

【作者】 刘艳

【导师】 董小川;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 一般认为,新教是当代美国宗教生活中影响力最大的教派之一,福音派是新教的一个主要派别,不仅在当今的宗教生活中,而且在美国社会政治生活中发挥着越来越大的作用。事实上,通过建国前后的两次大觉醒运动,福音派在美国社会政治中从来都扮演着十分重要的角色,特别是在美国内战前的政治生活中,起到了十分关键的作用。 19世纪上半期是美国社会发生巨大转变的时期,民主化、工业化、城市化进程迅速。这一时期美国社会矛盾错综复杂,罗马天主教移民与新教、奴隶制与反奴隶制问题等等。这段历史为以后的美国历史定下了基调,政党制度形成并逐渐成熟,奠定了现代两党制度的基础。奴隶制度的存废问题被提上议事日程。在面临这些重大、甚至关乎国家命运的问题上,福音派都起到了重要的作用。 本文试图对美国政党政治形成与黑人奴隶制废除过程中新教福音派所起的作用做以探讨,以窥今日福音派与美国政治关系之历史轨迹。 论文结构如下:在引言部分旨在阐述本文的时代背景,概述18世纪末以来美国宗教、政治和经济发展状况及本文希望达到的目标。正文由三个部分组成。 第一部分:美国福音新教的欧洲根源,主要追溯了由欧洲宗教改革时期福音新教的产生;新教在英属殖民地时期及美国的发展以及福音派的神学及政治主张。 第二部分:福音派与美国政党政治,主要论述美国政党制度的形成;福音派与政党政治及其在美国政治生活中发挥作用的原因与方式。 第三部分:福音派与奴隶制问题,阐述了南北教会因奴隶制问题引发的宗教与经济观念上的分歧,从而导致的分裂及其对内战的影响。

【Abstract】 As one of the main elements of Protestantism that is the influential denomination in modern United States, evangelical Christian has been playing a very important role since nineteen century. Through twice Great Awakenings, evangelical churches were the largest institutions in American society that shaped attitudes toward daily life, as well as to religious questions.The antebellum period was the time of American social transformation, which was transition to democratization, industrialization and urbanization. At that time, the contradictions of America were very sharp, immigrants of Catholic Churches and Protestants, slavery and anti-slavery. So it is a very important period that exerted a tremendous influence for the history of America, such as, the modern party system came into being and the issue of slavery had to be confronted.This dissertation analyses the relationship between American evangelicals and the party system and slavery to value the evangelicals Christian of America before Civil War.In the preface, the author explained the background of American Protestants and evangelicals and the economic and social development of that period. And the aim of this article wants to be arrived at. The main body of the dissertation is composed of three parts.Part one: the European resources of American evangelicals, the development of evangelicals in the United States and the doctrines of theirs.Part Two: Evangelicals and the Party politics of America. Including: the forming of the American party system and the evangelicals’ attitudes toward the party and their political action.Part Three: Evangelicals and American slavery. The issue on American slavery and the different economic views of the evangelicals ofthe South and the North. The struggles of black churches were against slavery and the impact of the division of the evangelicals toward the Civil War.

  • 【分类号】K712
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】454