

【作者】 栾贻爱

【导师】 李晓明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 教育的根本宗旨是养成一定的人格。人格是一个历史范畴,不同的时代有不同的人格观。现代社会的发展和人自身的发展,要求必须从传统的依附人格转变为独立人格。因此,教育中必须确立独立人格观。担负母语教育的语文学科作为最基础的学科也不例外。基于此,本文试图在反思我国目前语文教学中人格建构现状的基础上,剖析问题的根源,并对如何在语文教学改革中建构独立人格进行初步探讨。 论文由三部分组成: 第一部分,独立人格的涵义。从对人格涵义的哲学界定入手,指出健康的独立人格应具有良好的自我意识;独立的思考能力、价值判断能力及主体选择能力;强烈的社会责任感和道德义务感。 第二部分,语文教学中建构独立人格的可能性和紧迫性。首先,结合语文学科的特点,从本体论层面上阐述了语文学科在独立人格建构中的独特作用;其次,从语文教学目标、语文教学内容、语文教学方式、语文教学评价四个方面反思了目前我国人格建构的现状,指出依附性人格观的存在主要是与传统文化和近代科学主义思潮的影响有关。 第三部分,在语文教学改革中建构独立人格。这一部分是本文的重心所在。主要从语文教学目标、语文教学内容、语文教学方式和语文教学评价四个维度阐述了如何改革语文教学以有利于独立人格的建构。

【Abstract】 The basic aim of education is to cultivate the certain personality. Personality is a historical category, and different ages contain different personality viewpoints. The developments of the modem society and the person himself request the change from traditional attachable personality to independent personality. Therefore, independent personality viewpoint must be established in the education. Science of Chinese language as the most fundmental course that takes on the education of the mother tougue is without exception. Therefore, this thesis will try to analyse the source of the question on the basis of having a thorough thought about the condition of constructing personality at present, and approach preliminarily how to contruct independent personality in the Chinese teaching reformation.The thesis consists of three parts:Part One, the connotation of independent personality. The thesis puts forward that the healthy independent personality should have self_consciousness, the ability of considering independently, value judgment ability and corpus choice ability; strong sense of the social responsibility and the sense of the moral duty from the aspect of the philosophical definition of the personality connotation.Part Two, the possibility and urgency of consructing independent personality in the Chinese teaching. Firstly, by combining the characteristics of Science of Chinese language, it expounds the special advantage of constructing independent personality from the ontology level in the Chinese teaching; secondly, it has a thorough thought about the condition of constructing personality at present in our country from the goal, the content, the way and the evaluation of the Chinese teaching, and points out that the existence of the attachable personality viewpoint mainly has been affected by the traditional culture and the current of scientific thought in modem age.Part Three, the construction of independent personality in Chineseteaching reformation. This part is a textual center of gravity place. It mainly expounds reformation of Chinese teaching which will do much good to the construction of independent personality from the four degrees of latitude of the goal, the content, the way and the evaluation of the Chinese teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】271