

【作者】 陈宁枫

【导师】 王玉荣;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在快速发展的中国房地产市场中,企业要不断发展,追求更高利润,并在竞争中不断取胜,必须要有一套行之有效的企业管理系统。而销售管理作为最终实现企业利润目标的管理手段,既担负着企业内部重要的职责,又同时面对最终客户,起到了沟通信息、传递信息并引导客户消费从而现实销售目标的重要作用。在本文中,作者以曾从事建筑业的土木建筑工程师及后来从事房地产开发一线经理工作的广度和宽度,通过与规划师、建筑师、工程师、开发商、政府、建筑商、营销代理公司、物业管理公司及购房者的广泛接触与交流,同时查阅政府提供的相关行业统计数据、行业市场动态报告及收集本人涉及的房地产开发、代理项目的有关档案及总结资料,结合学习工商管理理论课程中所学到的有关管理理论,尤其是营销管理理论、人力资源管理理论,深入思考、理论联系实际,对中国房地产市场的销售现状进行调查、分析、研究,总结出一套具有很强操作性的销售管理方法。同时,也籍此检验自己二年来学习的成效、 提升今后管理工作能力。销售管理属于管理的范畴,是市场营销管理中重要的一环,它具有很强的可操作性,可直接指导日常的销售管理工作。房地产市场的销售管理有很多环节,包括如何制定工作计划、进行市场调研、如何有效管理销售人员、制定广告媒体计划及实施、规范日常工作程序及销售现场工作程序、规范销售现场成交交易程序、执行销售促进方案以及对各个销售阶段的控制等等。其中,如何有效管理销售人员、制定广告媒体计划及实施、规范日常工作程序及销售现场工作程序、控制好各个销售阶段的进度等这几个环节是房地产市场销售管理的最重要环节。在本文中,作者就这几个销售环节的具体管理内容进行分析、探讨,总结出一套行之有效的管理方法。1949年,中华人民共和国成立后,房地产开始纳入计划经济的管理,因此逐渐萎缩,沉寂了整整30年。1978年,中国开始了经济改革及对外开放,中国房地产业得到发展,从无到有,从小到大,经历了复苏、缓慢发展、超常发展和调整四个阶段。1997年前后,中国成功地实现国民经济软着陆。为保持国民经济持续增长,中央采取了积极财政政策,旨在通过增加投资拉动经济发展,同时把住宅消费放在极为重要的位置上,作为国民经济新的增长点和新的消费热点,并出台了一系列促<WP=3>进房地产市场发展的相关政策。这一阶段的市场,有5个特征:市场需求增长较快;供求关系逐步趋于平衡;房地产价格止跌回升;市场经营主体逐步成熟;个人购房成为住宅市场主力军。持续几年房地产开发热潮带动了相关产业的发展,提高了人民物质生活水平。但同时也产生了许多问题,从市场角度来看,主要有三点:第一,开发规模逐年递增,近几年出现了房地产投资热潮,销售量急剧上升,给销售管理带来挑战。第二,房地产开发企业数量迅速增长,企业之间竞争加剧,甚至出现恶性竞争。第三,空置商品房比例仍然较高。尤其是办公、商业用房在全部空置量中的比例较高。要解决这些问题,就必须解决销售管理的问题。销售人员作为企业与购房者之间沟通信息的桥梁,即承担着满足购房者居住及商业用房要求的同时又为公司创造利润的双重任务,是销售环节的重要资源。对购房者来说,销售人员就是公司;反过来,销售人员又从客户那里带回公司需要的有关客户信息。而获得销售的成功,并不是靠一、二个王牌销售人员的业绩,靠的是整个销售队伍的团队精神和有效的管理。因此,对销售队伍的有效管理问题,即制定销售队伍的招聘、甄选、培训、评估、报酬、激励等措施,是销售管理的重要环节。房地产销售现场是营造销售气氛给购房者强烈的销售感染力,体现项目在当地与众不同的风貌和个性,展示鲜明的项目形象和房地产开发商的专业规范形象,以增强客户购买信心,吸引购房者前来参观、挑选、购买并完成交易的公开场所。房地产销售现场的管理是完成销售目标的一个重要环节,不仅要有一套售楼部的销售现场管理规范,还必须建立起完整、规范的现场各种交易文件和管理文件。现代市场营销不仅要求企业发展适销对路的产品,制定吸引人的价格,使目标顾客易于取得他们所需要的产品,而且还要求企业控制其在市场上的形象,设计并传播有关的外观、特色、购买条件以及产品给目标顾客带来的利益等方面的信息。企业可以采取不同的广告方式。房地产开发公司由于投入资金量大,涉及面广,周期长并根据销售进度与销售量来调整投放广告力度,因此,销售部对广告业务的管理需要有详尽的计划、有力的执行力度和市场应变能力。它是销售管理不可或缺的一个环节。产品生命周期体现了产品销售历史中的不同阶段。与各个阶段相对应的是与销售策略和利润潜量有关的不同的机会和问题。公司通过确定其产品所处阶段或将要进入的阶段制定更好的市场销售计划。房地产销售的阶段性非常强,主要分为:内部认购期、公开销售期、尾盘销售期等关键销售阶段,如何把握好整体的销售进度节奏、<WP=4>步骤与策略调整,体现了现场操作人员整体的控制能力、对竞争对手做出反应的调整能力,对顾客需求发生变化的洞察力,及对利润变化所做出的反应能力。从某种角

