

【作者】 曲新艺

【导师】 张强;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 速度滑冰是北方冬季运动的主要项目,是北方体育院系的必修课,在教学中如何建构以先进的教育理念为指导的教学模式,已成为速度滑冰教学改革的关键。合作教学模式自提出以来得到世界范围的重视和推广,它的成功之处对体育院系的教学,特别是速度滑冰课的教学改革,有很好的借鉴作用。 本研究运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、实验法等,从教学模式的发展趋势、体育教学模式的国内外研究现状、合作教学模式蕴涵的理论、教学目标、运行的条件、教学策略、评价以及速度滑冰的教学特点等方面进行深入分析,认为合作教学模式应用于体育院系速度滑冰教学中是可行的。通过合作教学模式运用于速度滑冰教学实践证明:合作教学在学生技评、讲解示范、观察分析解决问题、评价等能力的提高以及改善人际关系、学习态度等方面,优于传统教学模式,使学生做到“在学习中合作,在合作中学习”,特别是在素质教育形势下,对培养学生合作能力、创新精神和实践能力有独到之处。合作教学模式不仅适用于体育院系速度滑冰教学,而且为其它体育学科教学,特别是体能主导类周期性运动项目的实践教学改革提供参考。

【Abstract】 As speed skating is the main event for northerners in winter, it’s the compulsory course for the colleges or departments of physical education in northern China. Then how to construct the teaching patterns that are directed by the advanced educational idea has become the key to speed skating teaching reformation. Now that the cooperative teaching pattern was advanced, it has been emphasized and popularized worldwide and has provided reference for the teaching in colleges of physical education, especially for the teaching reformation of speed skating.This study explores the feasibility of application of cooperative teaching patterns to speed skating teaching by a comprehensive study such as: document-studying, expert-interviewing, questionaire and experiments which covers the developing tendency of teaching pattern of P.E. both inside and outside China and the theory, purpose, conditions, strategies, appraisal and teaching characteristics contained and implied in this cooperative teaching pattern. The recult that the cooperative teaching pattern applies to speed skating teaching practice proves that the cooperative teaching pattern is superior to the traditional one in appraisal of students’ skills, the illustration and demonstration, the improvement of their ability to observe, analyse and solve problems, evaluation and betterment of their interpersonal relationships and their attitudes towards study, which enables the students "to cooperate in learning and to learn in cooperation."In the circumstances of quality education, in particular, the teaching pattern has its unique function on students’ cooperative ability, innovative spirit and practical capacity. Not only can the cooperative teaching pattern1Uapply to speed skating teaching in physical education, but also can provide reference to the teaching of the courses, especially to the practical courses of periodical stamina-oriented sports events.

  • 【分类号】G86
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】344