

【作者】 赵强

【导师】 张学谦;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从出口信贷、项目融资特点和出口信贷支持项目融资以及目前我国在对境外项目融资提供出口信贷支持方面的不足和建议等几个个方面探讨官方出口信贷如何在项目融资项下提供融资支持的问题。 正文共分为六个部分:第一部分、第二部分对出口信贷业务、项目融资作了比较细致的介绍,并引入各自的特点,将出口信贷、项目融资与一般贸易融资方式进行比较,分析了各自的特点和优势。在这部分还着重介绍了项目融资的参与者、融资结构及其各种融资模式;第三部分、第四部分通过一个操作中的案例进一步分析出口信贷如何根据须融资的项目结构、特点来设计满足项目需要的融资模式,发挥其官方支持的特殊作用;第五部分、第六部分则从具体实务操作中遇到的问题对我国目前出口信贷在支持境外融资方面的不足提出了相应的对策和建议。 在文中引用了一个选自中国进出口银行的比较典型的项目融资案例,针对该案例内容进行了详细的分析,以便读者加深理解。出于尊重商业秘密的保护需要,在不影响阅读并理解的前提下,本文对融资案例文字和数字上作了一些处理。 本文最大的特点是从银行的角度,从一个融资案例出发,将出口信贷和项目融资结合起来,理论联系实际。文中对一些特定范畴进行了解释说明,既规范严谨又浅显易懂。 有关出口信贷和项目融资的文章和书籍很多,然而将二者有机结合起来的研究却不多,目前我国国内实际操作的案例也比较少,通过七年从事出口信贷工作的的经验和参与贸易融资及管理的实践,本文试图将出口信贷与项目融资中有关的经验和理论知识进行一次系统化的总结。如何进行业务创新和突破,在我国发展外向型经济中更大发挥出口信贷的作用,也是本人在从事出口信贷工作中一直在研究的问题。希望本文可以将出口信贷参与项目融资与管理的经验及体会与大家分享和探讨,使本人在这方面的知识得到进一步的提高和深化。

【Abstract】 This article probe into how officially supported export credits offer the finance support under the project financing from the characteristics of the export credits and project financing, export credits supporting project financing as well as the insufficiency and suggestions of the export credits support for outside boundary project financing by our government.The main body is composed of 6 parts: the first 2 parts give a detailed introduction of the business of export credits and project financing. Moreover it analyses their own characteristics and advantages comparing the export credits and project financing with ordinary trade finance. In this part it also mainly deals with the participants of project financing, the structure of finance and kinds of the finance modules; The 3 and 4 parts further analyze, according to a case under operation, that how export credits can be designed to satisfy the finance module that projects need and plays a special role supported by government on the basis of project structure and characteristics of the finance. the 5 and 6 parts put forward the relevant countermoves and suggestions of the inadequacy that in our country the export credits now can not well support the outside boundary finance through the problems in real business. In this article, a typical project financing case from The Export-Import Bank of China was introduced. A thorough analyze about it was done in order to make the readers have a deep understanding. For the sake of respecting the protection of commercial secret, this case has been changed a little in the area of numbers and contents without misunderstanding.The most important point of this article is that from the perspective of banks, through a case, export credits and project financing are combined. The theory linked with the practice. And some special categories are illustrated rigorously and clearly in this article. There are more books concerned with export credits and project financing, but few are two of them together. At present there are not so many cases that are being real operated. This article attempt to make a systematic summary of the experience and theories about the export credits and project financing through 7 years of taking up export credits and participating the trade finance and management. How to make business innovation and breakthrough, also how to make export credits play a more important role under the developing of proexport economy in our country, this is what I have been studying at work as well. I hope that my point of view in this article can be shared and<WP=5>discussed so that I could further and develop my knowledge in this area.

【关键词】 境外项目融资出口信贷
  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】383