

【作者】 田勇

【导师】 周晓红;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 改革是教育发展的动力,也是激活教师队伍的一种有效途径。而在教育改革中如何用科学的制度调动广大教师的工作积极性又是重中之重。本文从中小学内部管理体制改革方面入手,根据中国入世后21世纪社会发展对教师队伍建设的新要求,尝试在中小学教育体制改革中对教师进行“双聘制”的初步研究。在结合国内外先期研究成果的基础上,阐述了中小学教师任用制度存在的弊端,详尽介绍了实施中小学教师“双聘制”的科学性、合理性、必要性,及其实施“双聘制”的现实意义,同时,针对如何更好地实施“双聘制”提出了具体的思路及带来的思考,对促进教师队伍的工作积极性有一定参考价值。但作为一种尝试,鞍山市中小学教师“双聘制”改革的研究尚处初级阶段,还有许多未知领域有待进一步探讨与研究。 本文对中小学教师“双聘制”的探讨与研究主要以教育体制改革的必然性、实施“双聘制”的理论基础及实施“双聘制”所引发的思考等几方面内容,理论联系实际,进行了比较系统的论述与研究,试图为中小学教师任用制度改革提供一种竞争原则下的操作模式。

【Abstract】 Reform is the power of the educational development and it is also an effective method to arouse teacher troops. In the educational reform it’s the most important to use scientific system to motivate the work zeal of all teachers. This text is designed for the reform of the internal management system from the primary and junior high schools and tries to do the basic research into the "Double Hire System" among teachers in the reform of the educational system in the primary and junior high schools to meet the new demand of the construction of teacher troops in the social development after China’ entry into WTO in the 21st century. On the base of early domestic and international research results, the text states the drawbacks that exist in the system of employment in the primary and junior high schools and also gives details of its science, rationality and necessity in the employment of "Double Hire System" and the real significance in employing "Double Hire System", at the same time it gives the specific ways and also the thinking that it brings. In view of how to employ "Double Hire System" better and it has certain referent values to motivate the work zeal of the teacher troops. But as a kind of trial the study of "Double Hire System" reform in An Shan primary and junior high schools is still on its early stage, there are still quite a lot of unknown fields to be further discussed and studied.This text mainly in voles the following aspects, including the inquiry into "Double Hire System" in primary and junior high schools and the study of the necessity of the educational system reform, the theoretical foundation of employing this system and the thought it arouses. This text combines theory with practice and gives a more systematic statement and research .It tries to offer a kind of practical method for the reform ofemploying system in the primary and junior high schools under the rule of competition.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】1
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