【Abstract】 In the swift development of China’s real estate market, it is imperative that the real estate enterprise sets up an effective enterprise management system because the enterprise can never cease its steps in the pursuit for higher profits and successes in the competition. As a management measure in the ultimate realization of the enterprise’s gains target, sales management not only displays an important function inside the enterprise, but also plays an essential role in the realization of the sales aims as it faces broad end purchasers, exchanges and conveys information as well as guides consumers accordingly.In the present paper, the author presents a full set of sales management methods that have ample operability, as the author was a civil engineer in architecture, real estate development manager. From the range and width of the past professional career, through extensive contacts and idea exchanges with certified planners, architects, engineers, real estate developers, governmental agencies, builders, marketing agencies, property administration companies, house purchasers and other cycles, consulting statistics and data of other related industries, market investigation reports of the line from governmental authorities as well as related records and summaries in real estate development the author has personally collected, taking into account management theories in the industrial and commercial management textbooks, particularly marketing management theory and human resources theory, the author has carried out propounding deliberation, investigation, analysis, research on the sales status-quo of China’s real estate market. Combining theory with practice, the author uses the process as a test on the study results the author has undertaken these two years so as to uplift the management capability in the days to come.The sales management falls into the category of the management studies and is an important part of the marketing management in the market. The sales management has ample operability and can be employed to guide daily management of the sales work. The sales management of the real estate market has various links such as the making of work plan, market investigation, effective administration on sales personnel, decision and realization of advertisements on mass media, standardization of daily work procedure and sales locality work procedure, standardization of sales locality transaction procedure, implementation of sales promotion program, control on the progress of the sales stages, etc. Among other things, the links of effective administration on sales personnel, decision and realization of advertisements on mass media, standardization of daily work procedure and sales, locality work procedure, control on the progress of the sales stages are the most important links in the sales management of the real estate market. In the present paper, the author has made analysis on and inquiry into the management details of the mentioned sales links and worked out a set of effective management methods.From the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the real estate industry was subjected to the control of the planned economy. The industry was shrinking and remained quiet for a total of 30 years. In the year of 1978, China adopted economic<WP=6>reform and opening to the outside. Since then, China’s real estate industry has embarked on a road of constant development. The industry has been growing out of nothing, from small to large and has passed four stages of recovery, slow development, abnormal development and readjustment. Around the year of 1997, China successfully realized a soft landing for her national economy. To ensure a sustainable increase of the national economy, the central government adopted the positive financial policy so as to push the economic development through increasing investment while housing consumption was placed on a most important place, being treated as a fresh growth point in the national economy and a new hot consumption point in the country. A series of related

【关键词】 房地产市场销售主要环节管理
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1387