEM)等围绕“客户满意”而设计的子系统功能来实现的。客户关系管理能为企业带来无穷的价值和巨额的利润。数据表明如果客户满意度有5%的提高,企业的利润将加倍。一个非常满意的客户的购买意愿将六倍于一个满意的客户。这正是客户关系管理风靡全球,成为现代企业关注的动因。第四章本文对客户关系管理在房地产经纪企业的应用加以重点研究。针对房地产经纪企业来自技术、竞争和客户的外部环境因素要求和企业内部存在的问题、企业谋求发展的内部动因的需要,本文对房地产经纪企业引入客户关系管理的必然性进行探讨,指出应用客户关系管理能给房地产经纪企业带来的效果。然后以租赁型公司为例,在对租赁型公司业务特点介绍的基础上,对客户关系管理的系统设计加以研究,并对客户关系管理系统的核心-客户资料数据库进行具体设计。客户资料数据库是实现以客户为核心管理的重要体现。它将潜在与实际的客户信息分类保存并备份,以便客户分析子系统可以合理地利用这些数据进行客户管理和开展营销服务质量分析,实现对客户跟踪回访、与客户保持长期联系,延长客户的生命周期,提高客户满意度与忠诚度,同时为决策提供支持和预警信息。租赁型房地产经纪企业的客户关系管理系统客户资料数据库由房源(业主)信息、客户信息、物业信息、销售管理信息、经纪企业信息等组成,其中房源(业主)信息由《可出租房屋业主登记表》、《已出租房屋业主登记表》和《流失房屋业主登记表》组成,客户资料由《潜在客户资料表》、《公司成交客户资料表》和《流失客户资料表

【Abstract】 Since the 1990’s, the real estate industry of China has been developed rapidly, and experienced the changing from the seller market to the buyer market, now an intensive competition times is coming.As an important part of the real estate industry, the competition in the real estate broking is become more and more strongly. The essential of the competition is the customer; it makes the customer relation management (CRM) become a very important issue. The capability of management customer is the core competency of the real estate broker company. This study is focused on the application of CRM in the real estate broker company; the method of case analysis and comparison has been used in the follow chapter. It will be a valuable guidelines and reference to the real estate broker company in such an intense competition era.In the first and second chapter of this thesis, the paper introduces the condition of the real estate market first and describes the concept and character of broker and real estate broker.The competition of the real estate broker company is the customer. In the third chapter the theory and strategy of the service marketing and relation marketing, which have been used in the real estate broker field are been discussed first. The customer satisfaction and customer care from the marketing theory are also the basic management theory of the customer relationship management.The concept of the CRM terms from the 1990’s, when people began to realize that the cost of keeping a customer is just 20% of the cost of developing a new customer, they began to focus on the study of customer relationship management. In the last part of chapter three the concept, core idea and aim, implement scheme, application and application result of CRM are been studied.In chapter forth, we focus on the customer relationship management application in the real estate broker company. The exterior factor, such as technology, competition and customer, and the interior factor, such as problem existed in the company, which need to be solved and the need of further developing, make the application of the CRM in the broker company to be necessity and importance. After discussion the significant result the application can make, the lease broker is been discussed as an example, the design of the CRM system is discussed according to the character of the lease broker company and the core component of the system -the customer information database is been designed concretely. Finally the problems which maybe meet in the application are discussed and the measure for solve and perfect the application are also provided.In the last chapter the conclusion is elicited, and deficiencies in this study are also been mentioned.As limited by the capital and scale, now the CRM system has not been used in the real estate broker company, but the factor, e.g., huge amount of customer information, one-to-one marketing, and customer periodicity will make the application of CRM stare the real estate broking in the face. The CRM will be applied in this field soon, especially in the big broker company.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】4
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