

Options in Coping with Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety

【作者】 吴冠宇

【导师】 魏立明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是一项有关外语课堂上情感焦虑的研究。自从克拉中的情感过滤假说提出以来,焦虑问题引起国内外外语教育者的关注,其中一项很有影响的定性研究是知名学者Amy B.M.Tsui所作的《第二语言学习中的沉默与外语课堂焦虑》的调查。 本项研究是在Amy B.M.Tsui(1985)研究的基础上,进一步验证外语课堂焦虑产生的原因和解决外语课堂焦虑的策略。Amy B.M.Tsui选择的受试对象是中学英语教师。而以国内普通工科院校的非英语专业学生为受试对象的研究廖廖无几。此项研究旨在为这一领域的研究提供相关的实证数据和建议。 论文分为五章,前两章阐述了外语课堂焦虑的定义,归因以及该领域研究的进展状况。第三章和第四章陈述了本文所从事的研究:目标、对象、工具、方法以及数据的结果与分析。研究表明,由于学生的英语水平、认知风格和文化、教育背景的不同,Amy B.M.Tsui得出的产生课堂焦虑的五个因素和解决焦虑的五点策略只适合大学外语课堂环境中的部分学生。据此笔者提出五点个人建议,为从事普通工科院校非英语专业教学的实践教师解决外语课堂焦虑问题提供一些可选择的策略。

【Abstract】 This thesis is a project on foreign language classroom anxiety. Since Krashen put forward the affective filter hypothesis, more and more concern has been paid to the anxiety problem by foreign language educators and researchers at home and aboard. Among them, one qualitative research in Reticence and Anxiety in Second Language Learning by Amy B. M. Tusi stood out and received much attention.My project intends to justify the causes for foreign language classroom anxiety and corresponding strategies, based on the research of Amy B. M. Tusi (1985). The subjects in Tsui’s project are English teachers in secondary school. Little research has been done on non-English-major students in the general university of technology in mainland of China. Therefore, this thesis will provide some practical data and suggestions for the research in this field.The whole thesis consists of five chapters. The first two chapters mainly discuss the definition, the causes of foreign language classroom anxiety and current research in this field. The third and the fourth parts focus on the research in this thesis: objects, subjects, instruments, methodology and data results and analysis. The study shows that because of the difference in English proficiency level, style of cognition, culture, and educational background among students, five factors and five strategies for foreign language classroom anxiety proposed by Amy B. M. Tusi only fit some students in college English class. Based on the data results, five personal proposals are put forward, and I hope theseproposals will provide some options for practicing English teachers of non-English-major instruction in the general university technology to cope with foreign language anxiety.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】446